Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2012-05-22 (TV2): Breivik Trial: Day 22: Utoya Massacre Testimony:

2012-05-22 (TV2): Breivik Trial Transcript: Day 22: Utoya Massacre Testimony:

Utoya Survivors: Anon Male (18) | Eirin Kristin Kjær (20) | Espen Myklebust (18) | Anon Female | Cathrine Trønnes Lie (18)

Oslo District Court: #: 11-188627 MED-05 | 22 May 2012 | Breivik Report/TV2.NO

Anon Male (18): was in Utoya with his little brother of 14 years, they were at the Oslo bomb information meeting when they heard the shots, and ran down to the Love Trail. He was shot in the head while trying to get in the water, kept himself awake by talking to himself. He had very serious injuries, both thighs, hands, forearm, shoulder and head, and is blind in one eye.

Eirin Kristin Kjær (20): was at the information meeting when heard the shots, ran to the woods, to the cliff where she hid under a ledge, but was shot in the stomach. Later she was again shot in the arm and foot. she was shot four times: stomach, arm, leg, and both arms.

Espen Myklebust (18): heard there was armed police on the way to the island, saw Breivik shoot someone at the Cafebuilding and then ran like hell south, past Love Trail to the water, where he was picked up by a boat.

Anon Female: was in her tent eating candy when she was told to go to Oslo bomb information meeting; heard shots and ran past Love Trail to Pump House and was shot in the back and arm.

Cathrine Trønnes Lie (18): was at the information meeting with her sister, ran past Love Trail, where she was shot in the back and then in the arm.

8:46 Good morning from Oslo District Court. Today we hear from the five survivors tell their stories Utøya from 22 July.
8:47 First is a 18 year old boy who wishes to remain anonymous.

8:59 Anders Breivik Behring has taken place in court.

9:05 18-year-old has taken place in the witness box. Anders Breivik Behring is present while the witness is speaking.

9:06 Witness: - I was Utøya along with my brother who is 14 years. He lay in the tent and slept, as I was informed about the bomb in Oslo.

9:06 Witness: - I met someone who said "what happened in Oslo is political, we are not safe here either." But I did not think much about it then.

9:07 The witness: - We gathered all the participants from our county to have a chat, when we heard several bangs.

9:08 The witness: - Little brother got my panic attack when he heard the bangs. I grabbed his arm and ran up to the Love Trail.

9:09 The witness: - My brother called our parents, and it annoyed me, because I did not make them worried. I took the phone and said quietly, "a shoot, but it goes well, I'll save everyone." Ambitious.

9:10 The witness: - We ran Love trail and down the cliff on the south side.

9:12 The witness: - There are many people in the area.

9:13 Witness: - I do not remember if I shot up in the cliff or when I'm on the way down. But I remember crying to my brother that he should get away. I kick touched him so he will get in the water.

9:15 Witness: - I remember the ringing of the ear. I think that's when I'm shot in the head. I get up, but falls. I cry for my brother and I have hurt. I find a stone in the water.

9:15 The witness: - Where am I lying, and I was conscious.

9:15 The witness: - It was not very painful but very uncomfortable to be shot. It is a unique pain.

9:16 Witness: - I noticed that I could not see in one eye. I tried to feel my head injuries.

9:18 Witness: - I have seen on film that it is important to stay awake, so I did. I was talking to keep me awake.

9:18 Witness: - I remember that someone asked me to be quiet, for he shall have gone another round. But I do not think I had the sense to shut up.

9:20 Witness: - I tried not to think about my brother and I did not know what had happened to him. I tried to think of other things, things that made me happy everyday.

9:20 The witness: - There was no option for me to die. I did not realize how hurt I was.

9:22 Witness: - I remember that I began to freeze. I had cramps. I lost consciousness. I remember someone came to me, when I woke up immediately and began to babble. I remember that I was put on board a rib.

9:26 The witness was taken to Ullevål hospital. He had very serious injuries, both thighs, hands, forearm, shoulder and head.

9:26 He is blind in one eye.

9:27 The witness: - But I have at least your mind again!

9:27 Witness: - I have not tested what happens at school, but I function socially. I try to think positively.

9:29 The witness: - My brother survived, he was not shot.

9:30 The witness: - He found a cave. As he swims out to a boat, but they are shot, so he has to swim back. There he is close to being shot at several times.

9:32 Witness: - I have poor concentration and must take the third grade in high school again this autumn.

9:33 The witness: - It was hard to wake up from a coma. I got the name of the many friends who were gone. It was a shock. But while it was good, my parents and friends were there for me.

9:34 Witness: - I have had anxiety and uneasy feeling. I did not feel safe. Things can still be difficult.

9:35 The witness: - It is hard that life has been very different.

9:38 The witness: - My brother is very strong, even though he is only 14 He knows what he will do all that before. But he struggled in the beginning. He also lost his best friend.

9:40 The witness is now finished with his explanation.
9:41 Next witness is Eirin Kristin Kjær (20).

9:43 She is told to tell about 22 July - from when she realized that something was wrong.

9:44 Kjaer:- After the bomb in Oslo, we had information meeting. Afterwards, I would be a little for myself, because I had a queasy feeling in your body. I stood right next to Cafe building when I heard the shots. I ran straight into a tent that was there. I was absolutely sure that it was serious straight away.

9:46 Kjaer:- I thought it was best to not be alone. I ran to the Troms-camp, and when I got there there were about 40 people there. Some have seen others be killed, and cry that we have to run.

9:48 Kjaer:- When we are in the forest from the tent comes the shots. My sweater gets a bullet hole, but I'm not hit. One of the girls are hit, and I drag her behind a tent. On the left side of us, I see a boy, and I realize that he's taken. I hear him breathe, but I can not touch when I shook him.

9:50 Kjaer:- I hear shots, and looking over the tent. I see nothing, but think that we have to run. We ran into the woods. We meet several others. I want to go back and rescue the boy, but we can not turn back. We were going down the cliff.

9:50 Kjaer:-It was hard to get the injured girl down, and it took time. We slid down, it had rained and was smooth.

9:52 Kjaer:-I lie in the fetal position under a ledge. I peer up at the side and then I see him. He shoots me in the stomach.

9:55 Kjaer:-It felt as if my stomach exploded. It was terribly painful. We ran down the slope, and I know that I get hit in the arm. I sat down by the water, with his back against the rock wall.

9:55 Kjaer:I yell "please, do not shoot, I will not die"

9:55 Kjaer:-As I sit there I see that I'm shot in the foot. I had not noticed it before then.

9:57 Kjaer:-Mom called me five minutes past half past five. She wondered if the camp would be canceled after what happened in Oslo. I tried to say that I had been shot. It was bad line, so I hung up and sent a message instead.

9:58 Kjaer:- I got a call from the mother to another I knew who was on the island, she wondered if her son was fine. It was a strange conversation. I sent the message to a friend that I was injured. When the helicopter arrived, we thought that we might be saved, but nothing happened.

10:02 Kjaer:- When the police came and lifted me into the boat, I saw a girl lying in the water face down.

10:03 Kjaer:- We had tried to make contact with the boats that passed by. But they did not see us. Then came more boats, and then there was a policeman who was trying to drag me into the boat. It was very painful and I screamed.

10:07 Kjaer:- We did finally over, and I got into an ambulance and driven to Ringerike hospital.

10:07 Kjaer:- I spoke with my father at eight forty-five, and when I was in the hospital.

10:08 Kjaer:- I was shot four times, with both arms. The stomach, arm, leg, and a stray bullet on the page.

10:09 Kjaer stands up and points out where the bullets hit her.

10:09 She has had eleven operations, until now.

10:11 She says it goes well and has received good support from everyone.

10:11 Kjaer:- I moved to Tromso in November and started studying in January.

10:11 She also works in a youth house in Tromsø.

10:12 She also serves on the council and the presidency in Balsfjord.

10:12 Kjaer:- I think of what happened every time I look in the mirror. It is not pretty, but I've learned to live with it. And I have done quite well.

10:14 She said she startles easily, and wary of unusual things that happen in everyday life.

10:15 Kjær now finished her explanation.

10:16 The court takes a break until 10.35.

10:40 Now defendants are back at his place in court.
10:42 Espen Myklebust (18) is the next witness. He is from Haugesund and 18 years old.

10:43 He will talk about their experiences on Utøya 22 July.

10:44 Myklebust: - We heard from the guard in the country since it was armed police on his way to the island. Right after that we heard the bang. We thought it was China putter.

10:46 Myklebust: - Soon after we saw the accused come down at the cafe building. He has weapons and police uniforms. I saw he was blond. I see he put a bullet in a person who was in the crew.

10:48 Myklebust: - I said "oh, hell," and ran like hell.

10:49 Myklebust: - I ran as fast as I could to the south, past Love trail and down a slope towards the water, along with many others.

10:50 Myklebust: - Many people were hysterical, screamed and threw himself into the water.

10:51 Myklebust: - The defendant came to the slope and started shooting.

10:51 Myklebust: - I see him make many. I jump in the water. I get hit in the back.

10:53 Myklebust: - He shoots on. I put on the swim and swim along the shore. I figured that I would not be able to swim to land. I found a cave, where there was a small boy. The cave was too small for me, so I decided to swim further.

10:54 Myklebust: - The little boy would be there. But it was not safe for me.

10:54 Myklebust - I swam on. When I met four other people. They waved me up on shore. They helped me up. We tried to be as quiet as possible.

10:55 Myklebust: - We were not sure how many assailants there were, and we were afraid they would come, even in boats.

10:56 Myklebust: - Suddenly, there came many more, they jumped in the water. We saw a boat, and swam out to it. The boat operator said there was not room for more, and threw out a life jacket.

10:56 Myklebust - I continued to swim. Several hung up on me, because I had the west. But they gave it up quickly, because it was slow to me.

10:57 Myklebust: - We see shots of the water.

10:58 Myklebust: - We are finally picked up in a police boat. They will pick up injured on the island, so we're running in there again. We see dead and wounded.

11:01 Myklebust: - I had a superficial gunshot wounds in the back.

11:02 He came out the same evening.

11:02 He says that he has had no sleep problems after 22 July, but it's getting better now.

11:03 He is now the third year in high school.

11:04 When asked by counsel, he says that the perpetrator was smiling. He walked slowly around.

11:04 Myklebust: - I thought it was a neo-Nazi.

11:05 There he related to the appearance and the fact that he shot.

11:05 Myklebust: - He was as calm as a man can be. He walked around quite common.

11:06 Myklebust has finished testifying.

11:17 The court has to break 12.30. We're back with direct reporting from the saddle 250 then.

12:30 Court participants are beginning to take their places after the lunch break.
12:32 Before the break notified the prosecutor that the two witnesses after lunch change order. The first witness has asked to be mentioned without a name.

12:34 The court is set after the break.

12:36 The witness must explain how she found 22 July, from when she first realized that something was wrong.

12:37 The witness said that she sat in the tent and ate candy when they were told that they had come to an informational meeting about the bomb in Oslo. Camp leader asked them to call home to parents.

12:38 She said that they thought it was put China when she heard bangs. - Then I heard someone shouting "run". She was in the dining room of the cafe building. She ran out and down the slope at the Pump House.

12:39 Breivik smiles when the prosecutor Engh enough once told the judge that she must speak into the microphone.

12:39 She sat down at the track by the pump house along with several others.

12:40 Witness: - I called half past five homes. I said that any extension. My father told me to put the phone on silent and hide.

12:42 Some shouted that they should run. - We ran along the Love Trail. I saw a girl lying there with a dot in the forehead. It seemed completely illogical, so I thought someone might kidding.

12:42 Witness: - I noticed that my friend was not in behind us anymore, so I waited for her. But I was afraid to run back.

12:43 My friend had asthma attacks, so they stopped right on the southern tip, between some trees.

12:46 There were also several others.

12:47 They will hear the defendant to come. He is ten yards away.

12:48 Witness: - I felt an explosion in my arm, and then it becomes black.

12:49 Witness: - I remember my friend screaming. Another friend asked if I lived, and I answered yes.

12:50 Alongside lay one of her friends died.

12:50 Witness - I picked up the phone and sent a few messages.

12:52 After a while, they were taken by boat and taken ashore. Then she was taken into the ambulance. The last thing she remembers is that it was said "she must be in a helicopter, otherwise we lose her."

12:54 She heard that a young boy called out to defendant, "you have shot my father, do not shoot me."

12:55 She says she remembers that he was so kind, because he had a police uniform.

12:56 She received very serious injuries, including broken kidney.

12:58 She still has severe pain in the back.

12:59 She is now the second year in high school. She says she has had some absences.

13:01 She was Utøya because a friend had asked her to join. She was not a member of AUF.

13:02 She has had to shelve plans to work as child care and youth because of the pain in his back.

13:03 The witness is now finished with his explanation.
13:04 Next witness is Cathrine Trønnes Lie (18).

13:06 She was Utøya with his little sister Elizabeth, who was killed 22 July.

13:08 She said she was afraid when they heard about the bomb in Oslo because his father works there. She grabbed her sister and they called home. All was well with the family in Oslo. The last time she saw her sister was there, in the cafe building.

13:09 She went to the camp along with some other friends. When they heard the bang, which sounded like Chinese putter. They were irritated and wanted to go out and see what happened.

13:10 Cried one of the tents had to be, but we walked out, barefoot. They hastened down to a cluster center of the tent.

13:12 She turns to the cafe building, where she saw the defendant go against a person. She looks so that Breivik turning the weapon towards the cluster, the she stood.

13:13 Trønnes Lie - I ran zigzag up to the Love Trail. I was looking for the ones I knew best.

13:13 Trønnes Lie - I sat down on his haunches with another girl.

13:14 Trønnes Lie - I saw a girl who had been shot in the head, and then I realized it was serious.

13:17 She slid down the hillside along with many others. They heard gunshots coming ever closer. - We jumped every time we heard shots.

13:18 Trønnes Lie - I could not afford to be down there anymore. I was afraid of being shot in the hands or feet. I slid down. When I came down, I was shot in the back. It felt like it was burning inside me.

13:18 Trønnes Lie: - I went back on his back. I wanted to scream out that I love my family, but I could not speak.

13:19 Trønnes Lie - I thought "Now I die." It was a relief. I fainted.

13:20 Trønnes Lie: - The next thing I remember is that I was shot in the arm.

13:20 Trønnes Lie - I thought "Oh my God, now all hell breaks loose."

13:21 Trønnes Lie - I sat up and asked the other how they were shot. I was hurt that I could not do anything for the others.

13:23 Trønnes Lie - I remember I heard a siren-like sound, which I have not heard before. But it may have been mobile. The sound came and went.

13:24 Trønnes Lie: - We heard the helicopter, and when we thought we were saved. But it did not come down. The boats ran by, and I thought they came back to take us.

13:24 Trønnes Lie - I did not dare to touch me and played dead.

13:27 Trønnes Lie: - When I came on board a boat, I remember that it was far from land.

13:27 Trønnes Lie: - When we got there, they cut up my clothes.

13:27 Trønnes Lie: - I saw lots of blood, and I was thirsty and cold.

13:28 Trønnes Lie - I had called my mom and said I was shot but that it should be fine.

13:29 She had been shot several times and had severe injuries.

13:29 She underwent several operations.

13:30 She still has pain in one arm.

13:31 Trønnes Lie - I remember when my parents had found me in the hospital, so I could not answer. I had to write it. They replied that they did not know. I had to go through operations before I knew it.

13:31 Trønnes Lie: - It was hard to understand that I myself had been shot.

13:32 Trønnes Lie: - There has been heavy and tough days. But I have friends that keep me up.

13:33 Trønnes Lie: - I started in second grade in high school for the hospital. But I had a lot of absences. I've mostly been there for the social.

13:33 Trønnes Lie - I have lost the desire for a lot.

13:33 She has now finished his explanation,

13:34 The court is adjourned for today. We're back with direct reporting tomorrow at 9 Thank you for your party.

» » » » [Breivik Report :: TV2]

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