From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 3:56 PM
To: Chief Justice Tore Schei; Norway Embassy; Mark Laity SHAPE; Geir Lippestad; Tord Jordet, Odd Ivar Gron, Bente Svendsen
Cc: Lt. Gen. André Blattmann; Fursten Gloria von Thurn & Taxis; Deputy Judge Advocate General, JAG; Norwegian Intelligence Service; Swedish Security Service; Lt. Col. Dave. Grossman; NGA-Pathfinder; Kremlin News Sender Service; Dept. of Defence: Media; XE/Blackwater; The Dossier; Bundesnachrichtendienst; Peggy Noonan; Brad Blanton
Subject: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
TO: Chief Justice Tore Schei
TO: King Harald V, PM Stoltenberg & Pres Andersen,
c/o: HE Mr Tor Christian Hildan, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy
TO: General Harald Sunde
NATO: Military Committee: Chief of Staff
Chief of Defence, Norway
c/o: Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
via: Mark Laity, Chief of Strategic Communications, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)
TO: Geir Lippestad
Advokatfirmaet Lippestad AS
“There never was an idea stated that woke men out of their stupid indifference but its originator was spoken of as a crank.”
~ US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ~
In the matter between:
Application in terms of Article 85 of Norwegian Constitution, as laid down on 17 May 1814 by the Constituent Assembly at Eidsvoll and subsequently amended, most recently on 20 February 2007: Any person who obeys an order the purpose of which is to disturb the liberty and security of the Storting is thereby guilty of treason.
Please find attached aforementioned application and its annexures:
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, THE HAGUE: COMPLAINT ITO ART.15 OF ROME STATUTE: RE: Communication and Complaint under Art.15 of the Rome Statute: Charges of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, in terms of Art 5(1)(a) & (b), 6(c) and 7(1)(h) of the Rome Statute. (PDF)
Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’; in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement by Consent; & § 171 & 172: Evidence on Commission (
[IIA] Statement of Facts: 2083 – Article 85 of Norwegian Constitution:
14. I am the Defendants Knights Templar (Miragestorum Navajo Dwarfwhisper32) Religious and Cultural Mentor. My Codename is ‘Francis Marion Braidfute’.
15. He obeyed my – SSBN 619: OMGASM - order to disturb the liberty and security of the Storting, and both of us should consequently be charged with treason against Norway.
16. We request to be charged with treason and if found guilty, in a free and fair trial -- of the same standard as provided to Nelson Mandela by the Apartheid South African Government – by a jury of our peers; to be executed, together, by firing squad.
17. We hereby notify the court of our intention to plead to the Political Necessity Defence.
18. If convicted: We do not wish to waste the taxpayers money by keeping us incarcerated, but to be executed by firing squad.
19. We request Political Necessity Attorney Katya Komisaruk to be appointed as my counsel, to act as Co-Counsel for Attorney Geir Lippestad, in regards to our intentions to plead to Political Necessity.
20. We also request the court to appoint Dr. Brad Blanton – founder of the Radical Honesty culture and religion - as the only psychologist worldwide with the required psychological and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for kinaesthetically psychologically understanding ‘Level of Pure Reason’ acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’.
Litigant in Person, Pro Se
Per: P O Box 5042, George East, 6539
South Africa
Tel: (044) 870 7239
Cel: (071) 170 1954

Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason (PDF)

Radical Honesty Coaching Blog Debate:
Re: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
[ :: RH Facebook :: Coaching Blog]
From: Brad Blanton
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 8:43 PM
To: Lara Johnstone
Cc: Aaron Weintraub; Mike Lewinski
Subject: Re: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
I resign Lara. Quit this shit. I do not wish to side with this terrorist killer and you do not have the right to fucking use me this way. brad
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:00 PM
To: 'Brad Blanton'; ''
Cc: 'Aaron Weintraub'; 'Mike Lewinski'
Subject: RE: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
What do you mean by 'I resign'?
How is he a terrorist killer; but you advocating that the worlds elite be killed and eaten, is not advocating terror?
I am still waiting for Aaron's definition of 'racism'. Perhaps his commitment to sharing honestly and transparently does not exist?
So Mandela's killing and bomb-planting is just fine -- freedom fighters!!
But white guys do the same thing and they are terrorists?
How the fuck does that work Brad?
What happened to the Tao of Democracy? Or is that just fucking bullshit to sell books?
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:20 PM
To: ''; 'Brad Blanton'
Cc: 'Aaron Weintraub'; 'Mike Lewinski'
Subject: RE: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 787] RE: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
Remember this? (Practicing Radical Honesty)
Adults Are Nothing But Large Children Who Have Forgotten How To Play
This chapter title is a quote from the following talk by Tom Robbins, one of the best-loved novelists of our time. Tom Robbins is a creator. He models what a creator does and how he lives. He is funny, and able to laugh at past and present tragedy and the pretentiousness of belief systems for all the world. He is a model creator who lightens us up before we launch into the hard work of life design and community building. This attitude of play and irreverence for all past tradition is absolutely essential for people who begin to make a life of creating.
Growing up is a trap.
As for responsibility, I am forced to ask, "Responsibility to what?" To our fellow humans? Two weeks ago, the newspapers reported that a federal court had ruled that when a person's brain stops functioning, that person is legally dead, even though his or her heart may continue to beat. That means that 80% of the population of the Earth is legally dead. Must we be responsible to corpses?
In times of doubt and chaos, it has been the duty of superior persons—artists, poets, scientists, clowns, and philosophers (certainly not statesmen or military heroes)—to create order in the psychic vibrations of their fellow beings. But in times such as ours, times that are too carefully ordered, too strictly organized, too expertly managed, thoroughly programmed and carefully planned, times in which too few control too many, it is the duty of all feeling, thinking, humanitarian people to toss their favorite monkey wrenches into the machinery. On second thought, you do have some responsibility to your fellow beings. To relieve the repression of the human spirit, it is your sacred duty to screw things up royally.
And this: (Your Interview with Alan Hutner on Transitions Radio Magazine)
Brad: Well deep democracy is distinguishable from the more superficial idea of just voting as a majority. It involves sticking with a conversation, listening to everyone, and working something out. It is a strategy by which you hold everybody's nose to the grindstone so that everybody says what they like and don't like. You actually negotiate a peace between warring parties.
I knew some of the people who helped come up with the Camp David Accord, which lasted longer as an agreement between Israel and the Arab states than most others. The participants spent the first two days cussing and yelling at each other and saying that they wanted to kill each other--and why. The accord emerged from them fully expressing their anger, resentment, hurt and grief. They acknowledged that they were enemies and then said, "Okay, but we still live next to each other. What are we going to do?"
Again, deep democracy is about everyone being heard, and then decisions being made together. Some people may still disagree. The majority may still be predominant. But everyone will have been considered.
From:; On Behalf Of Francisco Martin
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 1:51 AM
To:; 'Brad Blanton'
Cc: 'Aaron Weintraub'; 'Mike Lewinski'
Subject: Re: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 789] RE: Norway v.Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
I resent you for not answering Lara with the level of attention and detail that I think a person of her quality should get. I appreciate that you are mad at her, and please do continue being a winy little bitch but ALSO please answer her point by point with something thoughtful substantive. She IS worthy of your fucking precious time. Besides I am selfish and a bit of a voyeur so I want to see what comes of it.
-Francisco Martin
Oh I also resent the FUCK out of you for charging so fucking much for your goddam brainwashing seminar or workshop or whatever the expensive one is fucking called.
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:18 AM
To: ''; 'Brad Blanton'
Cc: 'Aaron Weintraub'; 'Mike Lewinski'
Subject: RE: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 789] RE: Norway v.Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
I appreciate you for being angry with Brad, and for appreciating him for being angry.
My perspective rant on this:
Anders Breivik has the guts to stand up against multi-culti fascists, which are our current 'fascists/nazi's'. As such he has 'ann frank' in the attic; and he says you will probably get to her sometime, but before you do; I am going to fucking make a huge fucking noise, and take a few of you motherfuckers with me.
The multicultis who demand that anyone who does not think like them, who wishes to live amongst his own kind, is a 'racist'. No discussion about evidence or anything. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, AND LIVE AS WE FUCKIING ORDER YOU TO.
I bet you Brad has not read one fucking page of Breivik's Manifesto; but believes the shit the media write! Even though Brad is fully aware the media write fucking lies about Brad! But when it comes to others, then Brad thinks the media tell the fucking truth! Fucking naïve!
At the end of the day: Anders Breivik walked his - I will protect Ann Frank in my attic - talk; and to Brad its just fucking talk!
Sells books to his bunch of gutless coward followers!
If Brad was in Stanley Milgram's experiment, he'd go all the way to the fucking top; pushing his little buttons, on the orders of his MultiCulti SS Masters.
Anders Breivik, would stand up and beat the fucking Professor, and break down the door to let the guy being tortured out!
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 12:27 PM
To: ''; 'Brad Blanton'
Cc: 'Aaron Weintraub'; 'Mike Lewinski'
Subject: RE: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 789] RE: Norway v.Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
Knights Templar 2083 by Anders Behring Breivik (12:23)
PDF of Anders Breivik's Manifesto:
Youtube video:
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 12:35 PM
To:; 'Brad Blanton'
Cc: 'Aaron Weintraub'; 'Mike Lewinski'
Subject: RE: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 789] RE: Norway v.Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
Brad, Voyeurs, et al
All correspondence has been posted at:
From: Brad Blanton
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:00 PM
To: Lara Johnstone
Cc: Mike Lewinski
Subject: Re: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
Get this. You are not me. You do not get to speak for me. You do not get to say you are me or that I have said something you think would be ok for me to say. Fuck you. Kiss my ass. I will put out a global fucking disownership of your horseshit and withdraw every fucking support ever given you.
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:45 PM
To: 'Brad Blanton';
Cc: 'Mike Lewinski'; ''
Subject: RE: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
Please clarify:
When did I say that I am you?
When did I 'speak for you'?
When did I say I am you, or say something I thought would be okay for you to say?
"I will put out a global fucking disownership of your horseshit and withdraw every fucking support ever given you."
What is your preference: to get over this, as is the social contract for the cult I joined?
Or should I interpret that as you insisting that I have to change my godddamn fucking beliefs to be the same as yours; or you are going to fucking disband me from your cult?
From: Brad Blanton
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 8:48 AM
To: Lara Johnstone
Subject: Re: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 789] RE: Norway v.Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
Fuck you Lara. I don't give a shit what people who kill children to get their way say. Fuck him and fuck you. I will be writing the S. Africa court to disown any affiliation with you. brad
From:; On Behalf Of Lara Johnstone
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:43 AM
To: 'Brad Blanton';
Cc: Francisco Martin; Aaron Weintraub; Mike Lewinski; Taber Shadburne
Subject: RE: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 794] RE: Norway v.Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
"I don't give a shit what people who kill children to get their way say."
Does that include Nelson Mandela and the ANC; for the children they killed?
Should I change the heading of your affidavit to "Fuck Nelson Mandela for killing children. Fuck ANC & Mandela for endorsing 10 year olds to be imprisoned in Torture Camps, etc..."
Except the ANC did not kill children by giving them a humane execution bullet to the head for a quick death. The ANC killed children by putting a fucking tyre over their head, and setting it on fire.
Take a good fucking look at how your goddamn fucking hero -- Mandela and the ANC -- killed children; you alleged anti-killing-children crusader?
Young ANC women were raped and forcefully impregnated and if they refused they were put before a 'Peoples Court' staffed with goddamn fucking teenagers, who pronounced them guilty and they were fucking necklaced.
ANC: VIP'S of Violence
When do all of you male fucking kaffirs who only want to spread your goddamn fucking sperm around the planet, to breed more fucking cannon fodder -- unwanted, hated, children -- for your little 'radical honesty', 'Al Qaeda' 'Anti-Apartheid' crusades; start a goddamn crusade for RESPONSIBLE FUCKING FATHERHOOD; you goddamn fucking WALKING PENIS MORONS?
Why do you endorse all these goddamn male walking penis kaffir breeding factories licences to breed; but this man cannot get a fucking licence to hunt you goddamn Marxist kaffir breeding CANNON FODDER BREEDING traitors?
Do you think the earth is goddamn fucking flat, and you male walking penis kaffirs who have no fucking serious commitment to being fathers, can just fuck and fuck and breed and breed children, and there are no consequences for such children, to your kaffir fucking walking penis behaviour?
You are welcome to write the South African court to disown any affiliation with me. At the same time tell them you disown any affiliation to your alleged social contract of getting over being mad, and being committed to getting to a point of sincere forgiveness; and that it was all just absolute bullshit for you to sell books; and gather for you a little goddamn fucking fanclub of moron imbeciles who aren’t committed to practicing your radical honesty practices; and I was just some goddamn fucking stupid moron who believed you were sincere. You never meant a goddamn fucking word of it. You don't want anyone in your goddamn fucking culture who expects you to fucking practice what you goddamn fucking preach.
"You can have anything you want as long as it doesn't have to look like you thought it would." -- Werner Erhard
[ANC's Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camp]
Aforementioned correspondence was subsequently posted to: FBI: Brad Blanton and Radical Honesty Fraud: GMC 4643-13 applicant/s correspondence to and from or about Brad Blanton / Radical Honesty aka Radical Hypocrisy community [PDF]: 2011 [PDF]. See blog statement re: Editor former membership of Radical Honesty culture.

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