[Update] Request to Minister of Environment: Bård Vegar Solhjell: RE: Environment Appeals Brd: Appeal: RE: Addresseavisen | Aftenposten | Bergense Tidende | Dagbladet | NRK | TV2 | VG
Request for Access to Environment and Health Information in terms of S.28 (Freedom of Information Act) and S.10 (Environmental Law); RE: Censorship in Norway’s Media: (I) Media’s Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection; (II) Norway’s Stalinesque Political Psychiatry Tyranny
Andrea Muhrrteyn | Norway v. Breivik | 25 June 2012

Environmental Appeals Board: Documentation Services, Records Management: We hereby confirm the receipt of your inquiry. Reference no: 2012/708 - 1...
Request for Access to Environment and Health Information in terms of S.28 (Freedom of Information Act) and S.10 (Environmental Law); RE: Censorship in Norway’s Media: (I) Media’s Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection; (II) Norway’s Stalinesque Political Psychiatry Tyranny
Request for Information Questions:
[1] Editors decision-making justification for censorship of the Norway v. Breivik Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection documentation provided to their publication in 13 May 2012 email: Breivik Acquittal Justified by Media's Massive Censorship of Oslo Crt Proceedings?
[2] (a) The total number of articles published by their publication either in print or online which refer to Breivik’s alleged ‘insanity’; and (b) the number of these articles which - for fairness, impartiality and scientific objectivity - include a ‘Critical Psychiatry’ perspective, such as: ‘The Myth of Mental Illness’, the Marketing of Madness, the use of Psychiatry as social control, and Psychiatrists Legal Testimony being equivalent to that of ‘Whores of the Court’: “psychobabble with scientific foundations equal to horoscope charts… the science behind it all is nonexistent”.
[3] The total amount of advertising revenue received by your publication from Pharmaceutical Corporations per year, over the past five years.
Environment-Population: Dr. Michael Maher Ph.D thesis documents how the media censors the Environment Population Connection: How & Why Journalists Avoid the Environment-Population Connection (PDF)
Ecological Source of Political & Economic Problems: “The economic and political problems with which we concern ourselves are merely manifestations of our ecological predicament -- they are symptoms, not the disease.” – Chris Clugston: Scarcity: Humanity's Last Chapter: A Comprehensive Analysis of Non-Renewable Natural Resources and its implications and consequences for humanity (NNR Scarcity) | US Naval Services Long-Term Study: Global Tipping Points on Food, Water, Energy, Pollution, Population, & Natural Resources & Population Explosion: The Most Powerful Force on Earth | 1996: US Army War College: Parameters: The Culture of Future Conflict: Overpopulation & Resource Scarcity will be the Direct Cause of Confrontation, Conflict, and War.
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 12:06 PM
To: 'MinEnv: Bård Vegar Solhjell'; 'Jon Berg'; 'DirGen Haege Andenaes'; 'SecGen: Tom Radahl'; 'DirGen: Jon Rorvik'
Cc: 'Env. Appeals Brd'
Subject: MinEnv: Bård Vegar Solhjel: Complaint: Environmental Appeals Board / Klagenemnda for miljøinformasjon
Bård Vegar Solhjell
Minister of Environment
The Ministry of the Environment
Head of Communications Jon Berg
Director General Hæge Andenæs
Secretary General Tom Rådahl
Director General Jon Rørvik
Dear Minister,
Complaint: Environmental Appeals Board Deletion of my Complaint for Review of Request for Access to Environment and Health Information in terms of S.28 (Freedom of Information Act) and S.10 (Environmental Law) sent to Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Dagbladet, NRK, TV2, VG and Addresseavisen: RE: Censorship in Norway’s Media: (I) Media’s Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection; (II) Norway’s Stalinesque Political Psychiatry Tyranny
On 25 May 2012, Requests for Access to Environment and Health Information were submitted to the editors of Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Dagbladet, NRK, TV2, VG and Addresseavisen requesting information related to their decision-making to censor information related to the (I) Media’s Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection; (II) Norway’s Stalinesque Political Psychiatry Tyranny. Each respondent was additionally provided a copy of the 22 April 2012 Earth Day: “If It Bleads, It Leads” Media’s Population-Terrorism Connection Report (42pgs). The Media Publications were requested to provide the requested information by 17:00 hrs on 11 June 2012. As of 17:00 hrs on 18 June 2012, but declined to do so.
On 18 June 2012 a complaint was filed with the Environmental Appeals Board : Appeals of environmental information.
On 22 June 2012, the Environmental Appeals Board responded that they had deleted the complaint without reading it.
From: Post miljoklagenemnda [mailto:Post@miljoklagenemnda.no]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 3:03 PM
To: Habeus Mentem
Subject: Ikke lest: Env. Appeals Brd: Appeal: RE: Addresseavisen | Aftenposten | BTidende | Dagbladet | NRK | TV2 | VG
Til: Post miljoklagenemnda
Emne: Env. Appeals Brd: Appeal: RE: Addresseavisen | Aftenposten | BTidende | Dagbladet | NRK | TV2 | VG
Sendt: 18. juni 2012 23:41:11 (UTC+01.00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Roma, Stockholm, Wien
ble slettet uten å ha vært lest 22. juni 2012 15:02:32 (UTC+01.00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Roma, Stockholm, Wien.
No reasons have been provided by the Environment Appeals Board for their decision to delete my complaint, allegedly without reading it. Nor is it registered on their Inkomne Sake pages: “Saker til behandling nå” and neither on their Vedtak/Decisions page.
Please could I be informed whether the deletion was an error; or if not: written reasons for the deletion of my complaint.
Respectfully Submitted
Lara Johnstone
Habeus Mentem: Right 2 Legal Sanity
Norway v. Breivik :: Uncensored
From: Post miljoklagenemnda
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 3:07 PM
To: Lara
Subject: RE: Env. Appeals Brd: Appeal: RE: Addresseavisen | Aftenposten | BTidende | Dagbladet | NRK | TV2 | VG
We hereby confirm the receipt of your inquiry.
Reference no: 2012/708 - 1
Sincerely yours,
Documentation Services, Records Management
Climate and Pollution Agency
E-mail: postmottak@klif.no
Phone: + 47 22 57 34 00 - Fax: +47 22 67 67 06
Postboks 8100 Dep, 0032 Oslo (Strømsveien 96)
For more information about us, please visit http://www.klif.no
Information about the state of the environment in Norway: http://www.environment.no/
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 10:51 AM
To: 'Post miljoklagenemnda'; 'postmottak@klif.no'
Cc: 'SecGen: Tom Radahl'; 'HeadComm: Jon Berg'; 'DirGen: Org: Jon Rorvik'; 'DirGen: Intnl Coop: Hege Andenas'; 'Arne Blix'; 'Ed: Hilde Haugsjerd'; 'Trine Eilertsen'; 'Hans Tore Bjerkaas'; 'Alf Hildrum'; 'Torry Pedersen'
Subject: RE: Env. Appeals Brd: Appeal: RE: Addresseavisen | Aftenposten | BTidende | Dagbladet | NRK | TV2 | VG
Documentation Services, Records Management
Climate and Pollution Agency
E-mail: postmottak@klif.no
Phone: + 47 22 57 34 00 - Fax: +47 22 67 67 06
Postboks 8100 Dep, 0032 Oslo (Strømsveien 96)
Dear Sirs/Ladies:
RE: Env. Appeals Brd: Appeal: RE: Addresseavisen | Aftenposten | BTidende | Dagbladet | NRK | TV2 | VG
This is rather unusual, in my experience.
In South Africa if you submit a complaint to a court; you are given a Case Number for the case. If there is an error in the application, the court clerks inform you of the specific error that allegedly requires your correction.
Yet you have provided a 'reference number for an inquiry', with no additional information or any reasons for not providing a court case number.
Is "2012/708 - 1" the case number for my complaint?
It does not appear so to me, since the case numbers of cases on your website are numbered differently; such as:
Sak: 2012/1
Sak: 2011/5
Sak: 2011/4
Sak: 2011/3
Sak: 2011/1
There is already a case: Sak: 2012/1; so logically this would be Sak: 2012/2.
Strangely, you have cases whose final decisions are not published:
Sak: 2011/2
Sak: 2010/2
Sak: 2010/1
Sak: 2008/04
Sak: 2008/02
Sak: 2008/01
Could you please clarify what "2012/708 - 1" means, what the case number is to be; and your Norwegian court process for proceeding.
Lara Johnstone
Request for Access to Environment and Health Information in terms of S.28 (Freedom of Information Act) and S.10 (Environmental Law); RE: Censorship in Norway’s Media: (I) Media’s Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection; (II) Norway’s Stalinesque Political Psychiatry Tyranny
Fra: Habeus Mentem
Sendt: 18. juni 2012 23:41
Til: Post miljoklagenemnda
Kopi: 'Arne Blix'; 'Ed: Hilde Haugsjerd'; 'Trine Eilertsen'; 'John Arne Markussen'; 'Hans Tore Bjerkaas'; 'Alf Hildrum'; 'Torry Pedersen'
Emne: Env. Appeals Brd: Appeal: RE: Addresseavisen | Aftenposten | BTidende | Dagbladet | NRK | TV2 | VG
Environmental Appeals Board:
Appeals of environmental information,
c / o Secretariat, Climate and Pollution,
PO Box 8100 Dep, 0032 OSLO,
E-mail: post@miljoklagenemnda.no
Adresseavisen: Editor: Arne Blix
Aftenposten: Editor: Hilde Haugsgjerd
Bergens Tidende: Editor: Trine Eilertsen
Dagbladet: Editor: John Arne Markussen
NRK: Editor: Hans Tore Bjerkaas
TV2: Editor: Alf Hildrum
VG: Editor: Torry Pedersen
Dear Sirs,
Request for Access to Environment and Health Information in terms of S.28 (Freedom of Information Act) and S.10 (Environmental Law) RE: Censorship in Norway’s Media: (I) Media’s Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection; (II) Norway’s Stalinesque Political Psychiatry Tyranny
On 25 May 2012, correspondence was submitted to each of the respondents requesting information related to their decision-making to censor information related to the (I) Media’s Environment-Population-Terrorism Connection; (II) Norway’s Stalinesque Political Psychiatry Tyranny. Each respondent was additionally provided a copy of the 22 April 2012 Earth Day: “If It Bleads, It Leads” Media’s Population-Terrorism Connection Report (42pgs)
Respondents were requested to provide such information by 17:00 hrs on 11 June 2012. As of 17:00 hrs on 18 June 2012, all respondents have declined to respond or to provide the information requested.
I am unaware what the legal justifications for the respondents refusal to provide the information.
As detailed in the requests to the respondents, the information is requested as a matter of public interest for research and transparency problem solving purposes.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lara Johnstone
Habeus Mentem: Right 2 Legal Sanity
Norway v. Breivik :: Uncensored
[A] Addresseavisen: Req for Access to Environment and Health Information ITO S.28 & S.10
[B] Aftenposten: Req for Access to Environment and Health Information ITO S.28 & S.10
[C] BergensTidende: Req for Access to Environment and Health Information ITO S.28 & S.10
[D] Dagbladet: Req for Access to Environment and Health Information ITO S.28 & S.10
[E] NRK: Req for Access to Environment and Health Information ITO S.28 & S.10
[F] TV2: Req for Access to Environment and Health Information ITO S.28 & S.10
[G] VG: Req for Access to Environment and Health Information ITO S.28 & S.10
[H] 22 April: Earth Day: Media’s Population-Terrorism Connection Report (42.pg).
» » » » [PDF :: Miljoklagenemnda]

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