Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bruce Bawer & Peder Jensen (Fjordman) Endorse Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Political Dissidents

Teflon Jellyfish Patriarchal Conservatives Bruce Bawer and Peder Jensen (Fjordman) endorse White Supremacy StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Political Dissidents?

You could have demanded a Political Terrorism Treason Trial, like the Apartheid Government gave Terrorist Mandela: where you would defend all your anti-Islam arguments in accordance to the rules of evidence under cross examination!

Andrea Muhrrteyn | Norway v. Breivik | 18 June 2012

I agree with Lippestad when he said: “It’s a bit funny that those witnesses who are most preoccupied with speaking out, and who possibly think they’re not getting the opportunity to speak out, go into hiding when they get the opportunity to speak out and have the attention of the entire international media.”

Your Endorsement for White Supremacy Psychiatry: “To admit the central role of value judgments & cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable & valid, or whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry

White Supremacy Psychiatry – happily endorsed by White Supremacy Crypto-Feminists – says that white men are not allowed to be Honour Jihadi Warrior Terrorists; only corporate terrorist rapists of the planet and other cultures.

White Supremacy Psychiatry pretends to label certain individuals in society as ‘insane’, allegedly founded on the science of ‘psychiatry’. The only problem being that there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR WHAT IS TERMED ‘INSANITY’. In Islam if individuals don’t like your opinions or your behaviour, they don’t call you ‘insane’; they just legislate their morality based upon Allah’s word and their fucked up interpretations of it. However, no matter how fucked up their interpretations of Allah’s doctrine may be, or how fucked up their punishments may be: AT NO TIME DO THEY PRETEND THAT WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING OR BELIEVING IS BASED UPON SCIENCE!

White Supremacy Psychiatry is nowhere near as honest as Islam, when it comes to using ‘insanity’ as a social control tool to silence dissenters. White Supremacy Psychiatry simply elects a bunch of psychiatrists to be their ‘Psychiatry Insanity Allahs’ while pretending their pronouncements of ‘insanity’ are based upon ‘science’. What fucking horseshit!

‘There is no such thing as mental illness. Psychiatric diagnosis of ‘mental disorders’ is just a way of stigmatising behaviour that society does not want to live with. Psychiatry thrives on coercion and is replacing religion as a form of social control.’ - Dr. Thomas Szasz

From: Habeus Mentem
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:26 AM
To: 'Bruce Bawer'; 'Gates of Vienna'
Cc: NO: Lippestad: Tord; Legal Project: Dir: Sam Nunberg; Counsel: Adam Turner; FrontPage: David Horowitz
Subject: Breivik Trial: Bruce Bawer & Peder Jensen Endorse Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Dissenters

Mr. Bruce Bawer
Mr. Peder Jensen, via Baron Bodissey

CC: FrontPage, Gates of Vienna, Legal Project & Breivik/Lippestad

Mr. Bawer & Jensen,

Teflon Jellyfish Patriarchal Conservatives Bruce Bawer and Peder Jensen (Fjordman) endorse White Supremacy StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Political Dissenters?

I read your articles: Frontpage: Anti-Jihad Critics Spared a Show Trial in Norway and Gates of Vienna: Fjordman’s Suggested Testimony for the Trial of Anders Behring Breivik. To say that I am disgusted at your lack of honour and integrity, never mind a patriarchal backbone would be putting it mildly.

Firstly: I am not a member of your White Supremacy culture; I am a member of the Radical Honesty culture. I support all ethnicities and cultures rights to self-rule. My culture does not practice Bullshit-the-Public Relations; we practice the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, 24/07. Unlike your culture, if I am disgusted with someone’s behaviour, I don’t gossip behind their backs or inform them in some Bullshit the Public Relations PR vague abstract language of plausible deniability. I express it as crystal clear as possible; so you are under no goddamn illusions about my opinions. Secondly: I am a Radical Honoursty Libertarian EcoFeminist; and one of the few publications who were willing to publish my writings was: Noel Ignatiev’s Race Traitor: ‘Timothy McVeigh and Me’ (#15, Fall 2001 ). I don’t expect you to agree with me, appreciate my opinions or my language, but at the very least you can know this: Unlike your two faced hypocrit friends; on this issue: I am your honest enemy! What I have to say to you, I say to you to your face, and I don’t dilute it with goddamn fucking Edward Bernaysian Bullshit-the-Public-Relations plausible deniable ambiguity. I shall now proceed:

Both your articles imply you are FULLY COGNISANT that Norway is hosting a StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Show Trial on the world stage. Your response: YOU DON’T GIVE A FUCK! YOU ARE JUMPING ON THE STALINORSK POLITICAL PSYCHIATRY BANDWAGON! Gee: is that what you mean when you say you support the ‘rule of law’? Stalinist Rule of Law? White Supremacy Political Psychiatry Insanity fishing expeditions for all activists whose civil disobedience criminal acts you disapprove of?

What a goddamn fucked up Stalinist Fascist legal precedent you are helping to set for the treatment of Political Dissenters! Stalin must be laughing his goddamn ass off!

I agree with Lippestad when he said: “It’s a bit funny that those witnesses who are most preoccupied with speaking out, and who possibly think they’re not getting the opportunity to speak out, go into hiding when they get the opportunity to speak out and have the attention of the entire international media.”

You were both invited to testify as expert witnesses in this trial, and both of you demonstrated that you have the backbone of goddamn fucking Teflon Jellyfish! You were given the opportunity to object to this StaliNorsk Political Psychiatry Circus and demand that Norway live upto the same Rule of Law Treatment for Terrorist Dissenters as the Apartheid Government demonstrated on the world stage, when they provided Terrorist Nelson Mandela with a Treason Trial, where he was given ample opportunity to inform the world of his political justifications for his terrorism.

You Goddamn fucking Coward Hypocrits had the opportunity to demand that the Norwegian Government provide Breivik with a Political Terrorism Treason trial, to examine the evidence for his allegations. Was an act of political necessity terrorism murder of 77 justified to save 770 million from Islamic colonisation? This is clearly what Breivik believes to be the future reality, based upon his reading of your articles. A Political Necessity Terrorism Treason Trial allows for expert witnesses to be brought before the court to provide detailed evidence, to be examined under the principle of rules of evidence; to determine whether Breivik’s allegations were true or not. An opportunity to discard the media propaganda bullshit, and in a court of law to examine the evidence, in accordance to the rules of evidence and under cross examination.

You could have demanded a Political Terrorism Treason Trial, like the Apartheid Government gave Terrorist Mandela: where you would defend all your anti-Islam arguments in accordance to the rules of evidence under cross examination!

What do you do? Embrace the opportunity to testify Live and inform the world of your support for the Rule of Law, by demanding Norway provide Brievik with a Political Terorrism Treason Trial; or do you endorse the StaliNorsk White Supremacy Political Psychiatry Show Trial Circus?

What the fuck is it with you Goddamn fucking Coward Gutless Wonder ‘conservatives’? You have goddamn fucking less honour and integrity than fucking liberals! At least they have the capacity for demanding the rule of law for their own? You goddamn fucking gutless conservative wonders spit on the rule of law for your own. You goddamn cannibalize your own fucking followers! Why the fuck should anyone think of believing your sanctimonious horse shit about the ‘rule of law’ when you can’t even uphold it for those who support your ideology; let alone your enemies?

What the fuck do you mean when you write about write “the preservation of individual liberty and human rights”?

How the fuck is any impartial observer who does practice what we preach when it comes to endorsing the rule of law for everyone, including and especially for their enemies (unlike you Ms. Herland and Peder Jensen (Fjordland) who don’t even have the backbone to practice what you preach); supposed to know whether your Anti-Islam criticism is just Patriarchal-White-Supremacy-Hate-Towelheads propaganda and how much is factual evidence, when you lack the goddamn honour to back up your Anti-Islam writings in a court of law under cross examination?

Perhaps Mr. Bawer: If you had one honourable honest bone in your body Sir; you would have titled your new book: The New Quislings: How the International Left and Gutless Coward Anti-Jihad Right Used the Oslo Massacre to Silence Debate about Islam and endorse White Supremacy Political Psychiatry Show Trials for Terrorist Dissenters.

Your Endorsement for White Supremacy Psychiatry:

“To admit the central role of value judgments & cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable & valid, or whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry

White Supremacy Psychiatry – happily endorsed by White Supremacy Crypto-Feminists – says that white men are not allowed to be Honour Jihadi Warrior Terrorists; only corporate terrorist rapists of the planet and other cultures .

White Supremacy Psychiatry pretends to label certain individuals in society as ‘insane’, allegedly founded on the science of ‘psychiatry’. The only problem being that there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR WHAT IS TERMED ‘INSANITY’. In Islam if individuals don’t like your opinions or your behaviour, they don’t call you ‘insane’; they just legislate their morality based upon Allah’s word and their fucked up interpretations of it. However, no matter how fucked up their interpretations of Allah’s doctrine may be, or how fucked up their punishments may be: AT NO TIME DO THEY PRETEND THAT WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING OR BELIEVING IS BASED UPON SCIENCE!

White Supremacy Psychiatry is nowhere near as honest as Islam, when it comes to using ‘insanity’ as a social control tool to silence dissenters. White Supremacy Psychiatry simply elects a bunch of psychiatrists to be their ‘Psychiatry Insanity Allahs’ while pretending their pronouncements of ‘insanity’ are based upon ‘science’. What fucking horseshit!

‘There is no such thing as mental illness. Psychiatric diagnosis of ‘mental disorders’ is just a way of stigmatising behaviour that society does not want to live with. Psychiatry thrives on coercion and is replacing religion as a form of social control.’ - Dr. Thomas Szasz

“Biological psychology/psychiatry is a total perversion of medicine and science, and a fraud.” - Neurologist Fred Baughman, The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes "Patients" of Normal Children.

“There is no such thing as a mental disorder. A mental disorder is whatever someone says it is, and if the person saying "This is a mental disorder", has enough power and influence, then people believe 'Oh, that is a mental disorder'.” - Dr. Paula Caplan, They Say You're Crazy: How the Worlds Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who's Normal

“The entire enterprise of defining mental disorder is pointless, at least in so far as the goal is to allow us to recognize ‘genuine’ or ‘true’ disorders” - Dr. Mary Boyle, Schizophrenia: A Scientific Delusion?

“DSM is a book of tentatively assembled agreements. Agreements don’t always make sense, nor do they always reflect reality. You can have agreements among experts without validity. Even if you could find four people who agreed that the earth is flat, that the moon is made of green cheese, that smoking cigarettes poses no health risks, or that politicians are never corrupt, such agreements do not establish truth.” – Herb Kutchins and Stuart Kirk: Making us Crazy: DSM: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders

"They create this question of disease, and they get together and they vote. Is this a disease, all in favour say Aye." - Julian Whitaker, M.D.; Director: Wellness Institute

"The [DSM] is marketed as a scientifically based document. Now the American Psychiatric Association which publishes the DSM do allot of work to create an aura of scientific precision, around the DSM, but its not scientifically based." -- Dr Margaret Hagen, Professor of Psychology, Boston University
"From the first edition of the DSM, the number of mental disorders voted into Psychiatry's Diagnostic Manual has grown to 374, and with each new disorder, psychiatrists create yet another way to defraud the public." – Marketing of Madness Documentary

"If you have twenty seven ways to bill in the DSM, that's 27 ways to bill. If you have 300, that's 300 ways to bill; so you can pretty much find anyone walking on the street, that could fit into a DSM somehow." - Neil Willner, President, Consolidated Insurance

"For each [mental disorder] there is a five digit code with a decimal point. Now the implication of that is, if I have illness 403.16 that that is different in some important and scientifically proven way, from someone who has 403.17. And nothing could be further from the truth." -- Dr. Paula Caplan, Clinical Research Psychologist, Debois Institute, Harvard University

“To admit the central role of value judgments and cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable and valid, or the whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry

“[Alleged Mental Disorders] are based on a grab-bag of checklists for disorders that are published in a book called the DSM; which is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. There are no statistics in this book, by the way. That just makes it sound more scientific.” -- Dr Margaret Hagen, Professor of Psychology, Boston University, Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of American Justice.

"I am the Director of Research at the American Psychiatric Association. We don't know the etiology of really any of the mental disorders at the present time." -- Dr. Darrell Regier, Director of Research, American Psychiatric Association, Chairman of the DSM-V Task Force

'Psychology's takeover of our legal system represents not an advance into new but clearly charted areas of science but a terrifying retreat into mysticism and romanticism, a massive suspension of disbelief propelled by powerful propaganda. Thanks to the willingness of judges and juries to believe psychobabble with scientific foundations equal to horoscope charts, babble puffed about by psychological professionals with impressive credentials, what we've got now are thousands of self-styled soul doctors run amok in our courts, drunk with power, bedazzled by spectacular fees for the no-heavy-lifting job of shooting off their mouths about any psychological topic that sneaks a toe into a courtroom. The demand is great, the supply is huge, and the science behind it all is nonexistant. But the reality does not matter." - Margaret Hagen, Ph.D; Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony

Continued in PDF...


Lara Johnstone
Radical Honoursty Ecolaw Feminist
Norway v. Breivik :: Uncensored

» » » » [PDF]

Response from Mr. Bruce Bawer

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