2012-04-16 (TV2): Breivik Trial: Day 01: Prosecutors Indictment & Breivik Testimony:
Oslo District Court: #: 11-188627 MED-05 | 16 April 2012 | Breivik Report/TV2.NO

Anders Breivik Behring b. 2/13/1979: pursuant to Penal Code § 39 indicted by the Oslo District Court for the acquisition of a judgment on the transfer to compulsory mental health care, see Mental Health Act, Chapter 5, in a psychotic state to have made an otherwise criminal act, namely the violation of: Penal Code § 147a, first paragraph, a and b, see § § 148 first paragraph, first sentence and 233 alternate first and second paragraph of having committed a terrorist act, by violating Penal Code § 148 first paragraph, first sentence alternative (to cause cracking whereby loss of life or widespread destruction of foreign property can be easily caused) and Penal Code § 233 subsections (premeditated murder and there are particularly aggravating circumstances), with the intent to interfere seriously a function of fundamental importance in society, as the executive authority, or cause serious fear in a population. Friday 22 July 2011 parked Breivik a VW Crafter van outside the entrance to the high-rise government quarter at about 15.17. It was at this point at least 250 people in high-rise building and the surrounding ministerial offices. In addition, there were approx. 75 people in the streets around. In the car he had placed a bomb on approx. 950 kg, consisting among others of fertilizer, diesel and aluminum. He ignited the fuse and left the site on foot before he ran earlier deployed getaway car, a Fiat Duplo. The bomb exploded at. 15.25.22. The bomb caused massive material destruction of the buildings nearby.
Breivik: - The aim of the attack in Oslo was to kill the entire government and the Prime Minister. I realized that an attack in the joint would not be appropriate. A Monday would be the best, during a Monday meeting.
Holden: - But employees in the building. Were the desired objectives?
Breivik: - High density housing is the most attractive political target in Norway. It is well known among the PST. The assessment is absolutely correct. When the NATO bombing of Libya or elsewhere, calculates those with less than ten percent civilians killed. It was my goal too. The goal as a whole is a legitimate target. [..] It is the most attractive target. There are no cafes or shops, and few civilians walking around.
Prosecutors Engh: - Those who do not fall in civil, what are they?
Breivik: - As I have described it in the compendium, I have categorized in three groups. I have divided it into A, B and C traitors. They are all political activists. [..] Journalists, academics and politicians who work for mulikulturalisme are all targets. [..] All the news agencies in Norway supports multikulturialisme. They are all political activists.
Trial: 16 April 2012: Day 1:
8:55 Anders Breivik Behring has now arrived in court.
8:57 Breivik makes the clenched fist salute and gets to sit in court without handcuffs. He spends minutes before the judges to clarify their notes.
8:58 He placed between defenders Geir Lippestad and Vibeke Hein berries.
8:59 The first thing to see is that the court should be set. Then the judge to present the case and all the players before the disqualification shall be clarified.
9:01 The court starts exactly at 9
9:02 Prosecutors and defenders are presented. Full overview of the different players you see here
9:05 Breivik: I do not acknowledge the court. It is also known that you are a close friend of Hanne Harlem.
9:06 He adds, however, not yet a formal complaint about the judge.
9:08 The judge is now moving through the current program.
9:09 Breivik must now stand up. He says that he is a writer and works from the prison.
9:09 Prosecutors now have the word, to read out the indictment.
9:10 Anders Breivik Behring b. 2/13/1979
9:10 pursuant to Penal Code § 39 indicted by the Oslo District Court for the acquisition of a judgment on the transfer to compulsory mental health care, see Mental Health Act, Chapter 5, in a psychotic state to have made an otherwise criminal act, namely the violation of:
9:10 Penal Code § 147a, first paragraph, a and b, see § § 148 first paragraph, first sentence and 233 alternate first and second paragraph:
9:11 of having committed a terrorist act, by violating Penal Code § 148 first paragraph, first sentence alternative (to cause cracking whereby loss of life or widespread destruction of foreign property can be easily caused) and Penal Code § 233 subsections (premeditated murder and there are particularly aggravating circumstances),
9:11 with the intent to interfere seriously a function of fundamental importance in society, as the executive authority, or cause serious fear in a population.
9:11 Friday 22 July 2011 parked Breivik a VW Crafter van outside the entrance to the high-rise government quarter at about 15.17.
9:12 It was at this point at least 250 people in high-rise building and the surrounding
9:12 ministerial offices. In addition, there were approx. 75 people in the streets around.
9:12 In the car he had placed a bomb on approx. 950 kg, consisting among others of fertilizer, diesel and aluminum.
9:12 He ignited the fuse and left the site on foot before he ran earlier deployed getaway car, a Fiat Duplo.
9:12 The bomb exploded at. 15.25.22. The bomb caused massive material destruction of the buildings nearby.
9:13 The explosion killed eight people, he:
9:13 Jon Vegard Lervåg, born 1979
9:13 He found himself at the entrance to the high-rise building, close to the van and died instantly of massive injuries caused by the shock wave and shrapnel / objects that struck him.
9:13 Ida Marie Hill, born 1977
9:14 Hanne Ekroll Løvlie, born 1981
9:14 She was off the entrance to the tower block, and died quickly of the extensive injuries to the head and body caused by the shock wave and shrapnel / objects that hit her.
9:14 Annelise Holter, born 1959
9:14 She was in the reception area on the first floor of the tower block, and died instantly of extensive damage in the neck and spinal cord caused by the shock wave and shrapnel / objects
9:14 who met her.
9:15 Hanne Marie Orvik Endresen, born 1950
9:15 She was in the lobby on the first floor of the tower block, and died instantly of extensive
9:15 damages in the chest and abdomen caused by the shock wave and shrapnel / objects that hit her.
9:15 Kjersti Berg Sand, born 1984
9:15 She was in the reception area on the first floor of the tower block, and died instantly of massive injuries to the head and body caused by the shock wave and shrapnel / objects that hit her.
9:15 Kai Hauge, born 1978
9:15 He was in Grubbegaten high-rise building at the entrance to the main entrance, and died instantly of massive injuries to the head, chest and abdomen caused by the pressure wave and
9:15 splints / objects that struck him.
9:16 Tove Knutsen Åshill, 1954
9:16 She was located near the fountain of Einar Gerhardsen place, and soon died of extensive injuries on the neck and chest caused by the shock wave and shrapnel / objects that hit her.
9:16 During the explosion, he tried also to kill a large number of people who were in high-rise building and the street level around. He failed, but nine people suffered serious physical injuries:
9:19 Vidar Vestli, born 1949. He was near the fountain of Einar Gerhardsen place.
9:19 Tone With Mary, f 1964. She was located near the fountain of Einar Gerhardsen place.
9:19 Eivind Dahl Thoresen, born 1986. Was in Grubbegaten by Einar Gerhardsen place.
9:19 Harald Føsker, born 1944. He was on the fifth floor of the tower block, in an office at Grubbegaten.
9:21 Anne Helene Lund, born 1987. Was in the lobby on the first floor of the high-rise.
9:21 Sissel Wilsgård, born 1950. Was the seventh floor of the tower block.
9:21 Line Benedikte Nersnæs, born 1961. Was the eleventh floor of the high-rise.
9:22 Kristian Rasmussen, born 1980. He was the second floor of R4, in an office at Grubbegaten.
9:22 Tore Raasok, born 1956. He was on Johan Nygaardsvold space between high-rise building and Akersgata.
9:23 In addition, at least 200 others injured by the explosion. These would include cuts, broken bones and hearing loss.
9:23 Many of the injured and others who were nearby as well as survivors / relatives have had psychological repercussions.
9:23 Bomb explosion led to a number of government offices (Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Justice and Police, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Health and Care Services, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education) does not
9:23 be used.
9:24 These ministries were not able to attend and perform their duties as the executive authority before it was after a certain time.
9:24 The explosion caused severe fear in parts of the population.
9:24 II
9:24 Penal Code § 147a, first paragraph b, see § 233, first and second paragraphs
9:24 of having committed a terrorist act, by violating Penal Code § 233 subsections (premeditated murder and there are particularly aggravating circumstances), with the intent to cause serious fear in a population.
9:24 After performing the actions of the Government buildings, drove Breivik to Hole Municipality, where he knew that Labour Youth held its traditional summer camp at Utøya. It was then 564 people on the island.
9:25 He was wearing a uniform-like outfit and pretended to be a policeman. He brought with him including a semiautomatic rifle and a semiautomatic pistol. He was transported to Utøya on board the ferry M / S Thorbjorn, and arrived at approx. at. 17.15.
9:25 Before he was arrested by the police about. at. 18.35, he shot at a number of people who found themselves on the island, in the water or aboard ships, including civilians who came to the rescue, and those at risk of immediate death.
9:25 There was panic and fear of death in children, adolescents and adults during the shooting. This was reinforced by the fact that there were limited opportunities to flee or hide. While he was moving around all over the island he shot at people who fled and hid themselves and / or that he brought out with information that the police had arrived.
9:26 He killed 69 people, of which 67 were struck by the fatal shot, fired with the described weapon. Two people died of injuries from falling and / or drowning while trying to get away without being hit by shots.
9:26 Trond Berntsen, born 12 May 1960
9:26 He was the Information House and the pier. Berntsen died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
9:26 Monica Elizabeth Bosei, born 20 January 1966
9:26 She was located between the Information House and the pier. She died of gunshot wounds to the head.
9:28 Rune Havdal, born 16 December 1967
9:28 He found himself between the information the House and Café building. Havdal died of gunshot injuries.
9:28 Hanne Anette Fjalestad Balch, born 13 October 1967
9:28 She was located outside the main entrance to the café building.
9:29 Snorre Haller, born 29 April 1981
9:29 He found himself outside the main entrance to the café building.
9:29 Haller died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:29 Rolf Christopher Johansen Perreau, born 9 June 1986
9:31 Steinar Jessen, born 17 January 1995.
9:31 He was located near the outdoor stage at the Café building.
9:31 Jessen died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
9:31 Birgitte Smetbak, born 25 February 1996
9:32 Gunnar LINAK, born 07 July 1988.
9:32 He was on the campsite southwest of Café building. Gunshot wounds in the head medførteøyeblikkelig consciousness and died the day after LINAK at Oslo University Hospital of injuries in the head.
9:32 Margaret Boyum Clubs, born 3 March 1995
9:32 She was in the doorway between the hall and Lille Grand Hall of Café building. Clover died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:34 Guro Vartdal Håvoll, born 17 June 1993
9:34 She was in the Minor Hall of the Café building. Håvoll died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest / abdomen.
9:34 Ronja Sweet Johansen, born 3 February 1994. She was in the Minor Hall of the Café building. Johansen died of gunshot wounds in the head and chest / abdomen.
9:34 Mona Abdinur, born 3 February 1993. She was in the Minor Hall of the Café building. Abdinur died of gunshot wounds to the head.
9:35 Sondre Driving, born 16 June 1994. He was in the Minor Hall of the Café building. Driving died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
9:35 Bendik Rosnæs Ellingsen, born 26 January 1993. He was in the Minor Hall of the Café building. Ellingsen died of gunshot injuries in the head and neck spinal column.
9:35 Eivind Hovden, born 26 January 1996.
9:35 He was in the Great Hall of Café building. Hovden died of gunshot wounds to the head.
9:37 Lene Maria Bergum, born 16 March 1992. She was in the Great Hall of Café building. Bergum died of gunshot injuries in the head and neck.
9:37 Elisabeth Trønnes Lie, born 9 March 1995. She was in the Great Hall of Café building. Lie died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:37 Henrik André Pedersen, born 19 February 1984.
9:37 He was in the Great Hall of Café building. Pedersen died of gunshot injuries.
9:38 Ida Beathe Rogne, born 8 november 1993.
9:38 She was in the Great Hall of Café building. Rogne died of gunshot injuries in the head / face.
9:38 Aleksander Aas Eriksen, born 29 august 1994. He was in the corridor in the Little Hall of the Café building. Eriksen died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:38 Eva Kathinka Lütken, born 3 July 1994. She was on the Love Trail. Lütken died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:39 Tore Eikeland, born 18 May 1990. He was on the Love Trail. Eikeland died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:39 Tarald Kuven Mjelde, born 23 January 1993. He was on the Love Trail. Mjelde died of gunshot injuries.
9:40 Norwegian Life and Mary Johannesen, born 24 March 1994.
9:40 She was on the Love Trail. Johannesen died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:40 Monica Didriksen Iselin, born 18 February 1993.
9:40 She was on the Love Trail. Didriksen died of gunshot injuries in the head / neck / neck.
9:41 Asta Sofie Dahl Helland, born 19 november 1994. She was on the Love Trail. Dahl died of gunshot wounds to the head.
9:41 Anders Kristiansen, born 30 January 1993. He was on the Love Trail. Kristiansen died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:42 Bano Abobakar Rashid, born 28 December 1992. She was on the Love Trail. Rashid died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:42 Andreas Edvardsen, born 30 november 1992. He was on the Love Trail. Edvardsen died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:43 Silje Hagen Stamnes, born 15 May 1993. She was on the Love Trail. Stamnes Hagen died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:43 Sondre Furseth Dale, born 19 February 1994. He was in the water between the slope below the trail and Love Naked ruins. Dale died of gunshot wounds in the chest with forblødning.
9:44 Simon Sæbø, born 25 July 1992. He was in the area at the slope below Kjærlighetsstien. Sæbø died of gunshot wounds in the chest.
9:44 Modupe Awoyemi Ellen, born 14 august 1995. She was in the top of the slope below Kjærlighetsstien. Awoyemi died of gunshot injuries.
9:45 Sharidyn Meegan Ngahiwi Svebakk-Bohn, born 17 July 1997.
9:45 She was in the area at the slope below Kjærlighetsstien. Svebakk-Bohn died of gunshot injuries in the chest with internal and external blood loss.
9:45 Marianne Sandvik, born 14 March 1995. She was in the area at the slope below Kjærlighetsstien. Sandvik died of bullet injuries forblødning from the abdomen.
9:46 Gizem Dogan, born 1 May 1994. She was in the woods east of School House. Dogan died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:47 John MUO, born 5 november 1996. He was in the woods east of School House. MUO died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
9:47 Even Flugstad Malmedal, born 6 December 1992
9:47 He was in the water at the Proud Mountain. Malmedal died of gunshot wounds to the head.
9:47 Syvert Knudsen, born 21 august 1993. He found himself at Pride Mountain. Knudsen died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
9:48 Synne Røyneland, born 18 January 1993. She was at the Pride Mountain, probably in the water / water edge. Røyneland died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:49 Torjus Jakobsen Blatt Male, born 19 september 1993. He was the Bolshevik. Blatt Man died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:49 Ingrid Berg Heggelund, born 20 september 1992. She was located by the Bolshevik. Heggelund died of gunshot injuries in the neck / head and the abdomen / chest.
9:50 Isabel Victoria Sogn Green, born 18 March 1994. She was located by the Bolshevik. Sogn died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:50 Guys Mustafa Qasim, born 22 February 1992. He was the Bolshevik. Quasim died of gunshot wounds in the chest.
9:51 Carina Borgund, born 25 March 1993. She was located by the Bolshevik. Borgund died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
9:51 Hard to hear the detailed descriptions of how young people and adults outright execution of Utøya. Some survivors crying while the indictment read out. Set in the auditorium.
9:51 Tina Sukuvara, born 2 september 1992. She was in the area at the Pump House. Sukuvara died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:52 Ruth Benedichte Vatndal Nilsen, born 1 October 1995. She was in the area at the Pump House. Nilsen died of bullet injuries forblødning from the abdomen.
9:53 Henrik Rasmussen, born 18 February 1993. He was in the area at the Pump House. Rasmussen died of gunshot injuries in the head and back / chest.
9:53 Espen Jørgensen, born 6 June 1994. He was in the area at the Pump House. Jorgensen died of gunshot injuries in the chest and abdomen.
9:53 Porntip Ardam, born 18 January 1990. She was at the Pump House. Ardam died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:54 Margido Thomas Antonsen, born 25 June 1995. He found himself at the Pump House. Antonsen died of gunshot injuries in the head and neck.
9:54 Ismail Haji Ahmed, born 23 august 1991. He found himself at the Pump House. Ahmed died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:54 Fredrik Lund Schjetne, born 16 august 1992. He found himself at the Pump House. Schjetne died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:55 Hanne Kristine Fridtun, born 15 august 1991. She was at the Pump House. Fridtun died of gunshot wounds in the head and chest.
9:56 Emil Okkenhaug, born 2 november 1995. He found himself at the Pump House .. Okkenhaug died of gunshot wounds to the head.
9:56 Havard-lived house, born 10 november 1989. He found himself at the Pump House. Lived house died of gunshot wounds in the neck and chest.
9:56 Victoria Stenberg, born 23 October 1993. She was at the Pump House. Stenberg died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
9:57 Sverre Fleet Bjørkavåg, born 1 January 1983. He was in the area at the Pump House. Bjørkavåg died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:57 The four expert witnesses included the defendant as the indictment read out. He continues to show no emotion. Looking down and watching a print of his indictment.
9:57 Diderik Aamodt Olsen, born 3 June 1992. He was in the area of ??the pump casing, the water's edge or in the water. Olsen died of drowning.
9:58 Liparteliani tame, born 7 January 1988. She was located on the waterfront at Sydspissen. Liparteliani died of gunshot injuries in the back.
9:58 Kevin Berland Daae, born 24 June 1996. He was on the water's edge on Sydspissen. Berland died of gunshot injuries in the head and neck.
9:58 Karin Elena Holst, born 18 august 1995. She was located on the waterfront at Sydspissen. Holst died of gunshot injuries in the head.
9:59 Rafal Mohamad Jamil Jamil, born 5 March 1991. She was located on the waterfront at Sydspissen. Jamil died of gunshot injuries in the head and neck.
9:59 Andrine hills Espeland, born 30 July 1994. She was located on the waterfront at Sydspissen. Espeland died of gunshot injuries in the head and chest.
10:00 Earl Odegaard, born 18 May 1994. He fled the island by a swim, but died of drowning.
10:00 Andrew Dalby Grønnesby, born 16 July 1994. He fled and fell off a cliff at the western tip of the island and into the water. Grønnesby died from fall injuries and / or drowning.
10:01 In addition to the above murder, he tried to kill a lot of people, without success. During murder trials he shot and injured 33 people:
10:01 Silja Christ Utengen Anne, born 1991
10:01 She was on the tent.
10:01 Lars Green City, born in 1991
10:01 He was on the tent.
10:02 Frida Holm Skoglund, born 1992
10:02 She was on the tent.
10:02 Ane jump Evenmo, born in 1994
10:02 She was on the tent.
10:02 Sophie Blomstrand Figenschou, born 1996
10:02 She was on the tent.
10:03 Martha-John Svendsen, born 1995
10:03 She was on the tent.
10:04 Injured: Julie Size Held Iversen, born 1994. She was on the tent.
10:04 Injured: Ina Rangone Libak, born 1989. She was in the Minor Hall of the Café building.
10:04 Injured: Ingvild exchanger Stensrud, born 1994. She was in the Minor Hall of the Café building.
10:05 Injured: Jonas Alexander Lubinski Johansen, born 1993. He was in the Minor Hall of the Café building.
10:06 Injured: Glenn Martin Waldenstrom, born 1991. He was in the Minor Hall of the Café building.
10:06 Injured: Elise Waage, born 1990. She was in the doorway between the hall and the corridor Lille in the Café building.
10:07 Injured: Hussein Kazemi, born 1992. He was first in the Great Hall of Café building. He fled from there to the southern tip of the island.
10:08 Injured: Male Hestø Ness, born 1992. She was in the Great Hall of Café building.
10:08 Injured: Martha Fevang Smith, born 1994. She was on the Love Trail.
10:09 Injured: Martha Gustavsen Ødegården, born 1993. She was on a rock ledge on the cliffs below Kjærlighetsstien.
10:10 Injured: Viljar Robert Christian Hansen, born 1993. He was in the water below Kjærlighetsstien.
10:11 Injured: Eirin Kristin Kjaer, born 1992. She was located between the waterfront and the Love Trail.
10:12 Injured: Espen Myklebust, born 1993. He was in the water under the Love Trail.
10:12 Injured: Cathrine Trønnes Small, born 1994. She was located on the cliffs below Kjærlighetsstien.
10:13 Injured: Ylva Helen Schwenke, born 1996. She was located on the cliffs below Kjærlighetsstien.
10:14 Injured: Male Aminda Follies, born 1994. She was on a rock ledge on the cliffs below Kjærlighetsstien.
10:15 Injured: Tarjei Jensen Bech, born 1992. He found himself on a rock ledge on the cliffs below Kjærlighetsstien.
10:15 Injured: Andrine Johansen, born 1995. She was at the Pump House.
10:15 Injured: Mathias Eckhoff, born 1991. He found himself at the Pump House.
10:16 Injured: Hadi Mohamed Hamed, born 1990. He found himself at the Pump House.
10:17 Injured: Einar Bardal, born 1995. He was near the western tip.
10:17 33 people were killed by the defendant attempted. Detailed descriptions of serious injuries. Most will testify against Anders Breivik Behring.
10:17 Injured: Benjamin Eriksen, born 1996. He was near the western tip.
10:18 Injured: Adrian James Pracon, born 1989. He was on Sydspissen.
10:18 Injured: Cecilie Herlovsen, born 1994. She was on Sydspissen.
10:19 Injured: Ingela Heie, born 31 august 1993. She was on Sydspissen.
10:19 Injured: Alexandra Maeva Nourya Peltre, 1993. She was on Sydspissen.
10:20 Injured: Therese Berg, born 1993. She was on Sydspissen.
10:21 Other people who stayed on Utøya received physical injuries fractures, cuts, etc.. in their attempts to save himself and others.
10:21 In addition, many who found themselves on the island, survivors / relatives and people who came to the aid of boats and otherwise, had psychological after-effects of varying severity.
10:21 The actions of Utøya created serious fear in parts of the population.
10:22 "The defendant has committed very serious crimes to an extent not previously experienced in our country in modern times."
10:23 "In his own view is legitimate actions, and an obvious and apparent danger of a new serious crimes of the same nature is undoubtedly present."
10:23 "The needs of public protection requires judgment on the transfer to compulsory mental health care, and the terms of Penal Code § 39 paragraph 1 is oppfylt.Straffeloven § 49 shall apply on appealing lens mail In Section 9-17 and post II, item 70 to 102"
10:24 "This case is presented on the indictment date there is no basis for claiming extraordinary punishment, Penal Code § 44 first paragraph. "
10:24 "Prosecutors take an express reservation that it is still at trial can be closed claims imprisonment or custody with the time frame of 21 years, based on the overall presentation of evidence in court, the defendant and the defense must prepare for. In that case, the Penal Code § 62 to apply. "
10:25 Breivik recognize actions, but do not acknowledge guilt.
10:26 He invokes the principle of necessity. The court is now taking a 20 minute break.
10:37 After the break, the Attorney General Svein Holden start in their opening speeches. It is expected that it will take between three and four hours. There will be lunch break from 12.30 to 13.30. After Holden is complete, the defenders make their comments.
10:48 When is the right set and Holden get the word. It will be shown films and audio logs during the presentation. Some of the sequences will not be broadcast, because of the strong content.
10:50 Prosecutor Svein Holden is now starting at initial presentation. This is a description of what happened 22 July and the time before. It is estimated that Holden will spend nearly four hours.
10:54 Holden begins with the time period 1995 -2006. In light of the events of 22 July is the Breivik's alleged connection to the network Knights Templar is important.
10:57 This is one of the few points where the prosecutor and the defendant disagree about what actually took place. Holden: - We do not believe in this network.
10:59 The defendant scroll through a printout of the public prosecutor's opening argument. Smiling gently and make notes.
10:59 in 1995 Breivik lived with his mother in Oslo. In November 1997 he quit the Oslo Handel. He had got a job in Direct Response Center, where he engaged in telemarketing and customer service. He remained in this business until 2003. During the same period he established three companies.
11:01 The defendant smiled as the prosecutor talked about the company ran Breivik who sold fake diplomas. Make notes.
11:01 Started in 2003 Diploma Services, where he sold fake documents to certificates and diplomas. He earned good money in this business.
11:03 He moved for themselves. In 2005 he established the company E-commerce Group AS, where he drove sales of certificates and diplomas. He hired two people, and established an office in Pilestredet. However, discontinued operations in 2006.
11:04 He had established another company in 2004 in a tax haven, to keep the revenues from the Norwegian tax authorities. This company was liquidated in 2006.
11:05 Political activity: While Breivik went in the 2nd class in Oslo Handesgym he was a member of the Progress Party. He had several positions in local teams from 2001 to 2004. He was tvangsutmeldt in 2006, due to lack of fees.
11:06 In January 2006 he met for the first time in the Masonic Lodge. He is awarded the third degree in 2009, but is not particularly active in the environment.
11:07 in 2006, Breivik given up plans to be a financial supporter of the work against Islamization. He moves back to her mother in Hoffsveien at Skøyen in Oslo.
11:08 He has not paid work, but living on savings. He plays World of Warcraft, prepare manifest and make a series of elimination.
11:10 He plays World of Warcraft (WoW) full time for nearly a year. Holden gives the court an introduction to what WoW is about.
11:10 Prosecutors will show a picture of the room he lived at home with his mother at. Here he sat and played World of Warcraft full time in a year.
11:11 Breivik smile when Holden tells that his name was in the game justice.
11:11 Prosecutors now shows a screenshot of World of Warcraft on the big screen. The picture is secured from the PC to Behring Breivik.
11:15 Breivik's compendium: He has said he has been commissioned by the Knights Templar to write this manifesto. It is divided into three parts: 1) the historical part, with particular emphasis on describing Islam in Europe 2) ideological part 3) The military part, the reader is encouraged to take part in the war against Islam in Europe. Here Breivik written about the preparations for the 22 July. In Part 1 and 2 are mostly written by someone other than yourself Breivik.
11:17 Behring Breivik smile when the prosecutor shows the defendant has a picture taken of himself in uniform.
11:19 Holden shows off the image of Breivik in uniform, and one of Breivik with multiple effects that he used 22.7. In this picture he's wearing a brand labeled "Marxist Hunter".
11:20 It is also the image of the fake police uniforms who wore Breivik 22 July, and his fake ID cards.
11:25 Holden shows off pictures of Breivik's weapon, a rifle and a Glock pistol.
11:25 Breivik ran out of money in april 2011, and used almost exclusively credit for it. Signed a lease for the farm at Rena from 1 of May.
11:27 Holden shows off a number of pictures from Vålstua farm.
11:29 Breivik rented the farm because he wanted to produce the bomb in a suitable place. Breivik's explanation of the production of the bomb is detailed, and police believe the explanation is correct. The police conducted a test explosion of a bomb similar to the Brievik made. Holden put up images of the bomb.
11:30 Holden presents drawing of bomb construction.
11:32 The defendant keeps a close eye on the big screen and in his own copy of the introductory lecture. Make a few notes along the way.
11:35 Breivik have even taken pictures during the bomb production. These will also be presented to the court.
11:39 15. July brought Breivik bomb car from Avis in Oslo, and drove to Rena. 20. in July he drove the car down to Oslo with the main charge. He parked near his mother, and spent the night. The next day he took the train back to Rena, and taxi to the farm. So he drives the other car to Oslo, and park by her mother about 23:30. He has primary and secondary explosives.
11:41 On the morning of 22 July, he wakes up in the mother. He used the computer from 8 o'clock to 10:20. When the clock approaches midnight, he drives the getaway car Hammersborg where he solves the p-ticket at 12.03. He walks past the government quarter at 12.06, and is observed on the surveillance photos. He then takes a taxi from Stortorvet to the mother's apartment.
11:43 So, he loads up his video to YouTube. He claims that he made this film already in winter 2010. He made it by downloading images from the internet, and put them together with text and music. The music was from Age of Conan. Breivik's film was not sent out with the compendium. It lasts 12 minutes and 22 seconds.
11:45 After careful assessment, the prosecutors decided that the film must be shown to the court. This propaganda film will be broadcast on TV 2
11:45 After the movie, the Court will take the lunch break.
11:46 Prosecutors are now the propaganda film Behring Breivik in room 250
11:49 It is completely silent in the audience when the movie plays. The film consists of text, still images and music. The defendant provided when the film he has made plays.
11:53 The film is a manifesto of billedgjøring Behring Breivik sent out before he carried out the attacks.
11:56 Breivik cries in court during movie playback.
11:56 Anders Breivik Behring takes to tears. The face trembles when the movie plays. Taking to the face.
11:58 The film is finished. The court emphasized
11:59 Breivik cried during the film, but smiled after the court took a break. It is now up to lunch at 13
12:48 There are now 13 minutes to the public prosecutor Svein Holden to continue on his opening argument. He will then proceed with the course of events 22 July.
12:59 Breivik is now in place in court. He smiles broadly as he looks around the room.
13:01 Svein Holden talks on about 22 July: After Breivik had uploaded the movie on two sites, he sent out the manifesto for the extensive mailing list he had prepared.
13:03 Breivik sent email with attachments (wordfil) at 1409. 1002 emails were sent. Of these, 44 were part of different reasons, could not receive the email. He had collected 8,000 email addresses of four months.
13:05 After sending drove Breivik bomb car to its ministries.
13:06 Holden will show a film in about 15 minutes showing that the bomb goes off.
13:08 - The first part of the film can be broadcast, said Holden.
13:09 This section of the film is an animated presentation of events minutes before and after the bomb went off.
13:10 Now showing surveillance images from the ministries.
13:11 Breivik included on the film and smiles when he sees his own car drove.
13:12 We see Breivik leave your car and walk towards Hammersborg square.
13:14 The film now shows traffic around the high-rise building minutes before.
13:16 Breivik look excited when the movie shows that the bomb goes off. We see the massive devastation in the seconds after.
13:16 He swallowed several times and follow intense in the movie.
13:17 It is completely quiet in the hall.
13:18 The film shows the explosion from different angles.
13:20 It's completely quiet room 250 when surveillance photos from the government building on big screen. We'll see the tremendous explosion from several angles. The defendant sits up straight and watching videos.
13:23 The film shows a number of surveillance images, even from shops several hundred meters away as the crow flies.
13:23 Surveillance film is finished. Introduction The lecture continues.
13:24 In addition to the eight killed, nine people were seriously injured. Holden shows an overview of where these people were when the bomb went off.
13:28 There were also a number of other people nearby when the bomb went off. Many of them had physical and psychological injuries. Holden stressed that the charges apply to all these.
13:32 After placing the bomb car was Breivik to Utvika the getaway car, a Fiat Duplo. He arrived at 16.26. He waited on a private estate until 17 Then he drove down to the pier.
13:32 Holden put up images of the car. There was again a shotgun and a gun case in the luggage compartment.
13:33 Breivik made contact with staff in AUF, wearing a fake police uniform. The boat Thorbjorn was sent over from the island to pick up Breivik.
13:34 There are about 650 meters from the mainland to the island.
13:35 There were 564 people on Utøya as Breivik arrived.
13:37 Holden shows thumbnail images of Utøya. The main buildings and the main paths are drawn.
13:38 You will see a short movie clip, filmed from a helicopter, to show how the weather and conditions were as Breivik was on the island. It is recorded at about 18:30.
13:40 To get an overview of Breivik's actions on Utøya police have developed a visualization of the incident. It is based on witness descriptions and mobile data.
13:41 Holden will also play Breivik two calls to the police.
13:42 Breivik killed the first three about 17.21 at the main house.
13:43 Two minutes later, he killed three people at the cafe building.
13:43 At about 17.25 he killed two south of the cafe building. Later, two found fatally wounded near my tent.
13:44 In the area of ??the tent were also seven other people injured shoots.
13:47 At about 17.26 he went into the cafe building. The bathroom in this building hid a girl out. She called the police, and Holden will play this conversation.
13:49 The girl tells of a full panic, and several shots. In the background one can hear clear shots elves.
13:50 You hear the girl whisper, while the shots fired nearby.
13:52 Audit logs are completed. Breivik showed little reaction, but seemed to follow watching.
13:53 He killed seven people in the little room in the cafe building, at about 17.26. In addition, six others injured in shooting.
13:53 The defendant showed no emotion when the 112-call was played. So down. Closed eyes at times.
13:54 One of those was later found dead at the Pump House, was first shot hurt here.
13:55 At 17.27 he killed five others in the Great Hall of Cafe building. He went out first, but then again. Then he killed one person at a time.
13:55 At 17.29, he left the cafe building.
13:56 Then he went to Love trail where he minutes later killed ten people.
13:57 Below Love trail is a steep slope. Here Breivik killed five.
13:57 112 call came from a girl in the cafe building, while the shots fired. Many were killed here. Hard to hear the emergency call to the terrified girl.
13:58 This area was also injured ten people.
13:59 Between 17.37 and 18.01 a person fell down and died at the western tip.
14:01 Approximately 17.40 Brevik extension to the water. One person drowned.
14:01 He killed two people in the forest by Skolestua.
14:02 At 17.50 triggered Breivik smoke grenades and fired on the boat Reiulf.
14:03 At about 18 he spoke with the police the first time. This phone he had brought with them from the cafe building.
14:04 Between 18.01 to 18.08 he killed eight people in the Bolsheviks and the Pride Mountain.
14:06 Approximately at 18.13 Breivik began firing at the Pump House. Here he killed 14 people.
14:07 One of them died on board a boat on the way to shore.
14:08 After at 18.19 Breivik shot at people and boats at the Western tip.
14:08 At 18.24 Breivik spoke with the police one last time. He asks to speak to the operations manager of the Delta. He says he wants to surrender.
14:09 He says he has carried out an operation of Knights Templar, and that the operation is complete.
14:11 He asks to be called back, but the call is lost before the woman gets emergency hotline number. The call went through the phone's IMEI number, the SIM card. Why did not number in the aftermath.
14:11 Approximately 18.30 Breivik killed five people at Sydspissen.
14:12 Meanwhile, the arrest of the police unit landed on Utøya.
14:14 Approximately 18.34 Breivik is arrested.
14:14 Holden shows pictures of Breivik taken shortly after his arrest. He was placed in the main house.
14:18 In addition to those killed and seriously injured, the charge also applies to the 462 others who were on Utøya. Five boaters, who was fired, also covered in the indictment.
14:19 Right now takes 20 minutes break until 14.40.
14:41 When Holden goes back his opening argument. He will now talk about the time period after the arrest. He will also talk about the evidence of the task.
14:41 It is made of 31 interrogation Breivik for his arrest.
14:42 It's been two observations of Brevik. The first concluded that he was insane. In the last report was made the opposite conclusion.
14:43 Holden will not comment on them now, but refers to a separate file on this court, all players have received.
14:45 Holden is now moving through the main features of the prosecution evidence task.
15:02 Prosecutors finished their opening speeches. Now it defends Geir Lippestad to make their comments.
15:03 Lippestad conferred briefly with his client before he gets up.
15:05 Lippestad says that the central issue is sane safety issue. It is important to determine whether he can be punished or imposed mental health care.
15:06 - We understand that it is tough for families to hear Breivik explanation. But he has a right to explain themselves. It is a human right. And more importantly, his explanation is the most important opportunity the court has to determine whether he is sane.
15:07 Brevik want to read a document as a prelude to his explanation.
15:08 Lippestad refers to evidence the assignment. The goal is get Breivik declared sane. They will call in witnesses from all health Dikemark and Ila.
15:10 - It is difficult to understand Breivik's world view. The question is whether he is alone in viewing these things, or whether there are subcultures that believe the same. Experts will tell the court about this.
15:10 Persons who are associated with this type of environment will also be recalled.
15:12 Marginalized groups' ability to get the word to Norway, is also the theme. Finally, people from the Labour Party called in, because they were the target of Breivik's actions.
15:13 On Friday 16 defenders received 2000 pages new documentation, including the Knights Templar, and the use of social media. Lippestad not asking for an extension now, but pray that it recorded in the minutes that the evidence came late.
15:13 Lippestad have now finished their comments.
15:14 Breivik: - I have been told that when I came to Hammersborg square, so I met a woman with a stroller that I asked to go below its ministries. But this I do not remember. But I may have said that it was an exercise, or something like that.
15:15 Breivik explains about the use of the term "reflection brain", that he has acted on instiktiv.
15:16 Breivik: - I sat in the car and saw that nobody was following me. I had set at P4, and ran. Two boxes fell down behind me, and made a very bump. But then I realized that there was a pressure wave that had done so they fell down.
15:16 Breivik: - P4 alerted after a few minutes that there had been an explosion at Youngstorget. Then a new message explosion at its ministries, and that at least one death.
15:17 Breivik: - I thought that the operation was unsuccessful and that I had to carry the rest of the action.
15:17 Holden: - If you had the radio on the way out to the developer. Did you get any new updates along the way?
15:17 Breivik - I heard that there was a car bomb, and an expert on the radio saying that this was a revenge attack after bin Laden's death.
15:18 Breivik - I knew that MS Thorbjorn went every hour, and I was there about 16.15.
15:19 Breivik - I could not wait down at the pier in 40 minutes, so I parked nearby. I changed gear. Took off his flak vest and took instead a battle vest with ammunition.
15:20 Holden: - In view of the messages you heard you P4 saw action against the government building as a failure. How do you rate it in the edge?
15:20 Breivik - I had decided that the criteria for the ministries to be successful was that at least 12 would die.
15:20 Holden: - How did you come up to number 12?
15:20 Breivik: - I wanted one of the main pillars were to be destroyed.
15:21 Breivik: - The aim was not to kill as many as possible, but to get attention. Unfortunately, that society works so that I had not received attention by blowing up the mailbox to Storberget.
15:21 Holden: - The number 12 Where does it come from?
15:21 Breivik: - It was just a number. The media attention is related to how many people die.
15:22 Holden: - What thoughts do you have about this part of the action today?
15:22 Breivik: - The way I look at 22 July is not about me, its ministries or Utøya. It is about Norway and the future of Europe.
15:22 Holden: - Is it a little bit about those who died and were injured as well?
15:22 Breivik: - It includes our country and our future.
15:23 Holden: - Did you ever thought about those persons who would die to get hurt in the government building?
15:24 Breivik: - The aim of the attack in Oslo was to kill the entire government and the Prime Minister. I realized that an attack in the joint would not be appropriate. A Monday would be the best, during a Monday meeting.
15:24 Holden: - But employees in the building. Were the desired objectives?
15:24 Breivik: - High density housing is the most attractive political target in Norway. It is well known among the PST. The assessment is absolutely correct.
15:25 Breivik: - When the NATO bombing of Libya or elsewhere, calculates those with less than ten percent civilians killed. It was my goal too.
15:26 Breivik: - The goal as a whole is a legitimate target.
15:26 Holden: - Who has decided that the government building is a legitimate target?
15:26 Breivik: - It is my decision. It goes not to the compendium.
15:26 Breivik: - It is the most attractive target. There are no cafes or shops, and few civilians walking around.
15:28 Prosecutors Engh: - Those who do not fall in civil, what are they?
15:28 Breivik: - As I have described it in the compendium, I have categorized in three groups. I have divided it into A, B and C traitors. They are all political activists.
15:28 Engh: - Which group would I fall?
15:29 Breivik: - You would not have been on the list at all.
15:29 Breivik: - Journalists, academics and politicians who work for mulikulturalisme are all targets.
15:30 Engh: - If you are a journalist far out on the right side. Will there be an enemy to you?
15:30 Breivik: - All the news agencies in Norway supports multikulturialisme.
15:30 Breivik: - They are all political activists.
15:31 Engh: - Who were you threatened by the 22 July?
15:31 Breivik: - If you know you can die in two minutes ...
15:31 Breivik: - I think that everyone in my situation would have acted on instinct.
15:32 Breivik adopting a didactic tone when he faced Engh Engh will explain "how the brain works."
15:32 Breivik: - I think you've misunderstood. The body and brain feel threatened, and act for you unless you choose it yourself.
15:34 Breivik - I ended up in that mode again after I had fired the first shot at Utøya.
15:35 Judge asks Arntzen Breivik explain what he means by the term simulation.
15:35 Prosecutors have concluded their questioning of the defendant.
15:36 Breivik: - You can trade away your fears. I have used meditation to displace fear. But a side effect is that you are avemosjonalisert and one obtains an resolve. I depend on it, for example, to clear this trial.
15:36 Arntzen: - Is this some day misdemeanor?
15:36 Breivik: - I have been doing this since 2006, the last year every day.
15:37 Engh: - Would you failed elsewhere?
15:37 Breivik: - Maybe.
15:37 Engh asks: - You showed emotion when we turned movie. Why?
15:38 Breivik - I was not prepared for the film. There are the songs I use when I meditate. I simulate the video in your head.
15:38 Engh: - How does the video you?
15:38 Breivik: - I have tried a lot different, and seen what works and does not work. Some songs work, some do not.
15:39 Breivik: - It is a type of meditation that suppress your fears.
15:39 Engh: - Would you be able to show compassion and empathy, if you had not used this method?
15:40 Breivik: - You must be a bit careful about using empathy and compassion, you use it very subjective.
15:40 Engh: - Do you consider yourself an empathetic person?
15:40 Breivik: - Yes, absolutely.
15:40 Breivik: - It is a very comprehensive discussion. It is an important question, but right now I'm very tired.
15:41 The court is adjourned.
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