Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Friday, May 11, 2012

2012-05-10 (TV2): Breivik Trial: Day 16: Utoya Massacre Testimony:

2012-05-10 (TV2): Breivik Trial Transcript: Day 16: Utoya Massacre Testimony:

Chief of Public Health: Kari Ormstad | Police Superintendent Trond Sandsbråten | KRIPOS Police Superintendent Gøran Dyvesveen | Forensic Technician Åshild Vege | Autopsies: Isabel Victoria Green Sogn (17) | Karar Mustafa Qasim (19) | Carina Borgund (18) | Tina Sukuvara (18) | Ruth Benedichte Vatndal Nilsen (15) | Henrik Rasmussen (18) | Espen Jørgensen (17) | Pamela (Porntip) Ardam (21) | Thomas Margido Antonsen (16) | Ismail Haji Ahmed (19) | Fredrik Lund Schjetne (18) | Hanne Kristine Fridtun (19) | Survivors: Janne Hovland | Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg | Muhammed Abdulrahman Muhammed

Oslo District Court: #: 11-188627 MED-05 | 10 May 2012 | Breivik Report/TV2.NO

Forensic scientist Kari Ormstad and crime technicians Trond Sandsbråten and Åshild Vege provide the details of the autopsy reports, while victim family attorneys provide short biographies about the Utoya deceased:

Isabel Victoria Green Sogn (17) | Karar Mustafa Qasim (19) | Carina Borgund (18)

Pump House:
Tina Sukuvara (18) | Ruth Benedichte Vatndal Nilsen (15) | Henrik Rasmussen (18) | Espen Jørgensen (17) | Pamela (Porntip) Ardam (21) | Thomas Margido Antonsen (16) | Ismail Haji Ahmed (19) | Fredrik Lund Schjetne (18) | Hanne Kristine Fridtun (19) |

Janne Hovland | Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg | Muhammed Abdulrahman Muhammed

8:43 Good morning from Oslo District Court.

8:44 Day 16 of the trial after 22 July-terror starts at 09

8:45 The court will now go through twelve autopsy reports before lunch. After lunch the three witnesses testify about the attack on Utøya.

8:50 Court actors have started to take their places in the courtroom 250

8:58 The accused Behring Anders Breivik is introduced into the courtroom. On the way into, he has a short conversation with defender Geir Lippestad.

9:00 The court is set.

9:02 District Court Judge Wenche Arntzen says that the court allow the other witnesses from the AUF witnesses who can not follow other AUF testimony, to observe the witnesses who are not precluded from following others' testimony.

9:02 Lawyer Yvonne Mette Larsen said that the ruling on the exclusion will be appealed to the Court of a long public right of one of the witnesses.

9:03 Police technician Trond Sandsbråten explains what you have gone through the technical discoveries around the place and autoplay so far.

9:05 Sand Bråten shows the view of Pride Mountain-Bolshevik.

9:07 Sand Braten said that the transition between the Bolsheviks and Pride Mountain is moving. Some who yesterday was informed that the death of Pride Mountain, died in the Bolshevik.
9:08 The court treats the execution of Isabel Victoria Green Sogn (17).

9:08 Sand Bråten: - She died in Bolshevik.

9:09 Sand Bråten shows thumbnail images of markings on the Sogn was found. He also refers to photos taken in a lay-court players have received.

9:09 Overview The images shown on the big screen in the courtroom, while the pictures that are considered too strong to be shown on the big screen is included in the binder the court has received.

9:11 Right Medication Per Hoff-Olsen Institute of Public Health is going through the forensic findings.

9:13 Lawyer Gunhild Bergan: - Isabel Victoria was a bubbly and caring girl. His friends called her joy spreader. The first year in high school had just ended. She was a member of AUF in 2010. She looked forward all year to be on Utøya for the first time. She had a motto: "It is going well. Everything will be all right."
9:15 The court treats the execution of Karar Mustafa Qasim (19).

9:15 Sand Bråten: - He died in Bolshevik.

9:16 Sand Bråten shows an overview of selection of where the victim was found. He refers to pictures taken in the court binder.

9:17 Forensic Hoff-Olsen explains the forensic findings.

9:19 Lawyer Kari Nessa Nordtun:-guys from Vestby was only 19 years old. He had lived in Norway for a little over two years. Fellows were actively involved in shaping their own future. He was a positive guy.
9:20 The court goes through the death of Carina Borgund (18).

9:21 Sand Bråten: - She died in Bolshevik.

9:22 Sand Bråten shows thumbnail images of celebration of the discovery site. He also refers to the photographs included in the binder court players have been dealt.

9:22 Hoff-Olsen goes through the forensic findings.

9:25 Lawyer Siv Hallgren: - Carina was only 18 years. She belonged to Oslo AUF. She had decided to move to London in the summer of 2012. She had several years ago decided that England would become her new home country after completion of training at home.

9:26 Sand Bråten summarizes those killed at the Proud Mountain and Bolsheviks.

9:27 Sand Bråten: - We shall now describe the area at the Pump House.

9:27 Sand Bråten leave the witness box to Mr. Dyvesveen from the NCIS.

9:27 Dyvesveen: - The Pump House, 14 children suffered injuries as they died.

9:28 The court will see an overview of Utøya where the area is marked.

9:28 The court will see an aerial photo of the area on 21 last July.

9:30 Dyvesveen shows a picture of the pump body taken from the water.

9:31 The court will see a picture of the pump body taken from the trail.

9:32 Dyvesveen shows several pictures of the pump casing and the surrounding area.
9:32 The court treats the execution of Tina Sukuvara (18).

9:33 Dyvesveen: - She died at the Pump House.

9:33 The court will see pictures of the area where the site is marked.

9:33 Dyvesveen refers to pictures taken in the court binder.

9:35 Hoff-Olsen explains the rettsmedisnske survey.

9:38 Lawyer: - She grew up in Vadsø. She had started his apprenticeship as a child and carer. Tina was the leader in Vadsø AUF. The AUF she took care of everyone. She loved people. She cared for everyone and always a hug and give.

9:38 The court takes a break to watch 10

9:58 Court participants are about to come back after the break.

10:00 The defendant is brought into the courtroom.

10:01 The court is set.
10:02 The court goes through the execution of Ruth Benedichte Vatndal Nilsen (15).

10:03 Dyvesveen: - She died at the Pump House.

10:05 Dyvesveen displays images in which the site is marked. He also refers to pictures taken in the court binder.

10:06 Hoff-Olsen goes through the forensic findings.

10:10 Lawyer Chrostofer Arno: - She was only 15 years. She had plans to become video game designer. Benedichte was rare in its own way. She drove her style fully. She had an inner landscape that was great, creative and open. She was Utøya a second time. Benedichte stood up against injustice. The last thing she said to her mother was that she loved her.
10:11 The court treats the execution of Henrik Rasmussen (18).

10:11 Dyvesveen: - He died at the Pump House.

10:12 Dyvesveen displays thumbnail images in which the site is marked. He also refers to pictures taken in the court binder.

10:13 Hoff-Olsen explains the forensic investigations.

10:14 During the forensic review of the killings used a doll that is on the floor in front of the witness box. The medics presenting the findings, the puppet show the damage inflicted and where gunshot wounds are inflicted.

10:16 Lawyer Siv Hallgren: - Henry was a quiet boy who no one had anything bad to say about. He has always been a responsible person who took care of those around them.
10:16 The court treats the execution of Espen Jørgensen (17).

10:17 Dyvesveen: - He died at the Pump House.

10:18 Dyvesveen shows pictures from the area where the site is marked. He also refers to pictures taken in the court binder.

10:19 Hoff-Olsen Institute of Public Health explains the forensic findings.

10:24 Lawyer: - The family wanted to convey that Cathy grew and evolved much in the trust he was given the AUF. He was Utøya for the first time last year. He spoke by phone to his parents that it had been the best week of his life. He meant a lot to lot and stood always up for his friends. He wanted everyone to feel good.
10:25 The court treats the execution of Pamela (Porntip) Ardam (21).

10:26 Dyvesveen: - She died at the Pump House.

10:27 The court will see thumbnail images of the place of celebration of where she was found. Dyvesveen shows the images included in the binder court participants have been given.

10:28 Hoff-Olsen explains the forensic investigations.

10:32 Lawyer: - Porntip was called Pamela among friends. She would begin to study. She was an enthusiastic girl who wanted to show commitment through actions. She was not afraid to make difficult and tough choices. Going on Utøya was big for her. She moved to Norway three years old, and had a childhood filled with joy.

10:32 The Court has taken break to 10.50.

10:47 The court has again four autopsy reports to be discussed before lunch. After lunch the three witnesses to explain themselves.

10:52 Court participants are beginning to take their places.

10:52 The defendant enters the room.

10:53 The court is set.
10:54 The court treats the execution of Thomas Margido Antonsen (16).

10:54 Correctional Technician Goran Dyvesveen: - He died at the Pump House.

10:55 The court will see thumbnail images in which the site is marked. Dyvesveen refers to pictures taken in binders court players have been dealt.

10:56 Hoff-Olsen explains the forensic investigation.

10:58 Lawyer Morten Engesbak: - He had just finished school. He had a special talent for speaking, and held in the last 17 May speech at the school. He became involved in the fight against injustice and hatred. He was student council chairman at the school.
10:59 The court goes through the assassination of Ismail Haji Ahmed (19).

10:59 Dyvesveen: - He died at the Pump House.

11:00 Dyvesveen shows thumbnail images of the area at the pump house where Ahmed with found executed. The site is marked. He also refers to pictures taken in the court binder.

11:02 Right Medication Per Hoff-Olsen explains the forensic investigation.

11:05 Lawyer Eivor isle: - ISMA, which he was called, came to Norway from Somalia in 2003. ISMA had been Utøya every summer since 2008. He was AUF member since 2007. He was co-organizer of the dance event at Utøya. He was a popular dance instructor at home. He is described as sensitive with great care for the welfare of others.
11:06 The court treats the execution of Fredrik Lund Schjetne (18).

11:06 Dyvesveen: - He died at the Pump House.

11:07 Dyvesveen shows thumbnail images on the big screen. The site is marked. Dyvesveen shows during his statement to the photographs included in the court's binders.

11:08 Per Hoff-Olsen Institute of Public Health is going through the findings in the forensic investigation.

11:10 Lawyer Christian Lundin: - Frederick was almost 19 years. He had a large family who miss him. Frederick was an apprentice chef. He was an all were proud of and always helped. He had many friends, and got more when he joined the AUF. It all miss his generous person and his warm smile.
11:10 The court treats the execution of Hanne Kristine Fridtun (19).

11:11 Dyvesveen: - She died at the Pump House.

11:12 The court will see thumbnail images of the place of celebration of where she was found. Dyvesveen also refers to pictures taken in the court's binders.

11:13 Hoff-Olsen explains the forensic findings.

11:16 Lawyer Yvonne Mette Larsen: - She was the leader of AUF in Fjordane. Hanne Kristine was a very sought-after speaker. She was a bubbly girl with many friends. She was a nursing student and was socially engaged. Besides all the interests she had, she had time for everyone around him. Read more about Hanne Kristine Fridtun here.

11:17 Goran Dyvesveen summarizes the findings of Pump House.

11:17 The court will see a thumbnail image that also includes selections of five killed court shall review tomorrow.

11:17 The Court has taken break to watch 13

11:18 Three witnesses will give evidence after the lunch break.

12:39 The first to testify when the court is the Janne Hovland. She saved the life of a girl under terrorist attack on Utøya.

12:40 It is set 45 minutes of her testimony. Next witness is at 13.45.

12:57 The court should be set again at 13 Investors have started to take their places.

12:59 Testimony usually starts with the prosecutor asking a preliminary question, the witness will give evidence freely. Prosecutors breaks off with questions and ask questions after the free explanation is over.

12:59 The defendant is brought into court.

13:00 After the prosecution has defenders, aid lawyers, the experts and the judges the opportunity to ask questions.

13:00 The court is set.

13:01 The court will start to have an interpreter issue insurance.

13:01 The interpreter interprets between Georgian and Norwegian. The interpreter has provided insurance.
13:02 Janne Hovland called to the witness stand and asked personal details, and to take the insurance.

13:03 Hovland offered to sit in his statement.

13:04 The prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh starting questioning: - Can you start by telling yourself what you experienced 22 July when you were on Utøya.

13:04 Jane Hovland - I was in the Great Hall at the very beginning where we would get information about what happened in Oslo. I sat at the back of the auditorium. I was left in the Great Hall and sat on the stage there. I called a friend in Oslo.

13:05 Jane Hovland: - When I talked to her started shooting. Chaos broke out and people ran to the windows.

13:05 Lawyer Bjorn Stefanussen have taken place on the bench during the counsel-Hovland explanation.

13:05 Jane Hovland: - People rushed out to the cafe side. There was a queue and I was far Baki queue. So I came out and when I called my mom and told her that someone shot.

13:06 Jane Hovland: - I came utforbi cafe and told my mom that I saw three that were shot lying on the ground.

13:06 Engh asks Hovland explain how the Utøya she is using a mouse pointer on a map displayed on the big screen.

13:07 Jane Hovland - I met a boy in a t-shirt full of blood on the back. He turned, and said that I do not know what this is, but it's certainly not my blood.

13:07 Jane Hovland - I had my mom on the phone simultaneously.

13:07 Jane Hovland - I did not speak any more with him, we continued to run, maybe 20 people. Then I saw a guy on the ground who was shot in the thigh.

13:08 Jane Hovland - I know a little first aid, so I took off my top and tried to stop the bleeding. Also, he took into the second leg where he was shot.

13:09 Jane Hovland: - After 20 minutes we had heard the ambulances but then started shooting again. We tried to move us along the path that ran along the water. Away Over in a fairly rapid pace.

13:11 Breivik is located on the rear dock while testifying. During gjennomgagnen of those killed earlier in the day, set Breivik on the first dock.

13:11 Jane Hovland: - So we met at several people before we took a break on the west side. When we moved us further and stopped. I saw a girl standing in the forest with his head covered with blood. She was with two others. I asked if she had fallen, but she said she was shot in the head.

13:13 Jane Hovland: - So we went over to the Rock Tent. She was shot in the head and one was into the tent. He was probably around 14 years. He brought his mobile and I was afraid because he typed so much on your mobile. I asked him to stop did not work man heard us.

13:13 Hovland has turned the chair so she looks directly at the prosecutor Engh during the explanation. The defendant can then only see the witness in profile from the right.

13:14 Jane Hovland: - But he would not. I was annoyed. We sat long in the tent and heard no shots.

13:15 Jane Hovland: - We went to the Norwegian People's Aid tent and went in there.

13:15 Hovland said that they heard sirens and many sounds.

13:16 Jane Hovland: - Inside the I called the emergency services and told that a girl was shot in the head and asked what we should do. After a while I went out of the tent and saw the ambulance people, if they had come to the island.

13:17 Breivik alternate between looking at the witness and to look straight ahead.

13:17 Jane Hovland: - I went out on the square and then. Then I saw a policeman in a dark uniform. I saw that he was Norwegian. I have said in interviews that I thought he had a gun. He was either blond or no hair.

13:17 Jane Hovland: - He just stood and looked over without doing anything. I looked at him for a while.

13:18 Why ask the prosecutor. - I wanted to know what he looked like, answer Hovland.

13:18 Jane Hovland: - I went back into the tent and said she was injured that if he came to the tent she had to play dead. He was around in that area for quite some time.

13:19 Engh: - Was Breivik ever outside of the tent you were?

13:19 Jane Hovland: - We heard the shots and that he was nearby. One of us saw his legs in the tent.

13:19 Engh: - Was there a door you could close?

13:19 Jane Hovland: - There was a party tent. On the open side was a large opening.

13:20 Jane Hovland: - But we heard his steps very close. It was very quiet step. I noticed that he was quiet and calm.

13:21 Jane Hovland: - After a good hour there was a policeman in the tent. I studied him and thought what to say. He had big black machine guns and was Norwegian. He came quietly into the tent and shouted that it was the police.

13:21 Jane Hovland: - Then he asks if the girl is conscious. So I say yes she is conscious. Then he says make sure she is.

13:22 Jane Hovland: - After a few minutes there were some police officers into the tent with a man who was shot in the back and punctured lung. I told you there was nothing here. You can put him in my lap, I said then.

13:23 Jane Hovland: - He would rather not talk because he had punctured a lung. So there I sat with him who was shot and she was shot in the head.

13:23 Hovland shows which way the car that transported them to the pier ran.

13:24 Jane Hovland: - So we came over to the pier and then came the civil people, and brought us over.

13:24 Hovland tells how she was taken to the hotel Sundvollen.

13:25 Jane Hovland: - So when I came to the hotel I found my friends there. Eventually there were more and more.

13:25 Engh: - You watched and helped the boy first, so Martha. How has each time afterwards?

13:26 Jane Hovland: - There have been many hard days, but I've had a very good support system and a school that has prepared for me.

13:26 Jane Hovland: - I have a lot of mood swings to the home.

13:27 Jane Hovland: - I have lost a lot of security I had. I feel uncomfortable with strangers arenas. You lose a lot of pleasure in life.

13:28 Jane Hovland: - I go to school, but has a lot of absences. We will help and facilitate me.

13:28 Engh: - Did you lose any close friends at Utøya?

13:29 Jane Hovland: - Not many of those I go to the usual.

13:29 Prosecutors finished with questions.

13:29 Lippestad: - You explained to you quite detailed, I have no questions.

13:30 Lawyer Bjorn Stefanussen: - Can you tell the court about the plans you had before this, and how you look at the opportunity to complete the?

13:30 Jane Hovland: - My plan was to become elementary school teacher, I have also been deployed. But my energy level is very very low. So I do not think I can work as a teacher as it is now.

13:30 Hovland is finished with his testimony.
13:31 Next witness is Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg.

13:31 Øberg requested personal information and asked to make an affirmation.

13:33 Engh: - Say a little about what you experienced at Utøya 22 July. What do you remember?

13:33 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I sat in the canteen building and got the info about the attack in Oslo. Then I heard a bang. Thought it was wrong with the electrical system.

13:34 Lawyer Hans-Richard Steinholt have taken place in court during Øberg explanation.

13:34 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - We started to run out of the building and ended up in Little Hall. Then I saw a girl lying down on the floor. I helped her up and we came out and passed an old ramp outside the Café building.

13:34 Engh: - Do you have any idea how many were in the Little Hall?

13:34 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - It was a very chaotic moments, but an estimate would be around 30-40.

13:36 Engh asks Øberg show on the map where he ran from the cafe building. Øberg shows that the mouse pointer moved in the direction of the pump body.

13:36 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I ran north and over to the ramp that is located there. I am a bit unsure. Where do I meet Pamela and a group of people.

13:37 There is an overview of the Pump House and the area photographed from a boat on Tyrifjord. Øberg explains how he moved.

13:37 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - There was a lot of people. We went to the pump house and it was mostly a 30 people on the lower side of the pump house.

13:38 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - When I discovered that the woman I was with had been taken.

13:39 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - WE stood by the pump house and comforted each other. We were around 20 people.

13:40 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I saw someone put up the pump housing that had hurt his ankle after jumping. There were more people sitting around there. Havard, which he called saying he had hurt.

13:41 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I do not know how long we had been there, but when we heard that it was shot with a different type of weapon. We also saw ambulances on the other side of the fjord. 10-15 minutes after that I heard the voice of another person who spoke with someone who had been hiding.

13:41 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I am a bit unsure of who was there. The person who was there said he was from the police and asked them if there are any more in the water. Then it is pointed out by one person against the pump housing and us.

13:42 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - This person says that there is a boat to come and fetch us.

13:42 Øberg shows that he believed a person standing near the pump house and spoke with someone close by. Øberg show that the person spoken to was a little left of the pump house, seen from the water.

13:42 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - We had heard rumor that the perpetrator was dressed as a policeman. One of those who were there asked if he had evidence that he was the police. He said they would wait as it would go well.

13:43 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - People were content with this. I'm pretty close when the pump housing even though it was crowded.

13:43 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - After a few seconds I hear a bang, I see ricochets. I also see a girl who was shot in the stomach and it is full of blood around her.

13:43 Øberg shows how he sees the shots hit.

13:44 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - We are standing up to the pump housing was quite paralyzed and stood. The offender will then down the left side of the pump housing and remain for a few seconds. I'm looking right at him.

13:44 Øberg shows how Breivik is walking down the left side of the pump house, seen from the water.

13:44 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I see that he has blue eyes and is clean-shaven.

13:45 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - After a few seconds, the first shot. I do not remember much of it, but a little later as I lie on the lower side of pump house with a girl. I pushed the girl to me on instinct, get out and run towards the water.

13:45 Øberg points out how he runs along the waterfront, right from the Pump House seen from the water.

13:45 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - Then I jump into the water and trying to emerge fairly quickly and get me 20 yards out from shore. I have up to get air and turn around and see that the perpetrator dishes weapon against me.

13:45 Breivik had moved slightly away from the pump house.

13:46 Øberg Breivik shows that have followed him along the water's edge, pointing to where he says Breivik was when he directed våpnenet against him.

13:46 Øberg show where he sees a boy is hiding along the mountain side.

13:46 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - The killer turns to those who are left at the pump house and was shot. When I see a boy who is just below and stay for the head. The killer shoots him in the head.

13:47 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I hear a bang behind me while I feel that I can not get hit. Then I realize that most people who were there live.

13:47 Øberg shows how he sees Breivik go a long way Love path. He also sees a boy hiding nearby.

13:48 The experts are constantly away on Breivik while testifying.

13:48 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I see him up on Love trail wherever he goes. I see a boy who is hiding and the perpetrator passes him. In a corner, he looks back and sees the person who is holding onto a tree and shoot.

13:48 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - The person lets go and falls down. I do not think he was hit there.

13:49 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - Up on Love, I see a path I thought I knew who was hiding. The offender will pass right over her. I thought to warn her, but was afraid that she would be discovered.

13:49 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg - I swim away. I'm in ok shape but realize that it is too far to swim to shore. I see an air blast and swim against it.

13:50 Engh: - When you hear him ask the people at the Pump House. Did you have any idea of ??his voice?

13:50 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg - I heard the voice and thought it was a policeman from Oslo. It was such a pitch. A quiet tone. He seemed very calm and no comments.

13:51 There are about three kilometers from Utøya to the mainland on the west side.

13:51 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I have described the perpetrator as a rock face.

13:51 Engh: - How long you saw him?

13:51 Øberg: - A few seconds. But it was the same rock face that later ...

13:52 Engh: - The girl you get over you.

13:52 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I would think that she was shot.

13:52 Engh: - Have you seen someone get shot?

13:53 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - It is difficult to say who was hit and not.

13:53 Engh: - Do you have any idea why he did not shoot at you when you're in the water?

13:53 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - There is something I've wondered for some time. Maybe there was something behind him to distract him.

13:53 Engh: - So you if he charged for his gun?

13:54 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I did not think he charged about. But maybe he did it.

13:54 Engh: - In your interview you said that you thought he had to reload the weapon. Do you remember today?

13:54 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I think that he charged the gun when I ran into the water.

13:54 Engh: - After he turns away from you. Do you see if he shoots at those behind the pump house?

13:55 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - Just that I see him go against them. When I'm on my way out and would not see it. But I heard some shots behind me.

13:55 Engh: - When you hear the shots. Do you see that he is right on the pump house?

13:55 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I think you see that he is near the pump house. But I mean it.

13:55 Engh: - In the interview you said that when you had your head above water, so the perpetrator executed several.

13:56 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I said in the interview, and may I saw someone who was shot. But I think I did. It's been a while since the hearing in August.

13:56 Engh: - You said you saw a girl who was shot. Do you know if he talked to the perpetrator?

13:57 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg - I thought she was a girl I knew who was, but afterwards I learned that it was not her. But I'm not sure if it was she who talked to the perpetrator.

13:58 Engh: - I see you are Russian. It's a good sign. How have you been for 22 July?

13:58 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - It's been a bit up and down. I go to school and participate in the council. I'm still active.

13:58 Øberg wearing Russian pants.

13:59 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - I have it so good that I can have it. But there are heavy days, such as 1 of May. A friend of mine would be 18 years old when. It was heavy and I visited her grave in Trondheim.

13:59 Prosecutors Svein Holden: - You said you were a little unsure that you were not sure how long you were there before Breivik came?

14:00 Holden: - If you must estimate how long you were at the Pump House?

14:00 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - Yes, I received a text message at 18.12. I got an sms from my father who told me to call him. I think it was when Breivik arrived in the pump housing. Was there perhaps an hour.

14:00 Holden: - What was the mood there?

14:01 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - It is strange but I had a good feeling then. For we took care of each other as the friends we are. We talked about things on the H and everything.

14:01 Holden: - Did you know what was going on?

14:02 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg - I realized that there were some who used the weapon. But did not think it had something to do with what happened in Oslo earlier.

14:02 Holden: - Did you have any contact with people who were later killed?

14:02 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg - I talked to three people who were later killed. I also talked with some others that I did not know the names of people killed.

14:02 Holden: - Can you say something about these calls?

14:03 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - Havard-lived house, I talked to there. He was a good guy. We said hello and talked. Pamela, I had gotten to know a few weeks earlier and we had a good tone. We talked then that this would be fine.

14:03 Holden: - She had been shot earlier ...

14:04 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - She said she was hurt but that she thought it would be fine. She would, for example, do not have help down the mountain slope, she would do it myself.

14:04 Prosecutors have completed their questioning.

14:04 Defender Geir Lippestad: - Do you remember anything about the pitch, tone from what he said first?

14:05 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - What I remember was that it was very straight forward and easy. Not some big variations in tone of voice. Just straight ahead.

14:05 Lippestad: - Did you at any time something in the tone of voice that was quiet, from Breivik, then?

14:05 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - No, not that I can say with certainty. Not a cry.

14:05 Lippestad: - Did you hear something happy outburst or was he calm?

14:06 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - That I perceived him as he was calm. When I saw him there were no outbreaks at all, only this rock face.

14:06 Lawyer Hans-Richard Steinholt: - Can you say something about how things are going at school?

14:06 Steinholt: - What future plans do you have?

14:06 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg: - It runs smoothly. It's a bit like half the motor and these grades to improve. Some grades went up before Christmas, also went down after Christmas.

14:07 Øberg laugh a little.

14:07 Øberg: - I had plans to enter law school, but it looks a little bad right now ...

14:07 Steinholt: - You were on the list to the council ....

14:07 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg - I was the one who climbs most in the list in Eidsvold, full of great people. Even from the Progress Party.

14:07 Øberg smiles as he says this.

14:08 Steinholt: - What did you do on May 1 this year?

14:09 Lars Henrik Rytter Øberg - I dropped the Russian celebration and took the plane to Trondheim and was taken to the cemetery. Eventually I found her grave and wrote a note on the Russian my card that I put on the grave.

14:09 The witness Øberg done.

14:10 The Court has taken break to 14.30.
14:11 The next witness is Muhammed Abdulrahman Muhammed.

14:31 Court participants and defendants are in place in the auditorium.

14:31 The court is set.

14:32 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Muhammad should come to the witness stand.

14:33 The court asks Muhammad state personal and issue insurance.

14:34 Prosecutors Inga Bejer Engh: - Can you say what you experienced at Utøya last year?

14:35 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - It started when we learned about something that had happened in Oslo. We sat in the great hall when I heard three bangs ... like a nail gun. I went out and looked toward the tent.

14:35 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - The first thing I see is a man, he was wearing red t-shirt, he lay on his back.

14:35 Muhammad uses the map on the big screen to show where he was and where he saw different things.

14:37 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - When I see the policeman who comes strolling along. He says he will take a routine check. A girl running against him ... and he shoots her.

14:37 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - So he went and kicked her. Then he takes out a gun and shoot her again .... when she was lying on the ground.

14:37 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - A next to me shouting at the policeman, what are you doing!

14:38 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I believe he shot at the windows. I throw myself down and crawls across ..

14:39 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - When I go to the long time in the middle of the building and plan to run out the door. While I run, I see a person who closes the door. A group of people begins to run against me.

14:39 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I only hear screaming and chaos.

14:39 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - When we heard some shots inside. Then all began to run towards the dining room. But when all trapped in time.

14:39 Engh: - Do you remember how many people were in the area?

14:40 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - It may have been as many as 60 There were very many. I was pinned against the wall and tried to get out.

14:40 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I come out and see a lot of falling, I'm trying to help them up when I heard several shots.

14:41 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I thought that it was not safe to be here and wanted to get to the water and swim away. I had previously seen where it was closest to shore.

14:41 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I ran up on a dining table, kicked out the window and jumped out ... about two feet down.

14:42 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I run across a skate ramp and see the pump housing and assessed to hide there, but saw that it was very open there.

14:42 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I went ahead and met someone I knew. There is much I do not remember where.

14:42 Muhammad shows the map of the island where he moved.

14:43 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I tried to call 112, but I did not come through. And suddenly I got in touch with my girlfriend on the phone and I warned her and asked her to alert the police.

14:43 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I tried to call the ambulance ...

14:44 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - Suddenly, my friend away .... I went over, and jogged across and hit two people and was sitting under a tree by the Bolshevik.

14:44 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I do not remember what we talked about but we saw many people who went over to Pride Mountain. We thought we'd go there because it might be a boat that was to get there.

14:45 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - We started to go ... there were some who cried. Me and my friend held stones in their hands to defend ourselves .. I did not think ...

14:45 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - So we shut up from someone, and we let the stones. Then we heard shots and walked away.

14:45 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I saw many people began to swim ...

14:46 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I see a white boat paddle out from shore. Somewhat later we hear a shot that hit the boat.

14:46 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I hear the shots and that the defendant hit the boat.

14:46 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I was at Pride Mountain and considered whether I was going into the water.

14:47 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - It was very cold in the water. So I went into the water and tried to swim.

14:47 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - First, we were maybe 30, but eventually we were maybe 20 max

14:47 From Pride Mountain is about a half mile to the mainland on the east side of Tyrifjord.

14:48 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - My friends said I should not swim because they knew I was not good at swimming. I tried to swim, but was tired after five meters. I tried to swim back.

14:48 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - Attempted to take off my sweater and pants under water, but it was hard and very heavy

14:48 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - So I see a guard who just runs into the water without taking off his clothes. When I stand in the water with water to the knees. Then I head to the perpetrator.

14:49 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I told my friends that they must go because I see him. He turned his back to me while I lay in the water. He fires many shots ... but I do not know who he was shooting at.

14:50 Engh: - Now you stand out in the water?

14:50 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I stand out in the water with the water to the chin. I wave to my friends that they have to run, but I do not think they understood it. I do not remember much of it.

14:50 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I remember that when the defendant turned around, I panic.

14:51 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I saw lots of clothes on the country, including my sweater. Then he begins to fire at that location. He hit no .... I think he'll slow down.

14:52 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - While I was standing about five feet in the water, I see that he comes around I see that he has weapons. He points his gun at those who are there. He shoots her first from about ten centimeters away. I think he shot her in the head with a rifle.

14:53 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I hear a say, please please do not.!

14:53 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I think he runs out of shots in the rifle and takes out the gun and shoot the last.

14:53 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I think he was referring to the head at all.

14:54 Breivik take notes while testifying before Muhammad.

14:54 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - He had the gun on the right side.

14:54 Engh: - He switches weapons?

14:55 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - He shoots the first two with the rifle and the third with a gun. Then I think it's my turn.

14:55 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I get flashbacks from something that happened earlier in life. I see my parents die.

14:55 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - It is very fast as he took out the gun ...

14:56 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I am ill to appear under. I see some plants that are under water and trying to drag me down to them. Then I think he shoots at me in the water. Between it is perhaps 20 meters ...

14:57 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - It does not take that long again before I have to go up again ... then I see him still standing there ... I will panic and will under again.

14:57 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - I hit my knee against a rock and think I'm hit. I counted inside me ..

14:57 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - When I get up again, I see his back ... it does not take long before he is gone.

14:57 Engh: - When you are in the water. Do you get any sense of whether he shoots in the water?

14:58 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I get the feeling that he shoots in the water. I get the feeling that he shoots at me.

14:58 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - Then I heard a scream ... a very deep voice.

14:58 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - When I go up again ... for I was very cold. It felt like I had been there for several hours.

14:59 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - When I come up I see his back ... I see more people running up.

14:59 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I thought they were injured but in retrospect, it appears that it was my friends who ran in a zigzag.

14:59 Engh:-Did you recognize anyone?

15:00 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I know I've seen people I knew again .. including one who checked my bag on the land when I arrived. I saw him in there ..

15:01 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - He is gone for me ... when I see three that are close together. I never touched dead people before, but I'm looking for the pulse on one person. The second I dared not touch ..

15:01 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I go into the water again ... I am completely specified.

15:02 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I had a purple pants as I waved ... then comes a boat that is heading towards us. More to come into the water and we try to stick together.

15:03 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - The one with the green rain jacket from earlier was already in the boat. He helped us up and we drove out of there.

15:03 Engh: - When you saw the defendant go and shoot at what you believe is 4-6 people. Do you have any idea what time it is?

15:04 Engh: - In the interview, you said in 1810 ...

15:04 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I had on my watch .. I looked at it very often ... at 18.10 was well then.

15:04 Engh: - You said you looked out the window and saw a girl walked up to defendant and then was shot ... How far away was it?

15:05 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - She runs from the scene where he comes across the path. I think maybe it was five feet between them.

15:05 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - He walked over and kicked her. He was only ten inches away when he shot her again.

15:05 Engh: - You said that when you stand in the water you get flashback. What?

15:07 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - It was from when I was a very small home in northern Iraq. Then, several classmates killed by a bomb. When I was seven years. So I thought it was my turn.

15:07 Engh: - You came to the mainland. What happens then?

15:07 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I was greeted by some people on Uvika camping. I got a blanket because I was only in boxer. I asked to take a shower ... then said that I should go up to a white house.

15:08 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I was very skeptical, but then more and we went in and tried to shower. I was there maybe five to ten minutes.

15:08 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - So I get a lot of thoughts about a man come in and shoot me ... I think that it is not safe in the bathtub.

15:09 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - So I stand up and get on my warm clothes and calling my family.

15:09 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - When we came out, we met many others who froze ... from there we were transported to Sundvollen.

15:09 Engh: - Did you lose any friends in Utøya?

15:10 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I lost my best friend Ismail and called Andreas. Ismail died at pump house.

15:10 Engh: - How has it been for 22 July?

15:10 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - It has not been so good.

15:10 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed - I go to school, but it is not very good there. But I can help.

15:11 Engh: - Would you say more about how you have it?

15:11 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed: - No ... I think I stand over.

15:11 Breivik: - I have a comment. It is the explanation.

15:11 Breivik: - I have not at all affected in some Utøya, except that I Berntsen holdhilste on. Regarding the ipod, I used it not at all.

15:12 Mohammed Abdul Rahman Mohammed is done in the witness box and will leave the room.

15:12 The court raised for the day and set again at 09 Friday morning.

15:13 Tomorrow the court shall first go through the last twelve autopsy reports from the terrorist attack on Utøya. After that two witnesses testify.

» » » » []

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