From: Lara JohnstoneSent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 3:56 PM
To: Chief Justice Tore Schei; Norway Embassy; Mark Laity SHAPE; Geir Lippestad; Tord Jordet, Odd Ivar Gron, Bente Svendsen
Cc: Lt. Gen. André Blattmann; Fursten Gloria von Thurn & Taxis; Deputy Judge Advocate General, JAG; Norwegian Intelligence Service; Swedish Security Service; Lt. Col. Dave. Grossman; NGA-Pathfinder; Kremlin News Sender Service; Dept. of Defence: Media; XE/Blackwater; The Dossier; Bundesnachrichtendienst; Peggy Noonan; Brad Blanton
Subject: Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason
TO: Chief Justice Tore Schei
TO: King Harald V, PM Stoltenberg & Pres Andersen,
c/o: HE Mr Tor Christian Hildan, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy
TO: General Harald Sunde
NATO: Military Committee: Chief of Staff
Chief of Defence, Norway
c/o: Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
via: Mark Laity, Chief of Strategic Communications, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)
TO: Geir Lippestad
Advokatfirmaet Lippestad ASIN THE OSLO - Alt for Norge – SUPREME COURT
“There never was an idea stated that woke men out of their stupid indifference but its originator was spoken of as a crank.”
~ US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ~
In the matter between:
Application in terms of Article 85 of Norwegian Constitution, as laid down on 17 May 1814 by the Constituent Assembly at Eidsvoll and subsequently amended, most recently on 20 February 2007: Any person who obeys an order the purpose of which is to disturb the liberty and security of the Storting is thereby guilty of treason.
Please find attached aforementioned application and its annexures:
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, THE HAGUE: COMPLAINT ITO ART.15 OF ROME STATUTE: RE: Communication and Complaint under Art.15 of the Rome Statute: Charges of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, in terms of Art 5(1)(a) & (b), 6(c) and 7(1)(h) of the Rome Statute. (PDF)
Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’; in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement by Consent; & § 171 & 172: Evidence on Commission (
[IIA] Statement of Facts: 2083 – Article 85 of Norwegian Constitution:
14. I am the Defendants Knights Templar (Miragestorum Navajo Dwarfwhisper32) Religious and Cultural Mentor. My Codename is ‘Francis Marion Braidfute’.
15. He obeyed my – SSBN 619: OMGASM - order to disturb the liberty and security of the Storting, and both of us should consequently be charged with treason against Norway.
16. We request to be charged with treason and if found guilty, in a free and fair trial -- of the same standard as provided to Nelson Mandela by the Apartheid South African Government – by a jury of our peers; to be executed, together, by firing squad.
17. We hereby notify the court of our intention to plead to the Political Necessity Defence.
18. If convicted: We do not wish to waste the taxpayers money by keeping us incarcerated, but to be executed by firing squad.
19. We request Political Necessity Attorney Katya Komisaruk to be appointed as my counsel, to act as Co-Counsel for Attorney Geir Lippestad, in regards to our intentions to plead to Political Necessity.
20. We also request the court to appoint Dr. Brad Blanton – founder of the Radical Honesty culture and religion - as the only psychologist worldwide with the required psychological and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for kinaesthetically psychologically understanding ‘Level of Pure Reason’ acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’.
Litigant in Person, Pro Se
Per: P O Box 5042, George East, 6539
South Africa
Tel: (044) 870 7239
Cel: (071) 170 1954

Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason

Responses from Dr. Brad Blanton are at: [Radical Honesty Debate] Norway v. Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason

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