Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Monday, May 7, 2012

2012-05-07 (TV2): Breivik Trial: Day 13: Utoya Massacre Testimony:

2012-05-07 (TV2): Breivik Trial: Day 13: Utoya Massacre Testimony:

Forensic scientist Professor MD. Torleiv Rognum | KRIPOS crime technician Goran Dyvesveen | Autopsy Reports: Gunnar Linaker (23) | Margrethe Bøyum Kløven (16) | Silje Merete Fjellbu (17) | Guro Vartdal Håvoll (18) | Ronja Søttar Johansen (17) | Mona Abdinur (18) | Sondre Kjøren (17) | Bendik Rosnæs Ellingsen (18) | Eivind Hovden (15) | Lena Marie Bergum (19) | Elisabeth Trønnes Lie (16) | Henrik André Pedersen (27)

Oslo District Court: #: 11-188627 MED-05 | 07 May 2012 | Breivik Report/TV2.NO

Forensic scientist Professor MD. Torleiv Rognum and KRIPOS crime technician Goran Dyvesveen provide the details of the autopsy reports, while victim family attorneys provide short biographies about the Utoya deceased:
Tent site:
Gunnar Linaker (23)
Cafe Building: Little Hall:
Margrethe Bøyum Kløven (16)
Silje Merete Fjellbu (17)
Guro Vartdal Håvoll (18)
Ronja Søttar Johansen (17)
Mona Mahamed Abdinur (18)
Sondre Kjøren (17)
Bendik Rosnæs Ellingsen (18)
Cafe Building: Great Hall:
Eivind Hovden (15)
Lena Marie Bergum (19)
Elisabeth Trønnes Lie (16)
Henrik André Pedersen (27)

8:46 Welcome from Oslo Courthouse. About 14 minutes is right for day 13 of the trial after the terrorist attacks on 22 last July.

8:54 In court today, continuing the hard work of going through the autopsy reports after they killed the Utøya. One is scheduled to go through the 12 autopsy reports today.

8:54 Court participants are beginning to adopt courtroom 250 in Oslo Courthouse.

8:57 The defendant, Anders Breivik Behring, is led into the hall.

8:59 The court is set.

9:01 It is Torleiv Rognum, who led the autopsy work after the terrorist attacks to give testimony about the damage they inflicted was killed.

9:03 Police Inspector Trond Sand Bråten explains the first where the dead were found.
9:03 The execution of Gunnar Linaker which is reviewed first in the day.

9:04 Sand Bråten right shows photos from Utøya, specifically from the tent site.

9:07 On the giant screen displayed images from the tent site.

9:10 Rognum explains that Linaker was killed by gunshot wounds. He refers to a doll where on the body shots hit 23-year-old.

9:13 Lawyer Nadia Christina Hall-Deglum Ostby says Gunnar Linaker greatest attribute was the care of others. Read more about Gunnar here.

9:14 One has now come to the dead in cafe building.

9:15 Police Inspector Trond Sand Bråten warns that it will be shown powerful images. Prosecutors Svein Holden asks that it is said in the pre, so those who wish to leave the courtroom.

9:15 Sand Bråten shows a schematic overview of the building, where the different rooms and exits are marked.

9:17 Sand Bråten shows pictures from inside the cafe building.

9:19 Bråten Sand: - In the Little Hall died seven children. In the Great Hall died five youths. In time, died a youth.

9:20 Breivik biting her lip while Sand Bråten warns of strong images.

9:20 Judge Wenche Arntzen says those who wish to leave the hall can do it whenever they want.
9:21 Sand Bråten going through the execution of Margrethe Boyum Kloven. She died in Little Hall.

9:23 Sand Bråten refers to images that are distributed in a binder to the court players. The strongest images are not displayed on the screen in the halls.

9:24 Chief Kari Ormstad of Public Health is going through the injuries were inflicted Clubs.

9:26 Aid lawyer describes Clubs, and cites the quote "Before you judge me, try hard to love me." Read more about Margrethe here.

9:28 Sand Bråten explanation starts at around draptet Silje Merete Fjellbu.
9:31 Ormstad go through what damage was inflicted Fjellbu.

9:34 Lawyer Siv Hallgren said Fjellbu could go from being in love with one eye gaze, music to the next. Read more about Silje here

9:36 Police Superintendent Sandy Bråten explains about the technical findings of the execution of 18 year old Guro Vartdal Håvoll.

9:36 Sand Bråten: - She died in Little Hall.

9:37 Sand Bråten explains how Håvoll was found executed.

9:38 Breivik drinking water. Waiting a while to swallow, while Sand Bråten talking about strong images that are in the players' binders.

9:39 Ormstad explains about the findings of forensic investigations.

9:39 What shots have hit are displayed with a stick against a doll that stands in the courtroom.

9:42 Aid lawyer says Håvoll was caring. She had a political commitment in many areas, and a desire to take care of people. She wanted to live here and now. Read more about Guro here.

9:43 The Court has taken break until at 10

9:50 The court has so far today gone through the technical findings and obdusksjonsrapportene in connection with four of those killed.

9:50 Plans call for the right to go through twelve of the executions of Utøya today. It is expected that the right end of the day at lunch.

9:58 The court actors begin to take their places in the room 250 after the first break.

10:01 Defense team, prosecutors, legal aid lawyers and legal experts in place.

10:01 The defendant enters the courtroom.

10:02 The court is set.
10:02 The court will now review the findings in connection with the execution of Ronja Sweet Johansen.

10:03 Sand Bråten: - She died in Little Hall.

10:04 Over Police officer shows pictures taken inside the little room after the dead are carried away. door to the Great Hall is open.

10:04 Sand Bråten also refers to the images in the file court players have been dealt.

10:05 Chief Ormstad will now review the forensic investigations.

10:06 Ormstad show on the doll where shots have been taken.

10:06 Breivik watching Ormstad and the doll as she explains the damage.

10:07 Ormstad says that Johansen was struck by several deadly shots.

10:09 Aid lawyer says Ronja Sottar Johansen was much loved and deeply missed. Read more about Ronja here.
10:10 Police Superintendent Sandy Bråten start the review of the execution of Mona Abdinur. She was killed in Little Hall.

10:10 Sand Bråten shows pictures taken in Little Hall.

10:11 Sand Bråten refers to photographs court participants have been divided into a binder.

10:13 Chief Ormstad going through the forensic investigation in connection with the execution.

10:14 Three of the experts look at Breivik Breivik while watching Ormstad explaining where shots have been taken.

10:16 Lawyer Siv Hallgren explains Mona's family situation. She was Utøya along with a sister. She spoke twice with his sister while the terrorist attack on Utøya continued.

10:18 Hallgren: - Mona was a very active and social girl. In the summer of 2011 was Mona finished second year high school. The family was Mona a key person. Friends have said that the family called her "our sun". Read more about Mona here.
10:19 Police Superintendent Sand Bråten start the review of the execution of Sondre Kjoren.

10:20 Driver was found dead in Little Hall. Sand Bråten shows the image from the Minor Hall.

10:21 Sand Bråten refers to images that are presented to the court actors in a binder.

10:22 Ormstad explain now about the forensic findings.

10:25 Counsel for the aggrieved: - Sondre was a happy boy with a great sense of justice. Even established politicians listened to Sondre. Read more about Sondre here.

10:26 The court goes on to hear the explanations for the findings in connection with the execution of Bendik Rosnæs Ellingsen.
10:27 Sand Bråten: - He died in Little Hall.

10:28 Sand Bråten shows the image from the Minor Hall.

10:29 Sand Bråten explains how Ellingsen was found.

10:29 Sand Bråten refers to images located in a lay-court players have been dealt.

10:30 Chief Ormstad going through the forensic investigation.

10:32 Ormstad show by holding his arm up in front of him how the shot could have hit the victim.

10:33 Breivik's defense team is made up in court now by three lawyers. Vibeke Hein berries are not present.

10:35 Lawyer Siv Hallgren: - Bendik was an active boy. He looked forward to the third grade in high school, with more social. Bendik had a summer job in 2011 for the second year in the Police and Justice Ministry. Read more about Bendik here.

10:35 The court pauses until 1050.

10:36 As during every break, wear handcuffs defendants attached to a belt before he moved out of the courtroom.

10:42 While other lawyers have gone out of the courtroom 250, the prosecutor uses Inga Bejer Engh and defends Geir Lippestad much of the break to talk.

10:44 The court has so far today gone through eight of the twelve planned autopsy reports.

10:45 Oslo District Court has announced that the court concludes at lunch time today and tomorrow, Tuesday.

10:49 From Wednesday to Friday, the Court will use the time until lunch to go through autopsy reports. After lunch these days, several of the victims from Utøya statement.

10:50 Prosecutors and experts are in place in the courtroom after the break.

10:52 Experts Agnar Aspaas and Torgeir Husby is the seriousness and talk while gesturing.

10:53 Lippestad and prosecutors Engh and Holden talk.

10:53 Defender Vibeke Hein Bæra have come into the courtroom 250

10:53 The defendant is entered.

10:54 The court is set after the final break.
10:55 Police Superintendent Sandy Bråten go through the findings in connection with the execution of Eivind Hovden. Hovden was found dead in the Great Hall of Cafe building.

10:56 Sand Bråten shows the image taken in the Great Hall. He also refers to the cover images in the court's players have been dealt.

10:58 Chief Kari Ormstad going through the forensic findings.

11:00 The experts included on Breivik. Breivik watching Ormstad demonstration of how the shots from Breivik hit the victims.

11:03 Lawyer: - Eivind was their first camp on Utøya. During their 15 years of life he managed to accomplish much. We remember him as a happy and cheerful boy. He was socially engaged and not afraid to stand out. More about Eivind.
11:03 The court will now proceed to the execution of Lena Marie Bergum.

11:04 Sand Bråten: - She died in the Great Hall.

11:05 Sand Bråten shows the image from the Great Hall and explains how Bergum was found executed.

11:06 Sand Bråten refers to photographs court actors in a binder in front of him. The strongest images are not displayed on the big screen.

11:07 Chief Ormstad explains the forensic investigations.

11:11 Lawyer Siw Pale Vassli: - Lena Maria had a dream of becoming a veterinarian. She would travel to Spain to study. Her motto is best described as: If you do not get involved, you can not complain. She leaves a deep impression. More about Lena Marie.
11:12 Police Superintendent Sandy Bråten going through the execution of Elisabeth Trønnes Lie. She was found dead in the Great Hall.

11:15 Ormstad going through the forensic report.

11:15 Ormstad show on the doll where the shot is taken.

11:18 Lawyer Siv Hallgren: - Elizabeth was a cheerful girl of 16 years. She always had something positive to say. The plan was to work as a crime scene investigating a Norwegian CSI. More about Elizabeth.

11:19 The court is now through the findings of the execution of André Henrik Pedersen.

11:19 Sand Bråten: - He died in the Great Hall.
11:20 Sand Bråten showcases picture of where Pedersen was found.

11:21 Sand Bråten refers to images that are in the binder given to the court players.

11:22 Ormstad going through the forensic findings.

11:25 Lawyer Yvonne Mette Larsen: - Henry only managed to get 27 years. He was a proud uncle. He burned for what he did and was very social and outgoing. More about Henrik.

11:26 Police Superintendent Sandy Bråten shows a summary of how they killed the cafe building was found.

11:27 The court is adjourned and set again at 09 in the morning.

11:28 Breivik put on handcuffs before he moved out of the courtroom. Brevik will probably be brought into the Court's basement, where the waiting cells, before he shipped to Ila.

» » » » [Breivik Report :: TV2]

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