Eco Innocent v Ego Man Scarcity Combatant’s and their Crime of Aggression Acts of War Footprints
Eco Innocents: Anders Breivik, Dylann Storm Roof, Aaron Alexis, Chris Harper-Mercer, Beate Zchape, Ted Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh
Ego Scarcity Combatants: Jacob Zuma, Cliven Bundy, Brad Blanton, Dennis Banks, Martin Luther King, Julian Assange, Mark Zuckerberg, William Windsor.
08 October 2015 | Andrea Muhrrteyn
An individuals Ego/Eco Footprint is determined from their:
Consumption Footprint x Procreation Factor.
Consumption Footprint: An Individuals Consumption Footprint is a measure of their consumption of renewable natural resources. The total area of productive land or sea required to produce all the crops, meat, seafood, wood and fibre the individual consumes, to sustain its energy consumption and to give space for its infrastructure. The individuals consumption habits (size of house, consumption habits, etc need to be collected) are submitted to a Footprint Quiz calculator.
Procreation Factor: The procreation factor is '20' for every child. For every child the citizen has procreated, their consumption footprint must be multiplied by a factor of 20; i.e. (1 child, multiply by '20'; 2 children, multiply by 40; and so on)
These Footprint analysis and conclusions have been submitted to scientific Footprint experts for their feedback and confirmation to International Criminal Court; in the matter of EoP PoW -v- Nobel Peace Laurettes, et al.