Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Expert Witness: Vigrid Founder: Tore Tvedt: Norwegian Consensus Opinion Dictatorship Authorities are Responsible for 22 July Attacks

Expert Witness: Vigrid Founder: Tore Tvedt: Norwegian Consensus Opinion Dictatorship Authorities are Responsible for 22 July Attacks

Andrea Muhrrteyn | NRK | Translation: Halvor Raknes

Who do you think is responsible for 22 July?

Norwegian authorities, Norwegian opinion dictatorship authorities who have, among other things through the way in which they crushed Vigrid, - because Vigrid was crushed - has shown that anyone who believe that you can be active in civil .. and have a life on the side, that is impossible. If you're active in the civil you're going to be so run over and thrown down with the iron heel... that obviously nobody does it. Back when I ceased and retired, then nobody has been active either.

The Labour Party is itself responsible for the attacks on it?

The consensus dictatorship must take responsibility for those conditions. Not me.

But how are you perceiving it? We all have thoughts about what he has done.

I was thrown out from the society to which you belong and have learned to live with that and live quietly and peacefully, and prefer more to take a walk in the forest and talk with bunnies.. so I don't consider at all what takes place in your society.

What do you think about the fact that you weren't broadcast the same as with Tumyr?

I would have been very surprised if I had been broadcast. We live in a consensus dictatorship, and it has been decided that people who disagree with the fundamental values which the consensus power elites have decided shall be censored away. I'm so used to that...

Now you are surrounded by microphones. What do you think about that?

I have for eleven years been surrounded by heaps of microphones, by hundreds of interviews, but I've never been presented live. That depends completely on how you edit. I often do not recognize the interviews. Let's say I'll be asked twenty questions, of which two are referenced. Other counter-parties are then summoned to to provide anti-vaccine.

It is common in journalism that questions are asked and then there's editing. It isn't just you

No, it isn't about critical questions. I can deal with critical questions... otherwise I wouldn't be standing here, answering the best I know how. What I'm saying is that either you're on live or you are not on live. When you are edited it cannot be said that you are on live.

How many members does Vigrid have?

None. We have hundreds of supporters. We aren't a membership organization. We run ceremonies. the public sphere with such a low membership count?

Let me put it this way: with the media interest in me for the past eleven years, it is not the alottment of time that I'm complaining about - we've often had too much of that - it is the rendition that I complain about. Branding, demonization and rendering. It is far from a matter of the time. I've had way too much media compared to what I would have wanted many times.

Now you've been live two times the last couple of minutes, on both VG (Verdens Gang) and TV 2, so now

That says more about the Norwegian dictatorship society that it takes a massacre before a political dissident is allowed live on air. It says nothing about me.

Do you feel persecuted?

I am persecuted. I can document it. You just have to take it up with Ander B. Verp. He's a parliamentarian for the Conservative Party and a member of the Justice Committee, and he brags about it: "I have persecuted Tvedt! Everytime he comes here we chase him off. I've chased him off three times. Now I'm chasing him off again." If that's not persecution, to be deprived of a place to live, then I don't know what.

What did you want to contribute with to day with your tesimony?


then why are you here?

Because I was asked to and I was given the opportunity to speak so then I avail myself of that.

But why are you standing here talking with us now?

Because you have asked me to. It is only for you to turn your back and leave and I won't be talking to you.

You have no desire to...

I became a pensioner several years ago. I was dragged out of oblivion because of this, and then I say yes.

Nevertheless you offer yourself live and for interviews

It's my pleasure... I have no problem with that at all, it's all nice and good.. it's all positive. If you don't like, just walk away.

I'm just asking about you purpose for making yourself available..

My intention is that you ask questions of me.

I was asked to come, so I come. You ask to interview me, so you're interviewing me, If you are unhappy with that, just walk off..

Yes, but...

..then I'll go and have a cup of coffee. I'm all happy, I'm retired!

You seem to be quite eager to explain yourself..

I've always been eager! Again.. you ask questions. If you don't want me, just go away.

Breivik has said that one of the reasons for his actions were to gain attention.. Now he has received that, and that also drizzles on the rest of you. Do you have Breivik to thank for this then?

I've been retired for a number of years, I'm an old age-pensioner, and before that I retired from active efforts 5-6 years ago, and so I've lived isolated.. or quietly and ok, and withdrawn. I haven't asked to come here. I was asked to come, and then my answer is yes. You ask if you can interview me, and I say yes to that. And you can ask whatever you like, and I respond as best I can.

But you said now in court that you criticize how you are not allowed to come forth, then you're a racist. If you're not allowed to speak in the media, that's part of your criticism...

I don't recall very well what I said in there. You become blocked in a sense when you're placed in a setting like that, so I can't answer to what I told in there, not really. I think you have a better grasp on that than I

Right and one of your main points of contention was that people like you are to a diminishing degree allowed to come forth in the media..?

What interested me back when I was active, I'm not interested today. Today I've been pulled out... I feel almost like an old confirmation suit that has been pulled from the closet and put on again. But back when I was, the thing I was interested in was live broadcasts, basically, that the tv program is broadcast live. That happened once, then I got to say something... how I crushed Holocaust, and then that was censored from the rerun, and that tells more about you than it does about me.

What is the main difference between Breivik's ideology and your own?

I don't want to respond to that. I don't want to pry into his.. there aren't many similarities, really.

Can you say something about.what Breivik has done? What are your thoughts about that?

No, no. He has to answer to that. He sits up there to answer for that. I'm not answering for that.

But how are you perceiving it? We all have thoughts about what he has done.

I was thrown out from the society to which you belong and have learned to live with that and live quietly and peacefully, and prefer more to take a walk in the forest and talk with bunnies.. so I don't consider at all what takes place in your society.

But a man has killed 77 people, don't you take a position on that?

I take no position on that whatsoever. No. I consider the politics surrounding it perhaps, the society that makes it happen.

But wasn't his attack an attack on the society which you want to protect?

You have to ask him about that. I don't want to answer. You must ask him what his thoughts are. I don't give a damn. I don't live in that society.

Who do you think is responsible for 22 July?

Norwegian authorities, Norwegian opinion dictatorship authorities who have, among other things through the way in which they crushed Vigrid, - because Vigrid was crushed - has shown that anyone who believe that you can be active in civil.. and have a life on the side, that is impossible. If you're active in the civil you're going to be so run over and throd down with the iron heel... that obviously nobody does it. Back when I ceased and retired, then nobody has been active either.

The Labour Party is itself responsible for the attacks on it?

The consensus dictatorship must take responsibility for those conditions. Not me.

But then you are supporting Breivik?

No, I don't get involved with Breivik.

But you have the same opinions?

Absolutely not.

But then you do that?

That will have to be your interpretation.

» » » » [NRK]

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