StaliNorsk: Day 37: “To admit the central role of value judgments & cultural norms [in the creation of the DSM] is to give the whole game away. The DSM has to be seen as reliable & valid, or whole enterprise of medical psychiatry collapses.” -- Lucy Johnstone, The Users and Abusers of Psychiatry
0938 Husby: Many White Supremacy PsychoTerror Patients act like Stanley Milgram subjects: lambs to the slaughter
Andrea Muhrrteyn | Norway v. Breivik | 15 June 2012

Norway's Anders Breivik Case is a model example of how to conduct a White Supremacy Psychiatry Political Show Trial on the World Stage
09:35 Sorheim: It is true white supremacy Feminists, like Sorheim happily endorse White Supremacy Psych Doctrine
0938 Husby: Many White Supremacy PsychoTerror Patients act like Stanley Milgram subjects: lambs to the slaughter
1001: Sorheim: It is very NB White Supremacy Psych literature is never understandable or translated.
1003: Sorheim: It is important that only White Supremacy Psychiatrists be allowed God Delusions to dictate what is 'normal jihadi' reality
1016: Sorheim: WASPsychTerror works to terrorize all to slave-behave as White Supremacy Corporations demand they do.
1109: Sorheim: White Supremacy Feminists will not allow White Men to be Honour Jihadi Terrorists, only Rape the Planet Corporate Terrorists
1142: Husby: White Supremacy Psychiatry attracts people who want to believe they are God and can dictate which race, class and gender of humans are allowed to be 'normal Jihadis'
» » » » [Radical Honoursty]

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