Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

2012-04-27 (TV2): Breivik Trial: Day 10: Oslo Bomb Testimony:

2012-04-27 (TV2): Breivik Trial: Day 10: Oslo Bomb Testimony: Victim Survivors & Experts:

Kristian Rasmussen | Raasok Tore | 34 Yr Anon | Government Administration Services: Ole Peder Nordheim | Oslo Police Anon | Nurse Anon | DSS Guard Anon

Oslo District Court: #: 11-188627 MED-05 | 27 April 2012 | Breivik Report/TV2.NO

9:03 The witness Kristian Rasmussen takes the witness stand.
9:06 Prosecutors Holden: - What happened that day?
9:07 Rasmussen: - It was the last day before summer vacation, I was going to Stavanger. I had a meeting with my boss. I sent some text messages.

9:30 Next witness is Raasok Tore, who was on Johan Nygaardsvold space between high-rise building and Akersgata when it narrowly.
9:30 Raasok is Director of Communications.

9:31 Prosecutors Engh: - Can you tell us about what was happening 22/7?
9:35 Raasok: - The pond at the Johan Nygaardsvold place I heard a tremendous bang. I was not thinking toward terrorist bomb, but rather on the gas explosion.

10:42 Next witness is a 34-year-old man working in the ministries. He is not mentioned in the indictment.
10:43 Prosecutors Holden: - How did you experience that day?
10:44 Witness (34 years): - There were few people at work, I and some colleagues gathered in my section at about 13 for ice cream and drink coffee.

12:17 The first witness after the break is director Ole Peder Nordheim in Government Administration Services.
12:24 Nordheim, the safety manager in the government district, and resigned that position in March this year:

12:33 Prosecutors Holden: - Tell me about the job you had 22/7.
12:33 Nordheim: - I was head of security department of the DSS.

13:19 Next testifying on 22/7. He works as custody of the Oslo police.
13:20 The witness was in VG-building when the bomb exploded.

8:24 Good morning from Oslo District Court.

8:47 Kristian was in the second floor of the R4, in an office when the bomb against Grubbegaten narrow.

8:50 Court actors arrive Hall 250

9:00 The court is set, said court administrator Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen.

9:03 Prosecutors Holden says that more testimony is precipitated from Monday to today.

9:03 The witness Kristian Rasmussen (31) takes the witness stand.
9:06 Rasmussen says that the work was such that he could see the street where the bomb car parked.

9:06 Prosecutors Holden: - What happened that day?

9:07 Rasmussen: - It was the last day before summer vacation, I was going to Stavanger. I had a meeting with my boss. I sent some text messages.

9:07 Rasmussen: - For my part, it was black and the afternoon.

9:07 Prosecutors Holden: - What do you mean by that?

9:08 Rasmussen says that he remembers little from that day.

9:08 Rasmussen: - The last thing I remember I did was to send some text messages.

9:08 Rasmussen was twelve days in a coma after 22/7.

9:10 Rasmussen: - I was 1-1.5 hrs before I was found by firefighters. I had severe bleeding and a brain hemorrhage.

9:10 Rasmussen explains further for the other injuries he suffered. Prosecutors Holden refers to physician statements.

9:11 Prosecutors Holden: - How serious was it?

9:11 Rasmussen: - It was a hair.

9:12 Rasmussen said he came to the hospital in the last minute.

9:12 Prosecutors Holden cites a medical certificate stating that the injuries were life-threatening nature.

9:13 Rasmussen explains the operations he underwent in the aftermath.

9:14 Rasmussen: - I got pneumonia while I was in a coma.

9:15 Prosecutors Holden asks about other types of injuries, which fractures.

9:16 Rasmussen said that a bomb movie that was on the window prevented the glass was blown into the office, he found himself in.

9:17 Rasmussen tells of the great physical discomfort was related to the first time in the hospital.

9:19 Rasmussen: - 10 August, I moved to Sunnaas hospital. There I was tested. They concluded that I had escaped brain damage.

9:20 Rasmussen: - I have come away with great success. But I wish I had it without.

9:20 Rasmussen: - I received the best treatment in the world, I think.

9:22 Rasmussen says that he is now back in the NVE, he was on loan to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy in the period before 22/7.

9:22 Rasmussen will be shown photos of hospital stay, as he lay in a coma.

9:23 Lawyer Siv Hallgren ask him to comment on the pictures he is shown.

9:25 Rasmussen laughs a little when he is shown a picture from one of his first trips in the outdoors, with family members.

9:26 Rasmussen: - I was identified in the hospital a little scar, I had no identification papers on me.

9:27 Rasmussen: - It is difficult to imagine how the family has had it this time.

9:27 Rasmussen is shown a picture of your office space where he was. The room was completely crushed.

9:29 Kristian Rasmussen finished his diploma.

9:30 Next witness is Tore Raasok, who was on Johan Nygaardsvold space between high-rise building and Akersgata when it narrowly.
9:30 Raasok is Director of Communications.

9:31 Prosecutors Engh: - Can you tell us about what was happening 22/7?

9:32 Raasok - I was at work, a normal working day in the joint. Last day at work before the holiday.

9:33 Raasok: - Before I did I finished, I went to the hairdresser to cut me. I opted for a drop in time.

9:34 Raasok: - I went down Grubbegaten and the Mills Street, where there is a hairdresser. But they could not cut me. I went the same route back to work.

9:35 Raasok: - The pond at the Johan Nygaardsvold place I heard a tremendous bang. I was not thinking toward terrorist bomb, but rather on the gas explosion.

9:35 Raasok: - Pressure wave hit me and threw me off tiltalls meters.

9:35 Raasok - I could not move and could not see anything. But I hear. I understand that I am seriously injured.

9:36 Raasok - I thought that it is not certain that I will survive. I'm terrified, and thinking of the family.

9:37 Raasok: - I am desperate and crying for help, someone to call my family.

9:38 Raasok: - Then it gradually over that I think about my own life. I cry for help and get help after 15-20 minutes. It is perceived as a very long time.

9:39 Raasok: - I was aware of until they came, and to the hospital.

9:39 Raasok - I arrive at Ullevål, and do not remember much of it. I kept artificially in a coma.

9:40 Raasok describes the injuries he suffered, he would have to amputate his left leg above the knee.

9:41 Raasok underwent 10 operations at Oslo University, before he was transferred to Sunnaas hospital for further treatment.

9:42 Raasok: - sight and hearing, as it was. I was lucky, but there has been an extensive process to get there where I am today.

9:43 Raasok: - It was critical, small margins, as I perceived it.

9:43 Raasok: - The weeks in intensive care was horrible.

9:45 Raasok: - I remember every nightmare. It was terribly tough spot.

9:46 Raasok: - Fear and anxiety came over me at regular intervals in the time after I had been in intensive care.

9:47 Raasok - I got a fantastic treatment at Ullevål, and a fantastic backing of family and colleagues.

9:48 Raasok - I got the princess at Ullevål visit, and the royal couple at Sunnaas. All this means a lot when you return.

9:49 Raasok: - I will still dagrehabilitering. It goes on to regain a good gait, and strength in the left arm.

9:50 Raasok: - It goes forward, and it has made all the way. I've been thinking positive all the way, although it has not always been so easy.

9:51 Raasok is still on sick leave from her job, but will come back.

9:52 Raasok: - I'm getting to much now, but is not completely self-reliant. Everyday life is different. Everything takes much time.

9:55 Raasok: - I was sheltered, and did not know about Utøya before it was gone almost three weeks.

9:55 Raasok - I reacted violently then, and wept. All the kids .... all the children who were killed on Utøya.

9:56 Raasok: - The first couple of months I could not remember the name of the defendant.

9:57 Prosecutors Engh: - How have the people in your workplace?

9:57 Raasok: - There are some who find it tough and difficult.

9:59 Raasok want to say something about his family's reactions: - It has been incredibly hard for my family. They were incredibly tough, they were afraid of losing me.

9:59 Raasok: - They are coming back now.

10:00 Tore Raasok finish his diploma. The court takes a break to clock 10.40.

10:38 The testimonies of the witnesses referred to the next in an anonymous form.

10:40 The court is set.

10:42 Next witness is a 34-year-old man working in the ministries. He is not mentioned in the indictment.

10:43 Prosecutors Holden: - How did you experience that day?

10:44 Witness (34 years): - There were few people at work, I and some colleagues gathered in my section at about 13 for ice cream and drink coffee.

10:45 Witness (34 years): - When the bomb went off, I heard heard a loud boom. I felt a pressure, breath went out of the lungs. I felt heat on his neck.

10:45 Witness (34 years): - I hear the movement of furniture, broken glass. I have a strong impression of broken glass.

10:46 Witness (34 years) - I realized at once that it was a bomb. I heard a yell that can not be described.

10:47 Witness (34 years): - I shop in a panic and run to the front door. It is stuck and will not open.

10:48 Witness (34 years): - I go to another section, where a colleague sitting. She collects cell phone, keys. I did not.

10:49 Witness (34 years): - The two go together to the elevator area of ??the stairwell. According to her, I looked out into thin air, I was probably in shock.

10:49 Witness (34 years): - ceiling had fallen down, we come to the entrance. It seems quite dark because the light has passed.

10:51 Witness (34 years): - On the floor is the building material and glass. I recognize one, and want to turn around and go back. I'm sure there will be a bomb or that I will be shot at.

10:51 Witness (34 years): - Outside, it seems as if it is empty of sound. I turn and look towards the tower block, I do not recognize the facade.

12:12 Right now break until at approx. 12.30

12:17 The first witness after the break is director Ole Peder Nordheim in Government Administration Services.
12:24 Nordheim, the safety manager in the government district, and resigned that position in March this year:

12:32 Nordheim has taken the witness stand.

12:33 Prosecutors Holden: - Tell me about the job you had 22/7.

12:33 Nordheim: - I was head of security department of the DSS.

12:34 Nordheim: - The department consists of a guard section, a concierge service, an occupational and a technical section.

12:35 Nordheim tells staff to DSS that day.

12:35 Nordheim: - For me it was 22/7 a very important day. I should have a late holiday.

12:35 Nordheim: - I was going to Jotunheimen with my daughter.

12:36 Nordheim: - I was ready to ride from work and looking forward enormously to go on that trip.

12:37 Nordheim: - I was in the Y-block, but this holiday was not at all as planned.

12:38 Nordheim: - My colleague shouted that there had been a bomb.

12:38 Nordheim: - Employees of the Ministry came running out in panic.

12:39 Nordheim: - I looked at the devastation, and I had to get people out. I ushered people out to the right, towards Akersgata.

12:39 Nordheim: - I called my wife, and had explained what had happened, and that it was good to me.

12:40 Nordheim: - From then on I went on autopilot.

12:40 Nordheim: - My concern was first and foremost up the block. Here it must be injured, I thought.

12:41 Nordheim: - As I announced my director and my section leaders and opened the office doors could be open, I saw that the devastation was worse the farther I got into.

12:42 Nordheim: - I kicked up several locked doors, I believe there were more than ten.

12:42 Nordheim: - I met a director general, it was absolutely quiet in the corridors.

12:43 Nordheim: - We found an employee behind a door, he had cuts. He was in better state of shock.

12:43 Nordheim: - We got him out to safety.

12:44 Nordheim: - I moved out of the Y-block and walked to the center of the disaster, by Einar Gerhardsen place.

12:44 Nordheim: - It was important to get checked out the status of our monitoring center. Then I saw the big hole after the bomb.

12:45 Nordheim: - I received a report on the monitoring station was still operational.

12:45 Nordheim: - I thought the two were in the lobby of the H-block.

12:46 Nordheim: - It was important for me to be present, without going into operational.

12:46 Nordheim: - I assisted towards the operational chain.

12:47 Nordheim: - I was repeatedly asked to leave because I was not in uniform.

12:48 Nordheim: - I said to one of the section chiefs that we had to establish a crisis response team.

12:48 Nordheim: - It was obvious that the situation of those who sat at the front desk was very serious.

12:49 Nordheim: - We took in the Supreme Court, it is probably the first time I have practiced civil disobedience.

12:50 Nordheim: - I got the first clear indication that one of the staff at reception were killed.

12:50 Nordheim: - I also hear that a seriously injured person was taken away from the reception area.

12:51 Nordheim: - We were then asked by police to leave the Supreme Court building (approximately 17.45).

12:52 Nordheim: - Still, we were not sure where we were, we went to a hotel where a meeting was opened for us.

12:53 Nordheim explains the crisis staff work in this phase.

12:54 Nordheim: - We were planning for a meeting the next morning.

12:54 Nordheim: - We were called home business psychologist from our vacation.

12:55 Nordheim: - We had to prepare ourselves to be on the mail the next day and the next day.

12:56 Nordheim: - Around midnight, I had to return to the monitoring center to check the status there. We took the back door.

12:56 Nordheim: - That which met me there was a shocking sight.

12:56 Nordheim: - We were able to handle the monitoring center on a show. Radio Connection came up again.

12:57 Nordheim: - The police were very keen to get the evidence, footage of the perpetrator.

12:58 Nordheim: - In this situation, with ten open ministry building and open the vault doors, safes, I asked about the emergency situation at the Public Construction.

12:59 Nordheim: - I got called back two guards there.

12:59 Prosecutors Holden: - How has it affected you?

13:00 Nordheim: - I was in a very rational bubble, never felt so strong then. The only thing I had no control over, it was emotional.

13:01 Nordheim: - I thought of my employees, some of them have experience in war zones before.

13:01 Nordheim: - I thought that for our part, this was the beginning of a challenging time.

13:02 Nordheim: - I was in the government quarter continuously for 8 days.

13:03 Nordheim: - We chose to remain in the Y-block.

13:03 Nordheim: - Security guards have been very good at taking care of each other.

13:04 Nordheim: - The relocation of the ministries have been demanding for DSS, we have also been confronted by the media.

13:05 Nordheim: - I will highlight the efforts of the operational personnel of DSS after 22/7.

13:07 Nordheim: - I went for the eight days abroad with my wife and daughter, and remembers little of this trip.

13:08 Nordheim talks about the expectations that have built up since, as he failed to fulfill.

13:08 Nordheim: - I made a decision 12 March, and asked my director to be released from my position.

13:09 Nordheim: - I got accepted, and was sick of my doctor.

13:10 Nordheim: - Page 12 March I have been keen to see the trial, there has been a great strain.

13:11 Nordheim: - I work hard to get me back, concern for me and my closest had to be put in front of the other.

13:11 Nordheim is asked how many security guards who were at work 22/7.

13:12 Nordheim: - In the narrow, there were 12 security guards and 17 reception guards in the ministries.

13:12 Nordheim: - 11 Desk guards were in the government quarter.

13:13 Defender Vibeke Hein Bæra asks procedures at DSS.

13:13 Bæra: - How are the routines for video surveillance, and transmission of suspicious observations?

13:14 Nordheim: - In certain situations, you can set up a transfer to the police.

13:14 Nordheim: - When it comes to cars parked outside, the parking is prohibited. This is something that happens fairly often.

13:15 Nordheim: - For me it was not a perpetrator at the time.

13:16 Bæra ask for identification of the perpetrator from the surveillance pictures.

13:16 Nordheim: - The moment the offender ran from the area, no one had seen the pictures.

13:17 Nordheim: - For me it was a shock, eight weeks after the incident, to see pictures of the perpetrator was made public.

13:17 Ole Peder Nordheim finish his explanation.

13:19 Next testifying on 22/7. He works as custody of the Oslo police.

13:20 The witness was in VG-building when the bomb exploded.

13:20 Witness: - It was hard to understand what happened. I did not hear any bang, I thought maybe it was an earthquake.

13:21 Witness: - I noticed that it started to drain blood from the head, I also had a cut in the ankle, but it was not something that was dangerous.

13:22 Witness: - I was helped out of Aker Street, and sat down outside the Ministry of Finance.

13:23 Witness: - As I was lodged on the bus, where I borrowed off the phone and got a call from the duty manager of the Oslo District Court.

13:23 Witness: - I called and then my sister and asked her to tell the family that I was ok.

13:24 The witness later received medical treatment, and had to remove a lot of glass shattering.

13:25 Witness: - I was back at work on 7th september.

13:26 Witness - I did not realize immediately that it was a bomb, but when I saw the surroundings, I realized it.

13:27 The witness has finished his explanation.

13:27 The court takes a break to clock 13.50.

13:46 Next witness is a woman who was in a car in Akersgata when it narrowly.

13:52 The witness is asked to take a seat in the witness box.

13:52 The witness is a trained nurse.

13:53 Prosecutors Holden: - Tell us about your experiences.

13:54 Witness: - I was in a car with my kids in Akersgata, and looked for a place to park.

13:54 Witness: - When we recorded the huge, metallic roar.

13:55 Witness: - The street in front of me was full of smoke or dust.

13:56 Witness: - There was something falling from the car, and I turned my back before it hit the windshield.

13:56 Witness: - The kids were panic in the back seat, they cried and screamed. The first thought we had been run over. I said I thought it was a bomb.

13:58 Witness: - I looked in the rearview mirror a car behind us, and thought that we had to get out. I backed out, and then out of town.

13:58 Prosecutors Holden asks how it goes with her children.

13:58 Witness: - They were terribly frightened at the time.

13:58 Witness: - The hardest part was that I could not reassure them.

13:59 Witness: - We had not driven far before one of them told me that we should not talk about it. Never talk about it.

13:59 Witness: - I said that we had enough to do, for a long time to come.

14:00 The witness said she chose to tell about what happened, that they would not have to form their own fantasies later.

14:01 The witness: - They settled down with that "he who does so has ill thoughts".

14:01 Breivik smiles when the woman says this.

14:02 Witness: - The children are afraid of unexpected sounds, they want adults to be home when they come from school.

14:03 Witness: - When they started school again, heard the eldest a rumor that when a dead were identified, it was by means of a ring that was on his finger.

14:06 The eldest thought much about it, says the mother. The eldest made his thoughts about how his father was identified them, if they had died.

14:06 Witness: - The oldest have changed their behavior, become less social, is different than before.

14:08 Witness: - I have thought so many thoughts about this, how this could change the lives of our family.

14:09 Witness - I also thought that I am a nurse, and left.

14:09 The witness tells how terror has also changed her behavior.

14:10 Witness: - I have a disturbance in the body of what it has done in the future. We were not damaged, but still ...

14:10 The witness finished his testimony.

14:11 Next witness was located at the junction Grubbegaten / limit when the bomb went off.

14:11 The witness is the chief guard.

14:12 Prosecutors Engh: - You are an employee of DSS. What did you 22/7?

14:12 Witness: - I was ready to guard and found myself at the junction Grubbegaten / limit when the bomb went off.

14:14 Witness: - I have no recollection of any smell, but it was a very noisy scenario.

14:14 Witness: - I see a witness with wounds in the head, and says that she needs help.

14:15 Witness: - I will hurry to get up in the area where it had happened, and taking pictures along the way.

14:15 Witness: - I see a large crater, and an engine block that is. Understand that there have been a bomb on the spot.

14:16 Witness: - I feel a really need to go into the building to look for people.

14:17 Witness: - I'll be me, standing on the debris. There is no one to see, and then sees two bodies outside. Both lie on your stomach.

14:18 Witness: - They were not easy to recognize. I bend down and work with her. Turns her around and see that she is trying to breathe.

14:18 Witness: - I will free the airways.

14:18 Witness: - The second is two steps further away. I have not done anything for her.

14:19 Witness makes contact with another colleague, and both are working with injuries in the area.

14:19 The falling window frames and glass around them.

14:20 Witness: - I cry for help, and there will be a policewoman. She looks up at the tower block, and turns.

14:21 Witness: - There are two police officers, we lift up the injured (the young woman who worked as a guard desk).

14:21 Witness: - We lifted out the other in a dignified manner.

14:22 Witness: - At the time I was expelled from the area by a police officer. I was dressed in civilian clothes.

14:23 The witness then observed what he thought was a suspicious car, which stood at the back of R5.

14:24 Witness: - I was alerted to the car to a police woman.

14:25 The witness account of the efforts he made in the area.

14:27 The witness goes on about how the emergency work was handled by the management staff of DSS.

14:27 Witness: - We expected it to be more like Mumbai.

14:29 The witness tells of when the crisis management takes in at a hotel, with terrified guests provided.

14:30 Witness: - We assembled equipment, chargers, communications equipment.

14:31 Witness: - I was in the evening asked to provide emergency plan, which was located inside the walled-off area. A creative person made sure to get into.

14:32 Witness: - I came home at 01 o'clock at night.

14:32 Witness: - I thought I'd sleep a little. It was tricky, I sat on the veranda and went to work again in the morning.

14:33 Prosecutors told Engh testified that the father of the young woman he rescued, is grateful.

14:34 The witness is asked by defense counsel Lippestad about the security of the government building, and whether this has been discussed.

14:34 Witness: - It has been loudly debated.

14:34 Lippestad: - What has been afraid of?

14:35 Witness: - Car bombs.

14:35 Lippestad: - Were there others who were concerned about?

14:35 Witness: - There was a general opinion, yes.

14:37 The witness has finished his explanation. This was the final witness. The court is adjourned until Thursday 09.00.

» » » » [Breivik Report :: TV2.NO]

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