Veterans Today/Press TV: Assange Mossad Ties unveiled, via EcoFeminist's Breivik USCAAF Amicus Curiae
Might too much transparency wake your brood sow human factory farm production factories up to Ecological reality? You Left and Right Wing Fundamentalists are playing your Left and Right Wing Masculine Insecurity Bullshit-the-Public Relations Human Factory Farming game to convince women to join your left/right wing human factory farms as brood sows to breed enough cannon fodder, so that you can enforce your Left/Right Wing Humpty Dumpty definition of ‘innocent’ and ‘guilty’ on each other by force; while totally ignoring the inaccurate assumptions about Ecological reality underlying your Masculine Insecurity Anthropocentric law!
Andrea Muhrrteyn | EcoFeminist vs. Breivik | 03 October 2012
From: Habeus Mentem
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 1:42 PM
To: 'PressTV'; 'Press TV Newsroom'; 'Veterans Today'; 'Veterans Today Editor'
Cc: CCR: Wikileaks; CCR: Democracy Now: Amy Goodman; CCR: Guardian: Glenn Greenwald; CCR: Kevin Goztola; CCR: Shayana Kadilal
Subject: Veterans Today / PressTV.IR: RE: Exclusive: Assange-Mossad ties unveiled
Mr. Gordon Duff
6, East 2nd St.
Farhang Blvd. Saadat Abad
19977-66411, Tehran, IRAN
Tel: +98 (21) 230 111 30 | Fax: +98 (21) 230 111 39
CC: Wikileaks / CCR
Mr. Duff & Press TV Editor:
Veterans Today & PressTV.IR confirm EcoFeminist Amicus Curiae to US Court of Appeals for Armed Forces Correct: Bradley Manning Cannot get Fair Trial when Media Abuse their Publicity Power, by refusing to practice scientific journalism!
I saw your Veterans Today article posted to PressTV.IR: Exclusive: Assange-Mossad ties unveiled, which alleges that Julian Assange has ties to the Mossad.
FYI / Disclosure: I am a member of the Radical Honesty culture, which is based on 100% transparency, and does not practice any Bullshit-the-Public Relations Image management. I am also a friend of Wikileaks (FoWL) in as much as Wikileaks supports transparency about EVERYTHING. I speak only for myself.
As far as I am aware, I am the only link between Wikileaks/Julian Assange and Anders Breivik, in terms of the Ecocentric Amicus Curiae I submitted to the United States Court of Appeals for Armed Forces in the CCR / Wikileaks vs. USA matter, which you have grossly misrepresented.
As detailed in attached PDF correspondence, it appears that you proved my allegations correct: Bradley Manning Cannot get Fair Trial when Media Abuse their Publicity Power, by refusing to practice scientific journalism!
Lara Johnstone
SHARP: Problem Solving Radical Honoursty Accountability
Mr. Gordon Duff
6, East 2nd St.
Farhang Blvd. Saadat Abad
19977-66411, Tehran, IRAN
Tel: +98 (21) 230 111 30 | Fax: +98 (21) 230 111 39
PressTV (, Newsroom (, Veterans Today (, Veterans Today Editor (
Veterans Today & PressTV.IR confirm EcoFeminist Amicus Curiae to US Court of Appeals for Armed Forces Correct: Bradley Manning Cannot get Fair Trial when Media Abuse their Publicity Power, by refusing to practice scientific journalism!
I saw your Veterans Today article posted to PressTV.IR: Exclusive: Assange-Mossad ties unveiled, which alleges that Julian Assange has ties to the Mossad.
FYI / Disclosure: I am a member of the Radical Honesty culture, which is based on 100% transparency, and does not practice any Bullshit-the-Public Relations Image management. I am also a friend of Wikileaks (FoWL) in as much as Wikileaks supports transparency about EVERYTHING. I speak only for myself.
I notice for someone who professes to support 'truth'; you practice very little, if any, transparency. I am curious what your definition of 'truth' is? How do you propose your readers know whether you are telling the truth, when you never provide your readers with any access to any documents you refer to, and you appear addicted to anonymous sources.
I am rather confused what you mean when you state “No move has ever been made against Wikileaks by the United States”.
The Wikileaks backgrounder for Mr. Assange's talk to the UN refers to, among others:
US Grand Jury Investigation of WikiLeaks: The US Government has coordinated a joint interagency criminal investigation of Wikileaks comprised of a partnership between the Department of Defense (DOD) including: CENTCOM; SOUTHCOM; the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA); Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA); Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA); US Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) for USFI (US Forces Iraq) and 1st Armored Division (AD); US Army Computer Crimes Investigative Unit (CCIU); 2nd Army (US Army Cyber Command); Within that or in addition, three military intelligence investigations were conducted. Department of Justice (DOJ) Grand Jury and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of State (DOS) and Diplomatic Security Service (DSS). In addition, Wikileaks has been investigated by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Office of the National CounterIntelligence Executive (ONCIX), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the House Oversight Committee; the National Security Staff Interagency Committee, and the PIAB (President’s Intelligence Advisory Board).
Furthermore: Are you suggesting that no US Goverment Official had anything to do with the financial blockade against Wikileaks? Paypal et al, simply decided of their own volition – smoking too much pot, perhaps, they thought they would appoint themselves as the Financial police of the planet??? - that they were going to instigate a financial blockade, against the only news publication on the planet practicing SCIENTIFIC JOURNALISM AND TRANSPARENCY?
So, who is the “pig” and who is the “chicken”; or is that all just Humpty Dumpty bullshit, cause when you want to, you Humpty Dumpty your definition of “pig”, to pretend it is “chicken”?
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master - that's all.” - Carrol, L (1872): Through the Looking-Glass
Could you please provide your sources for your allegations that Assange coordinates his releases with the worlds druglords, his “bankster” friends and, closest of all, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, his strongest supporter, to interfere in the American election on behalf of Mitt Romney?
Are you saying you actually think and believe there is a fundamental difference between Mitt Romney and Barak Obama? Far as I see it... they are both “pig” who happily Bullshit the Public Relations that they are “chicken”! Believing one word that comes out of either of their snouts is to admit you ain't no different than Jim Jones Coolaid gang: desperate to be mindfucked and abused as Republican/Democrat cannon fodder.
Or if we asked Malcolm X he’d say the same… there ain’t no difference between the ‘growling wolf’s policies and the smiling foxes policies, except the growling wolf is more honest about whom he is.
Malcolm X (1963/12/04): “The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful…. more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and conservatives. …. The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox.”
I stand corrected, but, as far as I am aware, one of, if not the largest druglord on the planet, is the Central Intelligence Agency, acting on behalf of Democrat and Republican Presidents to manipulate the Wall Street Popsicle Index; even the CIA's Inspector General Report admitted as much [From the Wilderness: CIA & Drugs]. Invasion of Afghanistan had as primary Peak Oil motive - controlling worlds remaining oil supplies – and secondarily the control of Afghanistan's drug profits.
Are you suggesting that Julian Assange and the CIA are working together? Or which drug lords are you referring to?
Julian Assange and bankster friends? Who the fuck are Assange's bankster friends? Paypal? Visa? Mastercard? Nice buddies, huh?
Are you confused between Netanyahu and Correa? They don't look alike. Are you aware that Assange is in the Ecuador Embassy, not the Israeli Embassy? I am unaware of any 'friendship' between Mr. Assange and Netanyahu; could you kindly enlighten the world, with evidence? Some of us ain't addicted to Jew hating; we think Jews, Muslims, etc should be judged upon evidence.
While you are at it, could you kindly provide your evidence that Assange supported the war against Iraq, a US attack on Iran, war with Pakistan, supports US interference in Syria? Are you aware of any documentation in Wikileaks possession regarding the World Trade Center Attacks, which they have not published? As far as I was aware, Wikileaks published the 9/11 Pager data.
You accuse Mr. Assange of being an 'Islamophobe'. What is your definition for Islamophobe? Why would an Islamophobe give an uncensored interview to the leader of Hisbollah, and many other Muslim activists? The last uncensored interview I can recall by a journalist of a controversial individual was that of an Israeli Journalist interviewing Ernest Zundel . How many politically correct mindfucked lilly white guilt journalists have the honour and integrity of that Israeli journalist?
Or is your use of 'Islamophobe' purely a Propaganda Warfare bullshit scheme: you acting as an agent on behalf of Islamicists to instill fear of Islam “Islamophobia” into the hearts of non-Muslims, using any means necessary to force them to submit to Islam’s might; a subtle threat to Mr. Assange; that if he does not bow down to being buttfucked by “Islamophobia” threats, then what, Mr. Duff?
What are you not Islamophobic about Mr. Duff? How Muslim men treat women? You got fuck all problem with Muslim women being used as doormats and brood sow cannon fodder? Any man who stands up for women's rights and objects to Muslims treatment is an Islamophobe? Are you attempting to threaten Wikileaks/CCR from consenting to the EcoCentric Amicus Curiae submission to the USCAAF?
You got yourself a White Guilt complex or a Masculine Insecurity complex, Mr. Huff? Muslims and muslim societies, or Islam religion can not be held to the same standards as Europeans, European society or Christianity; and god knows they have been lowering their standards into the gutter for so long, they hardly have any fucking standards left; so desperate are white guilt politically correct mindfucked Europeans to give up all capacity for critical thinking and rational thought? Anyone who has any criticism for Muslims is an Islamophobe, cause you got yourself a white guilt complex, and think Muslims are somehow inferior and should not be held to the same standards as anyone else? Is that why Veterans Today - like so many White Guilt Feminists - couldn't give a flying fuck about how many Muslim men treat Muslim women?
“Alas, many of my western "postmodern" feminist daughters and granddaughters have betrayed their feminist ideals. They have become Stalinized and "Palestinianized," and are now invested in what they call "multi-cultural relativism," "anti-racism," and "post-colonialism." Thus, they are far more concerned with the rights of barbarian cultures to treat women and children in barbarically misogynist ways lest they, the politically correct feminists, be demonized as "racists" or "Islamophobes." Their false concern about "racism" has trumped their concern about sexism. This means that they have abandoned formerly colonized women of color, especially in Muslim countries and in Muslim communities in the West, to their Islamist fate. As you know, they have supported Western governmental policies of "multi-cultural relativism" with the same results.” – Phyllis Chesler, No More Harems: The Hidden History of Muslim and Ex-Muslim Feminism: The battle for women's rights is central to the battle for Europe and for western values.
You write: “Fox News has a standing offer to let [Assange] openly broadcast on government approved public airways all day every day.”
LOL. Are you joking? As far as I was aware, Fox News hates Wikileaks. FoxNews is not very interested in transparency, and most certainly not in bipartisan transparency. Same as Veterans Today. You got your hatred pot for the Jews, you want everything blamed on the Jews and rejoice when the Jews dirty linen is exposed, but you not so keen to expose Palestinian dirty linen. Fox News got their love for the Jews. You got more in common with Fox News than Julian Assange does. Assange supports transparency on pretty much anything, as far as I can tell; whereas you and Fox News only support transparency to expose your Left/Right wing ideological fundamentalist enemies dirty linen.
Fox News National Security Analyst and host of's "DefCon 3.": KT McFarland: Yes, WikiLeaks Is a Terrorist Organization and the Time to Act Is NOW:
“The United States should move immediately and aggressively against WikiLeaks. And President Obama should take the following four steps: 1. Declare WikiLeaks a terrorist organization. Move to freeze its assets and have the Pentagon's new Cyber Command shut it down. 2. Shut the site down. The U.S. should urge fellow NATO ally Iceland (which hosts the WikiLeaks website) to shut it down, and suggest that if they do not do so immediately our relations will suffer. Ditto for any other country that steps up to host the website. 3. Get Assange's passport pulled. The president needs to get on the phone with the Australians (who are eagerly awaiting our call) and ask them to pull WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s passport. Once he’s cornered and can no longer travel, they can find him and charge him with espionage. Then the president can ask the country he’s hiding in to extradite him to the United States and try him in a military tribunal. 4. Up the charges against Manning.
Fox News: Military Analyst: Retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters: 'Julian Assange Should be Killed' .
You further write: “For those who never noticed, Julian Assange is the darling of Europe’s ultra-nationalists and “anti-immigration” crowd, seemingly a genetic twin to Andrew Breveik, the Norwegian mass murderer who killed 77 children of party members who supported the Israeli boycott.”
As far as I am aware, most of Europe's ultra-nationalists, can't fucking stand Assange and Wikileaks, anymore than you or FoxNews can. In fact if anything binds you, Foxnews, and Europe's ultra nationalists together into an intellectual buttfucking orgy, it is your hatred for Assange and Wikileaks.
Might too much transparency wake your brood sow human factory farm production factories up to Ecological reality?
You Left and Right Wing Fundamentalists are playing your Left and Right Wing Masculine Insecurity Bullshit-the-Public Relations Human Factory Farming game to convince women to join your left/right wing human factory farms as brood sows to breed enough cannon fodder, so that you can enforce your Left/Right Wing Humpty Dumpty definition of ‘innocent’ and ‘guilty’ on each other by force; while totally ignoring the inaccurate assumptions about Ecological reality underlying your Masculine Insecurity Anthropocentric law!
The only link between Wikileaks and Breivik is myself, and its not even a link. I support transparency, as it is the foundation of my culture, and to the extent that Wikileaks supports transparency, I support Wikileaks. I don't agree with all Wikileaks does, I consider much of Wikileaks legal perspective to be Anthropocentrically delusional, and I have informed them of my legal opinions in writing, as an Amicus Curiae submission to the US Court of Appeals for Armed Forces, copy at EcoFeminist vs. Anders Breivik.
I provided about half a dozen Veterans Organisations with a copy of the Amicus Curiae: 'King Condemned US Wars Intl Awareness Campaign'; 'Veterans for Peace: ExDir: Mike Reid'; 'Veterans for Peace: OfcMng: Virginia Druhe'; 'Veterans for Peace: CommCoor: Shelly Rocket'; 'War Crimes Times: Ed'; 'War Crimes Times: Clare'; 'Iraq Water Project: Art Dorland'; 'BradleyManningOrg: Emma'; 'Veterans for Peace'; 'VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War'; 'GI Rights'; 'SOA: School of America's Watch'; 'United National Antiwar Coalition'; 'Prosecute US War Crimes Against Humanity Now'
I also provided a copy to: 'NATO Public Information Office'; 'Norwegian Intel. Svc.'; 'NSA-CSS Chief'; 'NSA: Stuart Church'; 'Ray_McGovern_VIPS'; 'Ray_McGovern_VIPS'; 'Small Wars Journal; 'Swedish Sec. Svc'; CENTCOM Insp. Gen.; Blackwater/XE; Belgium Mil. Intel.; Bo Gritz; Bundesnachrichtendienst; Gen. Anthony Zinni; 'Karen Kiwatkowski'; 'US: NASA: ECHO Clearinghouse'; 'CENTCOM Com JTF Horn of Africa Public Affairs'; 'JAG: Dep Judge Adv Gen'; 'DoD: Media'; 'Estonia Min. of Defense'; 'Unified Quest'; 'Unified Quest'; 'Unified Quest'; 'Unified Quest'; 'US Army Environmental Command'; and 'Gen Stanley McChrystal'.
Since that document I authored: the Amicus Curiae submission to the US Court of Appeals for Armed Forces in CCR/Wikileaks vs USA, is the only link between Breivik and Assange; I imagine that is the source of your allegation of “Julian Assange is the darling of Europe’s ultra-nationalists and “anti-immigration” crowd, seemingly a genetic twin to Andrew Breveik, the Norwegian mass murderer who killed 77 children of party members who supported the Israeli boycott.”
However your gross misinterpretation of my legal documentation filed in the CCR / Wikileaks vs USA matter, would fall flat on its face, if you provided your readers with access to the original documentation, so you, chose not to; in order to spread your smear mongering misinformation; thereby in fact proving the argument made in my Amicus: Bradley Manning canot get a free and fair trial, if the media don’t practice scientific journalism transparency, and instead practice your yellow journalism misrepresentation and smear mongering.
My link to Mr. Breivik: I support everyone's right to a free and fair trial, not just those who share my ideology (Radical Honoursty). Its called supporting the rule of law. I am aware you only support the rule of law for those whom you agree with (called mobjustice by honest people). To support the rule of law, you must support the rule of law for your enemy!
I don't think you solve problems by scapegoating people. I believe dialogue and discussion about facts is far more conducive than calling people names like 'racist' and 'zionist' and 'islamophobe' and 'malthusian' and such horseshit.
But then of course, my goal is problem solving of problems; whereas most everyone else’s goals is pretend problem solving, to gain themselves a fucking fanclub for their parasitism and masculine insecurity ego. I ain’t got no fanclubs, and I am the only member of the SHARP political party, cause it requires members to commit to SHARP’s Fully Informed Consenting Honour Contract Oath.
As I wrote to Mr. Breivik:
“Moral Support for Rule of Law Free and Fair Trial does NOT Equate to Ideological Support: I must emphasize the following so that you are not under any false illusions. My support is not for your ideology. I am not a nationalist, nor a militant nationalist, nor have I ever claimed to be one. Nor do I discriminate against anyone who considers themselves a nationalist, however they may define ‘nationalist’ or ‘militant nationalist’.”
You write: “Few look behind the politics to the actual agenda of the New World Order, the “Malthusians” who believe that there are simply what they call too many “useless eaters.”
Simplistically, as far as I can tell:
• Non-Malthusians believe the earth is flat, and resources are infinite, hence they can breed and consume to their hearts content, cause there are no resource limits.
• Malthusians believe the earth is not flat, resources are finite, and overbreeding and overconsumption leads to resource wars and in its last stages, the four horses of the apocalypse; hence anyone sincerely committed to avoiding the four horses of the apocalypse (as opposed to embracing it as their entry to hell/heaven) would require their flock to breed and consume in accordance to their nation/region’s carrying capacity.
If that is your definition of Malthusian; I am indeed a Malthusian. As I stated in the EcoCentric Amicus submission – including Wikileaks:
Permission to speak Mad Col. Jessop from Kyishodruk - ‘You can’t handle the - Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom - Truth’: If you free yourself from the Anthropocentric Masculine Insecurity / Control of Reproduction MycroPhallophobia Mindfuck prison leading humanity over the ecocide cliff, to confront Homer Lea he would declare : The origin of war occurs in the self delusional bullshit belief of everyone who - like Urinetown’s Hope Caldwell – believes they can self-righteously pretend to oppose war, genocide and soldiers and Generals so-called war crimes, while endorsing the inalienable right of everyone to breed, consume as much as they like, whenever they like, wherever they like; and vote for more of the same.
If you support the Inalienable Right to Breed and Vote; you are NOT ANTI-WAR. The only true innocent’s in any war are the victims who lived a procreation and consumption lifestyle, with a footprint below their nations carrying capacity; thereby not contributing to overpopulation or resource wars.
If that makes me a Malthusian, then so be it. I have not the foggiest clue what Mr. Assange’s views or Wikileaks views are on the matter.
I speak only for SHARP and myself.
Lara Johnstone
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