Norway Gang-Raping 22 Juli Victims with StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trial
Andrea Muhrrteyn | Norway v. Breivik | 07 June 2012

22 Juli Bistandsadvokater: Notice to 22 Juli Victims Families:
Is Norway's Labour Party gang-raping 22 Juli Victims Families with a StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trial - the equivalent of a KY Jelly Freudian Abner Louima Plunger Up the Ass?
Is corruption and fraud worse in Norway than Africa????
Evidence of Massive 22 Juli Censorship in Norway's Media?:
Complaint to NRK, TV2, VG, Bergens Tidende, Aftenposten, Dagbladet & Adresseavisen: Censorship in Norway’s ‘Breivik’ Media of: Media’s Env-Pop-Terror Connection & Norways Political Psychiatry
Corruption In Norways 22 Juli Courts?
Complaints to Secretariat of the Supervisory Committee for Judges: Chief Justice Schei & Judges Arntzen & Opsahl: Violation of Ethical Principles for NO Judges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 12.
Corruption of Norway's Psykolog Foreningen?
KRIPOS: Request Investigation of Fraud (Bedrageri §§ 270, 271.) Charges Against: Torgeir Husby, Synne Sorheim, Terje Tørrissen, Agnar Aspaas, Charles Melle, Inga Bejer Engh and Svein Holden.
Psychiatry An industry of Death (01:57:47) |
From: Habeus Mentem
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:23 PM
To: Attorneys for 22 July Victims
Subject: 22.Juli: B.Adv: KRIPOS: Klage: Bedrageri: Torgeir Husby, Synne Sorheim, Terje Tørrissen, Agnar Aspaas
22 Juli Bistandsadvokater:
Notice to 22 Juli Victims Families:
Is Norway's Labour Party gang-raping 22 Juli Victims Families with a StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trial - the equivalent of a KY Jelly Freudian Abner Louima Plunger Up the Ass?
Is corruption and fraud worse in Norway than Africa????
Evidence of Massive 22 Juli Censorship in Norway's Media?
Complaint to NRK, TV2, VG, Bergens Tidende, Aftenposten, Dagbladet & Adresseavisen: Censorship in Norway’s ‘Breivik’ Media of: Media’s Env-Pop-Terror Connection & Norways Political Psychiatry
Corruption In Norways 22 Juli Courts?
Complaints to Secretariat of the Supervisory Committee for Judges: Chief Justice Schei & Judges Arntzen & Opsahl: Violation of Ethical Principles for NO Judges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 12.
Corruption of Norway's Psykolog Foreningen?
KRIPOS: Request Investigation of Fraud (Bedrageri §§ 270, 271.) Charges Against: Torgeir Husby, Synne Sorheim, Terje Tørrissen, Agnar Aspaas, Charles Melle, Inga Bejer Engh and Svein Holden.
Lara Johnstone
Habeus Mentem: Right 2 Legal Sanity
Norway v. Breivik :: Uncensored
Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging (01:34:43) |
-----Original Message-----
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 9:20 PM
Cc: NO Police: Oslo; NO Police Directorate; NO Police Security Svc: PST; NO Police: Organized Crime
Subject: KRIPOS: Klage: Bedrageri | KRIPOS: Charges: Fraud
KRIPOS (National Criminal Investigation)
Tel: +47 23208000 | Fax: +47 23208880
Brynsalléen 6, 0667 Oslo
PO Box 8163 Dep., 0034 Oslo
Dear Kripos:
Request Investigation of Fraud (Bedrageri §§ 270, 271.) Charges Against: Torgeir Husby, Synne Sorheim, Terje Tørrissen, Agnar Aspaas, Charles Melle, Inga Bejer Engh and Svein Holden.
Please Investigate:
1. Whether Torgeir Husby, Synne Sorheim, Terje Tørrissen, Agnar Aspaas practiced ‘fully informed consent’ or (1) consciously and deliberately withheld ‘Whores of the Court: Marketing of Madness: Myth of Mental Illness’ information in their ‘Breivik’ Psychiatric Reports, and previously thereto in other Psychiatric Reports; and (2) their financial socio-economic or politico-academic benefit from the State and/or Pharmaceutical Corporations for withholding from the Public and their ‘Psychiatric Reports’ ‘Whores of the Court: Marketing of Madness: Myth of Mental Illness’ information and evidence; constitutes FRAUD.
2. Whether Charles Melle and the Forensic Psychiatric Commission have an official ‘fully informed consent’ transparency policy requiring all Forensic Psychiatric Reports to include ‘Whores of the Court: Marketing of Madness: Myth of Mental Illness’ information; and if not, whether consciously and deliberately withholding this information from the court and public and (2) financial socio-economic or politico-academic benefit from the State and/or Pharmaceutical Corporations for withholding from the Courts and Public of this ‘Whores of the Court’ information and evidence; constitutes FRAUD.
3. Whether Inga Bejer Engh, Svein Holden and the Director of Public Prosecutions require all Forensic Psychiatrist to practice ‘fully informed consent’ transparency of ‘Whores of the Court: Marketing of Madness: Myth of Mental Illness’ information in all Forensic Psychiatric Reports; and if not, whether condoning the withholding of this information from the court and public and (2) financial socio-economic or politico-academic benefit from the State and/or Pharmaceutical Corporations for withholding from the Courts and Public of this ‘Whores of the Court’ information and evidence; constitutes FRAUD.
Please find attached PDF complaint which includes among others, the following Whores of the Court: Marketing of Madness: The Myth of Mental Illness Information and Evidence: Damning Quotes:
The Marketing of Madness, The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs (02:57:10) |
‘There is no such thing as mental illness. Psychiatric diagnosis of ‘mental disorders’ is just a way of stigmatising behaviour that society does not want to live with. Psychiatry thrives on coercion and is replacing religion as a form of social control.’ - Dr. Thomas Szasz
“Biological psychology/psychiatry is a total perversion of medicine and science, and a fraud.” - Neurologist Fred Baughman, The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes "Patients" of Normal Children.
“There is no such thing as a mental disorder. A mental disorder is whatever someone says it is, and if the person saying "This is a mental disorder", has enough power and influence, then people believe 'Oh, that is a mental disorder'.” - Dr. Paula Caplan, They Say You're Crazy: How the Worlds Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who's Normal
“The entire enterprise of defining mental disorder is pointless, at least in so far as the goal is to allow us to recognize ‘genuine’ or ‘true’ disorders” - Dr. Mary Boyle, Schizophrenia: A Scientific Delusion?
“DSM is a book of tentatively assembled agreements. Agreements don’t always make sense, nor do they always reflect reality. You can have agreements among experts without validity. Even if you could find four people who agreed that the earth is flat, that the moon is made of green cheese, that smoking cigarettes poses no health risks, or that politicians are never corrupt, such agreements do not establish truth.” – Herb Kutchins and Stuart Kirk: Making us Crazy: DSM: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders
"They create this question of disease, and they get together and they vote. Is this a disease, all in favour say Aye." - Julian Whitaker, M.D.; Director: Wellness Institute
"The [DSM] is marketed as a scientifically based document. Now the American Psychiatric Association which publishes the DSM do allot of work to create an aura of scientific precision, around the DSM, but its not scientifically based." -- Dr Margaret Hagen, Professor of Psychology, Boston University
"From the first edition of the DSM, the number of mental disorders voted into Psychiatry's Diagnostic Manual has grown to 374, and with each new disorder, psychiatrists create yet another way to defraud the public." – Marketing of Madness Documentary
"If you have twenty seven ways to bill in the DSM, that's 27 ways to bill. If you have 300, that's 300 ways to bill; so you can pretty much find anyone walking on the street, that could fit into a DSM somehow." - Neil Willner, President, Consolidated Insurance
"For each [mental disorder] there is a five digit code with a decimal point. Now the implication of that is, if I have illness 403.16 that that is different in some important and scientifically proven way, from someone who has 403.17. And nothing could be further from the truth." -- Dr. Paula Caplan, Clinical Research Psychologist, Debois Institute, Harvard University
“To admit the central role of value judgments and cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable and valid, or the whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry
“[Alleged Mental Disorders] are based on a grab-bag of checklists for disorders that are published in a book called the DSM; which is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. There are no statistics in this book, by the way. That just makes it sound more scientific.” -- Dr Margaret Hagen, Professor of Psychology, Boston University, Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of American Justice.
"I am the Director of Research at the American Psychiatric Association. We don't know the etiology of really any of the mental disorders at the present time." -- Dr. Darrell Regier, Director of Research, American Psychiatric Association, Chairman of the DSM-V Task Force
Lara Johnstone
Habeus Mentem: Right 2 Legal Sanity
Norway v. Breivik :: Uncensored
» » » » [PDF]
SENT TO: 163 Attorneys for 22 July Victims Families:
Bistandsadvokater: Spokespersons: Siv Hallgren; Frode Elgesem; Mette Yvonne Larsen
Anne Nesheim; Adeline Brenden-Veisa; Anders Kjoren; Andreas Bjørn Salvesen; Anitra Haldorsen; Anne Haraldsvik; Anne Nerland Hovde; Anne Kristine Bohinen; Annichen Rye-Holmboe; Annichen Rye-Holmboe; Arne Seland; Arvid Sjodin; Astrid Rokeberg; Bendik Falch-Koslung; Benedicte Storhaug; Bengt Haadem Hoff; Bente Oftedal Roli; Bente Mostad Tjugum; Berit Anne Borgen; Bjorn Vidar Brathen; Bjorn Naerum; Bjorn Stefanussen; Bjørn Trygve Nilsen; Borgar Andreas Veiding; Brynjar Nielsen Meling; Børge Haugseth; Carl Urquieta Bore; Cathrine Pryser Grøndahl; Cecilie Nakstad; Christian Lundin; Christian Faye Ree; Christofer Arnø; Dag Robertsen; Dag Steinfeld; Dan Erik Kjellnø; Edel H. Olsen; Einar Drægebø; Eirik Teigstad; Eivind Kogstad; Eivor Øen; Elisabeth Sejersted Brodtkorb; Elisabeth Hagen; Ellen Holager Andenæs; Ellen Sandvold Strømme; Elna Kristin Holbye; Endre Skjelbred Refsdal; Eva Elisabeth Johnsen Holm; Flemming Karlsen; Frode Wisth; Gry Hege Ahlgren; Gunhild Bergan; Gunn Iren Midtbø; Gunn Marit Indreiten; Halldis Winje; Hanne Lilleby; Hans Vilhelm Haug; Hans-Erik Thorsberg; Hans-Richard Steinholt; Hege Salomon; Helene Braanen; Helene Elness; Helge Heggen Brørby; Helge Hjetland; Helge Hjort; Hilde Camilla Stærk; Inger Grete Lundemo; Inger Johanne Reiestad Hansen; Inger Marie Støen; Inger Marie Sunde; Inger-Marie Sperre; Ingunn Kjeldstad; Ivar Blikra; Ivar Sveen; Joakim Grude Ronold; John Arild Aasen; John Christian Elden; John Egil Bergem; John Erik Nygaard; Jon Kise; Jostein Løken; Jørgen Hedenstad; Jørn Johannessen; Kari Nessa Nordtun; Kari-Esther Selvaag Høgevold; Karianne Listerud; Karle Anders Øvereng; Karoline Henriksen; Kjetil H. Nilsen; Klaus Arne Munkeby; Knut Henrik Strømme; Kristin Barth-Larsen; Kristin Morch; Kristine Lykke; Lars Engdahl; Lilli Marie Brimi; Linda Solberg Børsand; Linn Kristin Evju; Maria Bergram Aas; Marie Helene Earl Haugland; Marte Randen; Martin Eiebakke; Mette Ekroll Nyland; Mette Skoklefald; Monica Lindbeck; Morten Engesbak; Nadia Christina Hall Østby-Deglum; Nicolai Bjønness; Niels-Christian S. Petersen; Nikolai Dericq Paasche; Nils Aga; Odd Harald Hovde; Olav Rød; Ole Edward Hagen; Ole-Richard Holm-Olsen; Peder Morset; Per Arve Amundsen; Per Kjetil Stautland; Per Ove Sørholt; Preben Kløvfjell; Ragni Løkholm Ramberg; Reidar Andresen; Rita Helene Krøgenes Aase; Ronald Pedersen; Roy Berntsen; Sidsel Katralen; Sigrun Dybvad; Silje Elisabeth Stenvaag; Sille Margrethe Heidar; Siw Bleikvassli; Sjak Rasmussen Haaheim; Sol Elden; Solrun Vik; Svein Kjetil Lode Svendsen; Sveinung Søndervik Johnsen; Sverre Ulstrup; Terje Korneliussen; Thomas Michael Benestad; Thor Harald Eike; Thor-Erik Andersen; Tom Helverschou; Tom Schjelderup Mathiesen; Tom Eivind Haug; Tom-Erik Bernø Larssen; Tone Linn Thingvold; Tor Magnus Fagermo; Tore Helseth Høyer; Tore Hilding Pettersen; Tore Øydne; Torgeir Røinås Pedersen; Toril Wirkola Karlsen; Torunn Haug; Tove Laursen; Trond Erik Aansløkken; Trude Marie Mohn King; Trude Marie Wold; Trygve Tveter; Verna Rege Nilssen; Vibeke Meland; Zulifqar Munir; Øyvind Aakerøy; Øyvind Vidhammer
22 July Victims Freudian Gang Rape Continues Behind Closed Doors
Court Decision Tweeted on 07 June 2012 at 14:39
22 July trial: Retten kan bli lukket i morgen tidlig.… #22juli
— Oslo tingrett (@Oslotingrett) June 7, 2012

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